

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Detecting change points in VIX and S&P 500: A new approach to dynamic asset allocation

The purpose of dynamic asset allocation (DAA) is to overcome the challenge that changing market conditions present to traditional strategic asset allocation by adjusting portfolio weights to take advantage of favorable conditions and reduce potential drawdowns. This article proposes a new approach to DAA that is based on detection of change points without fitting a model with a fixed number of reg

Milk Genomics – Impact of Genetic Polymorphism on Bovine Milk Composition and Processability

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ny kunskap gör det möjligt att med hjälp av DNA-information välja ut vilka kvigor/kor som förväntas ge en hög mjölkavkastning, höga halter av mjölkens komponenter och optimala egenskaper för ostproduktion. Denna information kan användas för att bättre anpassa mjölkens sammansättning och processegenskaper med de svenska mejeriernas behov för att på så vis förbättra mjölkMilk genomics is a new area of research that explores the relations between cow genetics and milk characteristics. Identifying the genes controlling compositional and technological traits of milk will give opportunities to select cows for targeted milk production. In this thesis, the impact of different genetic approaches, i.e. quantitative genetic evaluation, single gene effects and genomic selec

Efficient and inefficient aspects of residential energy behaviour: what are the policy instruments for change?

The empirical part of this study is based on a survey of 600 Swedish households and a number of interviews where questions about residential energy behaviour and possible policy instruments for change were raised. The study provides insight into current behavioural patterns and gives a bottom-up perspective on the realistic perspective potentials for change and ways to achieve them. Residential en

Comparing East Asian and Scandinavian Redistribution Models in a Global Context

In this paper we discuss social policy in relation to different development contexts, where characteristics and outcomes of social policies in different sectors ( e.g.,housing, care, education, social security) are compared. The paper relates to the discussion on the causes and outcomes of welfare state management in different contexts. However, existing analytical models do not fit the mixtures o

SCM metrics - a response

It was a great pleasure for us to discover that the March issue of the CM Journal was dedicated to SCM metrics. We have been interested in SCM metrics for a long time and have worked with them for the past couple of years. So it was with great interest and curiosity that we read through the five papers in the issue. However, the more we read, the more we realised that there are two - to us - very

Mapping the Unknown Terrain: Party Policy Mapping in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes

Oppositional pre-electoral coalition formation has, in a number of recent studies, been proven to have an important effect on the prospects for liberalizing electoral outcomes in authoritarian elections. Despite this recent recognition of oppositional coalitions as a trigger for democratization, almost nothing is known about when these coalitions are formed. An important explanation for the la

Joint Opportunistic Scheduling and Selective Channel Feedback

It is well known that Max-Weight type scheduling algorithms are throughput optimal since they achieve the maximum throughput while maintaining the network stability. However, the majority of existing works employing Max-Weight algorithm require the complete channel state information (CSI) at the scheduler without taking into account the associated overhead. In this work, we design a Scheduling and

Monocyte-derived macrophages contribute to spontaneous long-term functional recovery after stroke in mice

Stroke is a leading cause of disability and currently lacks effective therapy enabling long-term functional recovery. Ischemic brain injury causes local inflammation, which involves both activated resident microglia and infiltrating immune cells, including monocytes. Monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) exhibit a high degree of functional plasticity. Here, we determined the role of MDMs in longterm

The endothelial glycocalyx and its disruption, protection and regeneration : A narrative review

The glycocalyx is a carbohydrate-rich layer that lines the luminal side of the vascular endothelium. Its soluble components exist in a dynamic equilibrium with the bloodstream and play an important role in maintaining endothelial layer integrity. However, the glycocalyx can be easily damaged and is extremely vulnerable to insults from a variety of sources, including inflammation, trauma, haemorrha

Plasma cytokine levels predict response to corticosteroids in septic shock

Purpose: To investigate if plasma cytokine concentrations predict a beneficial response to corticosteroid treatment in septic shock patients. Methods: A cohort of septic shock patients in whom a panel of 39 cytokines had been measured at baseline (n = 363) was included. Patients who received corticosteroids were propensity score matched to non-corticosteroid-treated patients. An optimal threshold

On the Formation of Cathedral Chapters and Cathedral Culture : Lund, Denmark, and Scandinavia, c. 1060–1225

Katedralen var en av de mest centrala institutionerna i det medeltida samhället. Kring stiftets biskop samlades den kyrkliga makten och dåtidens elit, dygnet runt firades gudstjänster och här utbildades stiftets präster. En viktig roll för livet i och kring katedralen hade domkapitlet eller katedralkapitlet, dvs det organiserade prästerskap som betjänade domkyrkan och bistod biskopen.I mitt avhandThe cathedral was one of the most important institutions in medieval Europe. The local as well as ecclesiastical elite gathered around it and its bishop; the liturgy was celebrated day and night, year after year; the cathedral served as educational institution of the clergy. The cathedral chapter, i.e. the organized clergy that served at the cathedral, played a decisive part in all this.The overar

Protein and polyelectrolyte layer-by-layer films: Assembly and electron transfer

A layer-by-layer deposition technique for assembly of the three-dimensional bioelectrochemical systems, with potential applications such as sensing layers in biosensors or catalytic organisations in biofuel cells, was addressed in this thesis. Several investigations were carried out to understand and control multilayer films formation on planar surfaces, using electrochemical and ellipsometrical m