

Din sökning på "*" gav 534296 sökträffar

The ability of abaxial and adaxial epidermis of sun and shade leaves to attenuate UV-A and UV-B radiation in relation to the UV absorbing capacity of the whole leaf methanolic extracts

The UV-absorbing capacity (measured as A(310) cm(-2) and A(365) cm(-2) or AUVR cm(-2)) of the shade leaves of four representative evergreen sclerophylls of the Mediterranean region (Quercus coccifera, Q. ilex, Arbutus andrachne and A. unedo) was considerably lower than the corresponding one of sun leaves of the same species. However, fibre optic microprobe measurements showed that adaxial as well

A heterogeneous population of alpha 1-adrenoceptors mediates contraction of the isolated follicle wall from the bovine ovary

Strips from Graafian follicles of bovine ovaries were tested for their contractile response in vitro in order to characterize the type of post-junctional alpha-adrenoceptor involved. Electrically induced contractions were inhibited concentration-dependently by the alpha 1-antagonist, prazosin. Besides noradrenaline the alpha 1-selective agonists, methoxamine and phenylephrine, caused the strips to

Development of a solid-phase extraction method for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in water

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in water were extracted with a rebuilt extraction unit using 47 mm C18 solid-phase extraction (SPE) disks. Three types of disks (SPEC, ENVI and Empore) were investigated for the extraction of seven PCBs from 1 l reagent water spiked at two concentration levels (20 and 1000 ng/l). The Empore disks produced the best analyte recoveries (91–107% with R.S.D. of 1–8%) at

Long-term follow-up of the SBG 9401 study comparing tailored FEC-based therapy versus marrow-supported high-dose therapy

Background: The purpose was to investigate adjuvant marrow-supportive high-dose chemotherapy compared with an equitoxicity-tailored comparator arm. Patients and methods: Five hundred and twenty-five women below the age of 60 years with operated high-risk primary breast cancer were randomised to nine cycles of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor supported and individually tailored FEC (5-fluorour

Great Britain, the United States, and the Security of the Middle East: The Formation of the Baghdad Pact

Popular Abstract in Swedish Anglo-amerikanska relationer efter andra världskriget bestod både av samarbete och konflikt. Ett exempel på det första var Pentagondiskussionerna 1947 då ett amerikanskt uttalande betonade det generella målet att upprätthålla säkerheten i Mellanöstern genom att stödja de brittiska politiska, ekonomiska och strategiska positionerna i området. Ett exempel på det senare vaAnglo-American post-Second World War relations in the Middle East included cases of close cooperation and conflict. An example of the former was the Pentagon Talks in 1947 when an American statement pointed out the general objective of maintaining the security of the Middle East by retaining the British political, economic, and strategic position in areas supported by the United States. An example

Optimization toward a high-average-brightness soft-x-ray laser pumped at grazing incidence

We report the near-field imaging characterization of a 10 Hz Ni-like 18.9 nm molybdenum soft-x-ray laser pumped in a grazing incidence pumping (GRIP) geometry with a table-top laser driver. We investigate the effect of varying the GRIP angle on the spatial behavior of the soft-x-ray laser source. After multiparameter optimization, we were able to find conditions to generate routinely a high-repeti

Marsupial relationships and a timeline for marsupial radiation in South Gondwana

Recent marsupials include about 280 species divided into 18 families and seven orders. Approximately 200 species live in Australia/New Guinea. The remaining species inhabit South America with some of these secondarily ranging into North America. In this study, we examine marsupial relationships and estimate their divergences times using complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes. The sampling, which incl

Cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in seven counties in Sweden in relation to water hardness and geological settings. The project: myocardial infarction in mid-Sweden

An east-west regional gradient in cardiovascular mortality was found within seven counties in mid-Sweden during the years 1969-1983. The mortality differences were of considerable magnitude for ischaemic heart disease (IHD) as well as for stroke. In previous reports, in which the distribution of risk factors among middle-aged men was presented, the moderate variation among the communities could no

Survival of mammalian cells exposed to ultrahigh dose rates from a laser-produced plasma x-ray source

PURPOSE: To determine whether intense laser-produced x rays have an increased radiation hazard. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mammalian cells were exposed to x rays from a laser-produced plasma that produced ultrahigh peak absorbed dose rates, up to a factor of 10(10) higher than those produced by conventional x rays used in imaging. The cell survival was studied as a function of the absorbed dose. The s

Initiation of ventilation, surfactant treatment, and lung function after preterm birth

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om lungornas funktion hos för tidigt födda (prematura) barn med brist på surfaktant, ett ämne som normalt ska finnas i lungorna, och hur lungfunktionen hos sådana barn kan förbättras genom tillförsel av det saknade ämnet utifrån. I avhandlingen har också använts en djurmodell (för tidigt födda lamm) för att studera hur konstgjord andning vid födelseThe thesis investigates lung function and the effects of rescue surfactant treatment in mechanically ventilated preterm human infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and the effects of ventilation at birth on the response to surfactant supplementation in preterm lambs. To assess lung function, the author recorded static pressure-volume (P-V) curves during passive deflation from total lun


The pleckstrin homology (PH) domain is extended in the Btk kinase family by a region designated the TH (Tee homology) domain, which consists of about 80 residues preceding the SH3 domain. The TH domain contains a conserved 27 amino acid stretch designated the Btk motif and a proline-rich region. Sequence similarity was found to a putative Pas GTPase activating protein and a human interferon-gamma

Excitation of P-modes in the sun and stars

P-mode oscillations in the Sun and stars are excited stochasticly by Reynolds stress and entropy fluctuations produced by convection in their outer envelopes. The excitation increases with increasing effective temperature (until envelope convection ceases in the F stars) and also increases with decreasing gravity.

Pitfalls in the interpretation of long-term inhalation experiments

Age- and weight-matched groups of mice were enclosed in airtight chambers and exposed to clean, filtered air for 1 month. At the end of the exposure period, body, liver and spleen weights and plasma butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity were measured. More than twice as many significant differences in these parameters occurred compared with the expected results if only random differences existed

The evolution of n-player cooperation—threshold games and ESS bifurcations

An evolutionary game of individuals cooperating to obtain a collective benefit is here modelled as an n-player Prisoner's Dilemma game. With reference to biological situations, such as group foraging, we introduce a threshold condition in the number of cooperators required to obtain the collective benefit. In the simplest version, a three-player game, complex behaviour appears as the replicator dy

Influence of mast cells on the expression of adhesion molecules on circulating and migrating leukocytes in acute pancreatitis-associated lung injury

Pancreatitis-associated lung injury is an early-occurring and severe complication, still associated with substantial mortality. A number of inflammatory cells and their products are involved in the initiation and progress of the condition. In the present study, acute pancreatitis (AP) was induced by the intraductal infusion of 5% sodium taurodeoxycholate in the rat. Pulmonary endothelial barrier d