

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Kan buggning rättfärdigas? - En idéanalys av den svenska buggningsutredningen

The main focus of the essay is to investigate if bugging can be justified from two ethics perspectives, the teleological and the deontology. I?ve chosen to emanate from two specific values which I believe is especially relevant to the ethical problems of bugging, efficiency in fighting crime and the personal integrity. To be able to illustrate this conflict between different values did I do an ana

Det finns hopp och möjligheter: levnadsvillkor och reflektioner från kvinnor som behandlades för dubbeldiagnos för tio år sedan

The purpose of this essay was a follow-up of four female drug abusers with several mental problems ten years after my initial meeting with them at Korsaröds Behandlingshem. Using a qualitative method and interviews with the women, knowledge was obtained regarding their current vital conditions and their subjective experiences of the treatment at Korsaröd. Their perspective on the ethical as well a

Engaging Service Providers in Continuous Improvement: How Volvo's actors, systems and chemical management service provider could work together towards continuous improvement and sustainable development.

Continuous improvement is not a new idea in business. Six Sigma, Lean Production and the PDCA cycle are some of the approaches companies can take to conduct continuous improvement of their operations. However, when a buyer is engaged with a supplier via a service provision contract, their combined effort to work towards continuous improvement is made more complex. This research adds to the underst

Medborgaren och språket - En studie av Folkpartiets förslag att införa språktest för att erhålla medborgarskap

Abstract The aim of this thesis is to analyse a proposition that was made by the Swedish liberal party in the election campaign in 2002. The proposition was part of an integration program and the main point was that to become a Swedish citizen you should do a test to prove your ability in Swedish. In this paper, I?ve been investigating the way that this proposition was presented and the reactions

Floor scrubs, electric heaters, Danish magazines, and other revolutionary items. A qualitative research into the lives of three modern Icelandic women.

Abstract This research focuses on the lives of three Icelandic women born early in the 20th century. The aim of this study was to try to understand how these women viewed their life and how they experienced the changes that Icelandic society has undergone in the 20th century. The women are viewed as active agents that shaped their own lives but also had to live within material and social constrai

Familjeklimat: en validering

In an attempt to make social work evidence based, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, has recommended the use of standardized methods. As there are very few instruments that are defined as standardized, we decided to compile studies made with the "Family Climate self-rating scale", FCS, that is used by the profession, although not yet validated. We were looking for conformi

Hur förstår vi självbestämmandet? En argumentation utifrån liberalismen och kommunitarismen

Grundfrågan för den här uppsatsen är: Hur styr vi våra liv? Jag kommer att försöka formulera ett svar utifrån debatten mellan liberaler och kommunitarister. Det kan tyckas vara en fråga med stora implikationer som jag har valt. Det är det för all del också. Jag varken tror att jag kan, eller har ambitionen att täcka hela det fält som frågan täcker. Jag vill emellertid tro att jag kan säga något om

Arbetssituationen som den upplevs av den enskilda individen : en studie i arbetsförhållanden på Försäkringskassan

The aim of this study was to acquire knowledge about the working conditions of people's gainful employment. The research was conducted at one of the regional social insurance offices of Malmö with participation of ten of their employees. The research method of choice was a phenomenological approach. One open question about the working situation was answered freely. The results indicate a rathe

Ledarskap i offentlig förvaltning: en studie av arbetsledares mellanposition i den kommunala hemtjänsten

Jag har valt att se närmre på hur några arbetsledare i den kommunala hemtjänsten upplever den mellanposition de befinner sig i, samt de effekter denna mellanposition möjligtvis har på ledarskapet. Intresset av att belysa just arbetsledarnas situation bottnar i att jag ser den som relativt svår. De befinner sig i en klämsits där de ofta med mycket små medel ska lyckas göra verklighet av de mål och

Fotspår i sanden : En studie om betydelsen av att ha en kristen tro som yrkesverksam socionom

Our purpose was to investigate if Swedish University educated social workers, living as active Christians, in any way might be influenced by Christian values. The main questions; Can Christian values be a factor in the choice of career to become a social worker? How does a personal belief in Christ impact the relationship towards the clients? Is Christian belief a support in the work? In this pape

