

Din sökning på "*" gav 529380 sökträffar

The Performance of Private Equity-backed IPOs and the Effect of M&A-activity - A European Study

PURPOSE The purpose of this paper is to investigate how private equity backed IPOs perform once they go public. That is, to investigate whether or not these private equity firms have created highly competitive, high performance portfolio companies and to see if the portfolio companies are able to retain those qualities even after going public. These results are then to be compared with previous re

Inventory Control -at Maintenance Unit Tetra Pak in Lund

Maintenance Unit is one out of many divisions at Tetra Pak in Lund. They are producing spare parts for the dairies to enable a quick and easy way of serving the packaging machines. When assembling the spare parts, approximately 30 % of the components used are reconditioned components, lowering the price for the spare part. Today they have 1000 different spare parts in their product portfolio and d

Facebooks alla nollor - går de att lita på?

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att utforska den nya affärsmodell som sociala medier bygger på och hur värderingsmodellerna bör anpassas till detta för att resultera i trovärdiga värderingar av sociala nätverk. Metod: Undersökningen är av kvalitativ art med kompletterande djupintervjuer. Vi har använt oss utav en abduktiv ansats för att bäst öka förståelsen kring ämnet. Teoretisk referensram: G

Green Reasons: Factors Behind Green IS and IT Initiatives

The IS and IT of organizations are not only a part of the environmental problems of the world, but can be part of the solution as well. Green IS and IT can transform an organization, allowing it to improve its environmental performance. To influence an organization to adopt Green IS and IT, one has to convince its decision makers at some point and should therefore understand what influences them.

Recent graduates in the aftermath of the Crisis - A struggle between high expectations and crushing realities

Using qualitative interviews with twenty recent graduates, this study explores how participants understand and experience career in the aftermath of the crisis. Overall, this study suggests that several dominant theories and practical storylines surrounding notions of career and career development present a static view that fails to take important contexts into account. We aim to provide a deeper

Rörelseförvärv enligt IFRS 3 - Varför följs inte standarden?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att förklara varför de noterade bolagen på OMX Nordiska Börs Stockholm och NGM Equity avviker från att tillämpa IFRS 3 vid rörelseförvärv. Studien grundar sig på den deduktiva ansatsen. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i flera olika teorier och ett eklektiskt angreppssätt blir därför aktuellt. För att samla in empirisk material till undersökningen används börsbolagens årsredovi

Vendor Managed Inventory or ”Order Only” customers? An investigation of customer suitability for delivery agreements at Linde Gas

Linde Gas is one division belonging to The Linde Group, which is an industrial gas and engineering company. With its 53000 employees in 70 countries and related sales of about €12 billion, The Linde Group is a world leading company. Linde Gas has two different types of delivery agreements which are seen as profitable; the customer can call in himself to place an order (”Order Only” customer) or th

Utility Investment Planning using Risk Analysis: A Case Study of Tanzania’s Power Sector

Investments in infrastructure projects in developing countries are often seen as risky by private investors and local capital markets are not fully developed. Consequently, financial resources and guarantees are often to a large extent provided by financial institutions. Financial and economic analysis is important in assessing infrastructure investment proposals in order to assure that they are f

Economic Partnership as a Stabilizing Factor for Shaping Political and Social Cooperation. The case of Evros-Maritza-Meric Euroregion

Cross-border integration between Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria has been recently dominated by traditional perception of political diplomacy that overrides the considerations for economic cooperation. This project suggests that more in-depth case analysis of the Evros-Maritza-Meric Euroregion will elucidate the evolution of this concept. The existence of long-term barriers in the cross-border region

Enstegstätade putsfasader med träregelstomme

Enstegstätning av fasader fick stor uppmärksamhet i Sverige av allmänheten då SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut under våren år 2007 gick ut med information om dess komplikationer. De komplikationer som uppstått gäller främst för enstegstätade väggar som har tunnputs på cellplast med träregelstomme. Med komplikationer menar man vattenläckage genom fasaden. Dessa uppkommer på grund av fel utfö

Initial steps toward MRI-based treatment planning for external radiotherapy

En ofta använd behandlingsmetod mot cancer är strålbehandling. Inför en sådan behandling undersöks patienten ofta med en typ av röntgenundersökning som kallas datortomografi (eng. computed tomomgraphy, CT). Röntgenbilderna visar hur mycket av strålningen som absorberas av kroppen, vilket innebär att man tydligt ser skillnad mellan ben, som absorberar mer av strålningen än vävnad och luft, som strå"Introduction; The aim of this study was to examine the possibilities for MRI-based radiotherapy treatment planning. The work included evaluation of geometric image distortions in MR-images, investigations of how segmentation of bone could be performed from images acquired with the ultra short time of echo (UTE) pulse sequence and assessment of dosimetric differences between treatment plannin

Trademark parody and Freedom of expression – Shall we dance?

