

Din sökning på "*" gav 509415 sökträffar

Condition based maintenance of gas turbines using simulation data and artificial neural network: A demonstration of feasibility

Gas turbine maintenance is crucial due to high cost for the replacement of its components and associated loss of power during shutdown period. Conventional scheduled maintenance, based on equivalent operating hours, is not the best alternative as it can require unnecessary shut downs. Condition based maintenance is an attractive alternative as it decreases unnecessary shut downs and has other adva

Ungdomars engagemang i kulturföreningar och socialt kapital

Ungdomars engagemang i föreningsverksamhet och organisering förutsägs ofta á priori vara något bra. Mer sällan problematiseras frågan, t.ex. genom att ställa frågan vem som organiserar sig. Denna artikel utgår från litteraturen om socialt kapital och har bl.a. tagit intryck av Bourdieus modell för socialt kapital. I en ekonomisk modell med inspiration från Bourdieu kommer värdet av en individs so

On the Thresholds of Generalized LDPC Convolutional Codes Based on Protographs

A threshold analysis of terminated generalized LDPC convolutional codes (GLDPC CCs) is presented for the binary erasure channel. Different ensembles of protograph-based GLDPC CCs are considered, including braided block codes (BBCs). It is shown that the terminated PG-GLDPC CCs have better thresholds than their block code counterparts. Surprisingly, our numerical analysis suggests that for large te

Universitetsforskning och konkurrensproblem

Hur ställer sig samhället till en samverkan mellan universitetsforskare, som själva vill delta i den fortsatta kommersialiseringen, och industriella aktörer – dominanten eller utmanarna? Svaret har en tydlig EU-koppling och berör ett centralt satsningsområde för unionen, men hänsyn måste också tas till EU-rättens krav på att en effektiv konkurrens bevaras på viktiga innovationsmarknader. Vilka reg

Fängelsebråk. Analyser av konflikter på anstalt

Massmedia sometimes report on quarrels, riots or violent escapes in prisons. This book takes the reader behind the headlines in order to present interviewed inmates' and staff members own descriptions and reflections on "jail quarrels". The author shows how the enforced intimacy of modern prisons creates peculiar patterns of both 'fighting mood' and its opposite: containment or 'prison stillness'.

Journalism Worthy of the Name: A Human Rights Perspective on Freedom within the Press

There is much tension between the conception of the press as a private enterprise subject to the logic of the market and the press as an instrument of democracy. One of the broken promises of democracy is the failure of the market in guaranteeing a vigorous political debate. The European Court of Human Rights has ascribed to the press the vital role of Public Watchdog, making it incumbent on it to

Pensionsreformen - hur var den möjlig?

Många pensionssystem är ohållbara. Sverige är ett av de länder som lyckats genomföra en pensionsreform. Kapitlet ger en politisk-ekonomisk analys av hur detta var möjligt.

Taming the Prophets : Astrology, Orthodoxy and the Word of God in Early Modern Sweden

Popular Abstract in English In May 1619, the Finnish astrologer Sigfridus Aronus Forsius (d. 1624) was examined by clerical authorities. In the verdict, astrology was rejected as a pagan craft, forbidden for any Christian. Yet still astrology was inseparable from the scholarly conception of the world. The principles of astral influence were more or less self-evident in physical theory and in medicThe purpose of this thesis is to analyse a displacement of the limits between allowable and illicit knowledge in the orthodox, Lutheran discourse of early modern Sweden. Focusing on the debate over astrology, exemplified in the works of Laurentius Paulinus Gothus (1565-1646) and Sigfridus Aronus Forsius (d. 1624), the thesis aims to challenge the view of how the Reformation, regarded as a prelimin