Ung och politiker - vadå då? En studie av tre kommunfullmäktige i Skåne, om unga politikers utanförskap

My thesis brings up the subject of power. In the 33 local authorities we have in Skåne, I have made a quantitative study, to see how many young people that are included in the power of politics, through local authorities parliament. This is the first of the two parts that I have devided my thesis into. The second part is qualitative and examines four young politicians, and their thoughts on holdin

Intressentdialog - exempel från ett skogsbolags lokala relationsskapande

Syftet är att undersöka hur ett företag, Sveaskog, arbetar med intressentdialog i praktiken - i vilka former och med vilka syften detta kan ske. Genom att studera företagets lokala dialogmöten önskar vi skapa fördjupad förståelse för dialogfenomenet ur sändar- och mottagarperspektiv. Följande frågor ställs: - Vilka är motiven hos företaget respektive intressenterna att delta i dialogen? - Vad k

Har vi inte kommit längre än så här? - en studie om jämställdhet i Europaparlamentet

The aim of this thesis is to ascertain if women are discriminated in the European Parliament, and if so, how it is expressed. Our hypothesis is that female members of the parliament suffer a kind of double discrimination. The European Parliament consists of roughly one third women, but nevertheless the discrimination does not end there. According to our hypothesis women do not have the same opport

Konst, musik eller konstigt? - En undersökning om unga musikers syn på det kreativa uttryckets gränsland. Art, music and the fabric that defines it - An inquiry regarding young musicians' views of the boundaries of creative expression

This paper is an inquiry that is trying to establish four young musicians' views of art and music.To define the boundaries of music and art and explore the possible similarities. The musicians were confronted with an artwork by Marcel Duchamp and a composition by John Cage, and have recieved a questionnaire where they were asked to express their views. They were also asked to point out qualiti

Den psykiska hälsan hos barn och ungdomar placerade i familjehem : En kvantitativ studie på 38 familjehemsplacerade barn och ungdomar

Denna studie undersöker och beskriver den psykiska hälsan hos en grupp barn och ungdomar placerade i familjehem i en större stad i södra Sverige. 42 barn och ungdomar i åldrarna 11 till 20 år valdes ut från en kohort bestående av 52 som vid något tillfälle under 2005 befann sig placerade i familjehem. Till barnen administrerades Youth Self Report (YSR), till en av familjehemsföräldrarna Child Beha

Towards a Radical Right Europe? A theory for the explanation of the success of Radical Right Populist Parties in North-Western Europe

This essay develops a theory for the explanation of the differences in success of Radical Right Populist Parties in Western Europe. In order to create a successful radical right populist movement and thus a successful radical right populist party, three elements are needed; ?demand?, ?supply? and ?mobilisation?. Because the creation of a radical right populist movement is different than the creat

Electrophysiology of stereotypes: N400 as a measure of the beautiful is good stereotype

Our tendency to associate attractive people with positive traits and unattractive people with negative traits is well documented. Stereotypes have traditionally been measured using either explicit measures such as questionnaires, or implicit measures such as the Implicit Association Test. In the present experiment it was tested whether the beautiful is good stereotype could also be measured using

Industrial Symbiosis: A Closer Look on Organisational Factors. A study based on the Industrial Symbiosis project in Landskrona, Sweden

Private companies, more and more, address their environmental impact through increasingly sophisticated internal environmental work. The concept of Industrial Ecology (IE) and its local/regional application, Industrial Symbiosis (IS), indicate that there is potential for further improvements in the environmental performance of companies at their interorganisational interfaces. Besides improving th

Storstadsweekends : att söka upplevelser?

Den här uppsatsen handlar om turism och resande. Jag har valt att inrikta mig på storstadsturism och storstadsweekends i utlandet i min undersökning. Idag är storstadsturismen mycket stor, inte minst i Europa. Många turister väljer att åka på så kallade storstadsweekends, vilket innebär att man gör en kortare resa på några dagar till en storstad, ofta över en förlängd helg. Det handlar i de flesta