The Thesis’ subject, a notion of trademark parodies, by its legal nature simultaneously belongs to two branches of law – an intellectual property law and a human rights law. Thus, it falls under umbrella of ongoing debate about relations between the aforementioned ones. A chosen area of the research – trademark law – narrows viewpoints to the specific perspectives. The question about parody in law

MRI-Based Quantification of Intra-Myocellular Fat Content

Jag har i detta arbete tagit fram en metod för att mäta mängden fett i muskelceller som vare sig kräver vävnadsprover eller nålstick. Metoden ger också en bild av fettfördelningen i vävnaden. Detta kan vara mycket användbart vid utveckling av läkemedel, men också vid diabetes- och fetmaforskning. Muskelceller innehåller ett bränsleförråd i form av en droppe fett. För diabetespatienter och som en b"Introduction Cardiac steatosis, or overstorage of fat in the cardiac muscle cells, is a possible side effect from drugs treating diabetes mellitus. Therefore, a non-invasive means of fat quantification is needed during drug development. The aim of this master thesis is to develop a method to quantify the fraction intra-myocellular fat in the cardiac muscle of rats using magnetic resonance im

Dosimetric and geometric evaluation of MRI as the only imaging modality for the radiotherapy treatment process of localized prostate cancer

Idag finns det många olika sätt att avbilda människokroppens inre. Två av de vanligaste metoderna som används idag är magnetresonans (MR) och datortomografi (CT). MR använder sig av starka magnetfält och radiovågor för att skapa snittbilder av kroppen, medan CT använder sig av röntgenstrålar. Båda kamerorna har sina fördelar och nackdelar. MR ger bättre vävnadskontrast, det vill säga det är lättarIntroduction MRI provides better soft tissue contrast than CT and is an invaluable tool in the radiotherapy treatment process. The gold standard today is image fusion of MRI and CT data where targets and organs-at-risk are delineated on the MRI data and the dose calculation is performed on the CT data. It is appealing to exclude CT from the process in order to reduce cost and time and to eliminate

En situationsstudie av dissipation beräknad i HIRLAM

Detta arbete har syftat till att göra en situationsstudie av dissipation beräknad i HIRLAM, en numerisk prognosmodell, över Danmark och att ge författarna kunskap om fenomenet turbulens. Studien gjordes genom att bearbeta data erhållen från HIRLAM i MATLAB. Den nedersta delen av troposfären där jordytan har en påverkan på atmosfären kallas för gränsskiktet. När vinden blåser i gränsskiktet kommer This case study aimed at analyzing dissipation calculated in HIRLAM, a numerical forecast model, over Denmark and to give the authors more knowledge about the phenomenon of turbulence. The study was done by processing data obtained from HIRLAM in MATLAB. The lowest part of the troposphere where the surface of the earth has an impact on the air is called the planetary boundary layer. When the wind

Handlingsprogram för kommunalt säkerhetsarbete ‐ En studie över hur Umeå kommun kan utveckla sitt säkerhetsarbete

This master thesis investigates how municipalities can use action program for its safety work and how the municipality of Umeå can improve its work with such a program. Information has been gathered through literature studies and case studies involving the municipality of Umeå, four other municipalities and some of the responsible authorities for the area. Conclusions reached out is that an action

Investigating Mono- and Quadrupole Gravitational Light Deflection by Jupiter

Gravitational light deflection in the Solar System can be detected by high precision astrometric measurements. We discuss the parametrized post-Newtonian framework and the comparison of metric theories of gravity. At the precision of a few micro-arcseconds, Gaia data will permit tests of the PPN parameters beta and gamma and to distinguish monopole and quadrupole gravitational light deflection. Ac

JAPAN and The TLM MODEL : Adapting The Transitional Labour Market Theory to Japan

Japanese employment structure has been transforming in the face of economic recession, difficulty in work/life balance and ageing society. The diversification in the forms of employment such as increasing non-regular employment has enhanced labor market flexibility in Japan while causing security challenges for most people. This paper intends to bring a new perspective to Japanese context by apply

Manlighet Under Hot: Kommer män att ändra beteende under maskulinitetshot?

Tidigare forskning har visat att när mäns manlighet ifrågasätts genom ett så kallat maskulinitetshot, så kommer de tillfälligt att bete sig mer stereotypt manligt (Vandello, Bosson, Cohen, Burnaford & Weaver, 2008). Detta för att försöka visa inför andra män att de tillhör ingruppen män. I denna studie undersökte vi om maskulinitetshot kommer att få män att bli mer risktagande och mer intresse