

Din sökning på "*" gav 532970 sökträffar

Nya perspektiv på genomströmning i nätbaserade utbildningar

Enligt HSVs rapport ”Kartläggning av distansverksamheten vid universitet ochhögskolor” från 2011 är genomströmningen i landets distansutbildningar betydligt lägre än motsvarande för campusutbildningar. I detta paper kommer jag att belysa fenomenet genomströmning genom att rikta blicken mot MOOCs, en annan typ av nätbaserade kurser än de som vanligtvis diskuteras i sammanhanget. MOOCs erbjuder en m

Influence of potassium chloride and other metal salts on soot formation studied using imaging LII and ELS, and TEM techniques

An experimental investigation has been performed where the influence of metal salts on soot formation has been studied. By combining two-dimensional laser-induced incandescence (LII) and elastic light scattering (ELS), two-dimensional information could be obtained on soot properties in the flames. For these studies, seven metal salts (NaCl, MgCl2, AlCl3, KCl, CaCl2, FeCl3 and ZnCl2) were dissolved

Search for a scalar partner of the top quark in the jets plus missing transverse momentum final state at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for pair production of a scalar partner of the top quark in events with four or more jets plus missing transverse momentum is presented. An analysis of 36.1 fb−1 of s=13 TeV proton-proton collisions collected using the ATLAS detector at the LHC yields no significant excess over the expected Standard Model background. To interpret the results a simplified supersymmetric model is used where

”Filmreformens förste avantgardist” : Experimentfilmaren Peter Kylberg

This dissertation is about the Swedish filmmaker, painter and composer Peter Kylberg (1938). Kylberg’s nine films produced between 1959 and 1996 serves as a historical delimitation. A purpose of the study is to critically review the existing historical writing surrounding Swedish film culture and film politics, during the timespan in focus. The approach of the dissertation is chronological and pre

Assessing combined object and mutual shading on the performance of a solar field

To make well-informed decisions on the implementation of solar energy on roofs within the urban environment, a new method was developed and described that could support such decision-making. This method takes both the mutual shading and shading from external objects into account. The method consists of the following six steps: 1) construction of the scene, 2) performance of annual solar irradiatioTo make well-informed decisions on the implementationof solar energy on roofs within the urban environment, anew method was developed and described that couldsupport such decision-making. This method takes both themutual shading and shading from external objects intoaccount. The method consists of the following six steps:1) construction of the scene, 2) performance of annualsolar irradiation analy

Intraepithelial neutrophils in pediatric severe asthma are associated with better lung function

BACKGROUND: Neutrophils and IL-17A have been linked mechanistically in models of allergic airways disease and have been associated with asthma severity. However, their role in pediatric asthma is unknown.OBJECTIVES: We sought to investigate the role of neutrophils and the IL-17A pathway in mediating pediatric severe therapy-resistant asthma (STRA).METHODS: Children with STRA (n = 51; age, 12.6 yea

Two-Line Atomic Fluorescence for Thermometry in Reactive Flows

Advances in the field of laser-based combustion diagnostics over the past decades have allowed for detailed characterisation, modelling and increased understanding of the complex combustion process. However; many combustion phenomena are still unexplained and there is a continued need for development and application of diagnostic tools to further the understanding of the combustion process. One ofAdvances in the field of laser-based combustion diagnostics over the past decades have allowed for detailed characterisation, modelling and increased understanding of the complex combustion process. However; many combustion phenomena are still unexplained and there is a continued need for development and application of diagnostic tools to further the understanding of the combustion process. One of

Experimental and numerical study on bluff-body and swirl stabilized diffusion flames

Bluff-body and swirl flow are commonly utilized to stabilize diffusion flames in industrial applications, such as gas turbines, ramjets and furnaces. Flame stabilization mechanisms of these two kinds of burners are similar with each other: the interaction between the recirculation zone and the fuel jet. In the present paper, flow fields within flames stabilized by combinations of swirl flow and bl

Multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA) within an intersectional framework

Background: Analyzing Body Mass Index as a didactical example, the study by Evans, Williams, Onnela, and Subramanian (EWOS study) introduce a novel methodology for the investigation of socioeconomic disparities in health. By using multilevel analysis to model health inequalities within and between strata defined by the intersection of multiple social and demographic dimensions, the authors provide

Two new species of Phanerochaete (Basidiomycota) and redescription of P. robusta

In the current study, the new species Phanerochaete bambucicola and P. incarnata, from subtropical Taiwan are presented, while P. robusta is redescribed. We amplified the 5.8 s and LSU ribosomal genes along with RPB1. We generated an ITS dataset and a concatenated 5.8 s + nLSU + RPB1 dataset, which we analyzed using Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian methods. Our results suggest that the two new speci