

Din sökning på "*" gav 530206 sökträffar

Real-time dynamic MLC tracking for inversely optimized arc radiotherapy

Background and purpose: Motion compensation with MLC tracking was tested for inversely optimized arc radiotherapy with special attention to the impact of the size of the target displacements and the angle of the leaf trajectory. Materials and methods: An MLC-tracking algorithm was used to adjust the MLC positions according to the target movements using information from an optical real-time positio

A 28-year Single Institutional Experience of Complete Reduction of Extremity Lymphedema Using Suction Assisted Lipectomy.

PURPOSE: Absent lymph flow and chronic inflammationleads to excess subcutaneous adipose tissue deposition.Chronic non-pitting lymphedema does not respond to conservativetreatment or microsurgical procedures becausethey do not target the adipose tissue. Removing the adiposetissue using suction assisted lipectomy (SAL) seems thus tobe a logic treatment strategy.METHODS: Arms: 190 women, mean±SEM age

New Music and Institutional Critique

While institutional critique has long been an important part of artistic practice and theoretical debate in the visual arts, it has long escaped attention in the field of music. This open access volume assembles for the first time an array of theoretical approaches and practical examples dealing with New Music’s institutions, their critique, and their transformations. For scholars, leaders, and pr

The Personal is Political – And Then What? Ideology, Representation, and Legitimacy in a Swedish Disability Organisation

Background: Who can or cannot claim to represent other members within the disability rights movement has been discussed for decades, mainly concerning being disabled as an eligibility prerequisite. Aim(s): The aim is to analyse arguments concerning representational claims within a Swedish disability rights organisation (DHR, Disability Human Rights). Method: Every member of DHR was given the oppor

OME-Zarr : A cloud-optimized bioimaging file format with international community support

A growing community is constructing a next-generation file format (NGFF) for bioimaging to overcome problems of scalability and heterogeneity. Organized by the Open Microscopy Environment (OME), individuals and institutes across diverse modalities facing these problems have designed a format specification process (OME-NGFF) to address these needs. This paper brings together a wide range of those c

Associations between dietary inflammatory scores and biomarkers of inflammation in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort

Background: Since the first version of the dietary inflammatory index (DII®) developed in the past decade, several other versions have been developed. However, to date no study has attempted to compare these versions with respect to their associations with biomarkers of inflammation. Objective: We aimed to investigate the relationship between four dietary inflammatory scores [DII, two energy-adjus

Engaging for sustainable development and transformation : exploring the concept of transformative academic institutions

Universities are increasingly being seen as a positive vehicle for territorial development and regional transformation, with an important role in enhancing Social, Economic and Sustainable Development of territories. The world’s sustainability challenges are listed in the United Nation’s Agenda 2030, that includes Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as actors that can work in partnership with oth

A validation of the Swedish self-concept and Identity Measure (SCIM) and its association with mental health problems

Pathological disturbance to one's identity is closely linked with mental illness and in particular personality disorders. Current measures of identity pathology within clinical research are nevertheless inconsistently used and present with substantial limitations such as disproportionate focus on adolescence. The Self-Concept and Identity Measure (SCIM) identifies pathological and non-pathological

A Methodology for Evaluating the Performance of Material Models Under Biaxial Loads

The objective of this thesis is to develop a methodology for evaluating the performance of material models during biaxial loads. This is done by executing identical punch tests, one in a simulation and one in a physical experiment, and then comparing the results from the two. The material model that is to be evaluated is used in the simulation and a specimen of the corresponding material in the ph

Kapitalbindning – det gamla nya? - En kvalitativ studie kring lagerhållningsstrategier och osäkerhet

Forskningsfrågor: Vilken typ av lagerhållningsstrategi väljer företag att tillämpa under osäkerhet? Är just-in-time-modellen förlegad? Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka hur lagerhanteringen hos företagen har sett ut och hur osäkerheter i omvärlden påverkar företagens val av lagerhantering. Metod: Uppsatsen grundar sig på en kvalitativ undersökning med ett abduktivt synsätt där en inteResearch question: What inventory management strategy do companies implement during uncertainty? Is the just-in-time model outdated? Purpose: The study aims to explore how uncertainties in the external environment influences companies' inventory management practices. Methodology: This thesis employs an abductive quantitative research approach, utilizing an interview and questionnaire to s

Valutarisken inom Stockholmsbörsen - En kvantitativ undersökning av OMXS30-bolagens valutaexponering

Titel: Valutarisken inom Stockholmsbörsen, en kvantitativ undersökning av OMXS30- bolagens valutaexponering. Seminariedatum: 1 juni 2023. Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå. Författare: Felix Hult, Mahdi Rahideh & André Rosdahl. Handledare: Göran Andersson. Nyckelord: Valutarisk, valutaexponering, OMXS30, aktieavkastning, hedging. Forskningsfråga: 1. Påverkas värdeTitle: The Foreign Exchange Risk of the Stockholm Stock Exchange, a Quantitative Analysis of the Foreign Exchange Risk Exposure of OMXS30-Firms. Seminar date: 1 June 2023. Course: FEKH89, Bachelor’s Thesis in Corporate Finance. Authors: Felix Hult, Mahdi Rahideh & André Rosdahl. Advisor: Göran Andersson. Key words: Foreign exchange risk, Foreign exchange exposure, OMXS30, stock return, hedging

Toward a gender perspective on courts evaluation: A socio-legal study of Chinese women’s trust in courts

This study aimed to explore how women, as the dominated, evaluate an institution (the court) that is under the control of the dominant from a gender perspective. To fulfill the research aims and provide empirical evidence to the field, this thesis has conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis to explore the observed phenomena and understand them within the socio-legal theoretical framework

What’s the name of the game?

Examensarbetets titel: What’s the name of the game? – Om resultatjustering när mandaten står på spel – En kvantitativ analys om hur valcykeln påverkar resultatjusteringen i svenska kommuner. Seminariedatum: 2 Juni 2023 Kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: Julia Jankovic, Mari-Ling Komber, Linnéa Petersson Handledare: Mattias Haraldsson Fem nyckelord: Resulta

Assessing the Impacts of Future Climate Change on Tree Cover Densities in Nigeria with a Proposal of States Suitable for Climate Mitigation

With an increase in temperature (T) and a change in precipitation (P) patterns due to climate change, global conditions for tree growth are changing and shifting. While some areas experience an increase in P, favoring tree growth, many regions are also predicted to show a decrease in P, leading to trends of desertification. This study examines the projected climate change in Nigeria, located in Su

The Perceived Support From Light and Color Before and After an Evidence-Based Design Intervention in an Emergency Department Environment : A Quasi-Experimental Study

Aim: To evaluate patients’ and family members’ perceived support from light and color before, compared with after an evidence-based design (EBD) intervention at an emergency department (ED) using a validated instrument—the Light and Color Questionnaire (LCQ). Background: EDs offer acute care day and night. Thus, a supportive physical environment where light and color is crucial for how the milieu

The assessment of the acute and second meal postprandial impact of plant polar lipid on glucose concentrations and satiety in healthy young adults

Lifestyle modifications could be crucial in preventing and managing type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including diet and postprandial glycaemic control. Previous studies on the effects of polar lipids (PLs) on postprandial metabolic responses at Lund University have shown conflicting results. To reconcile these findings and contribute to the existing literature, th