

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Att vara papperslös, ett hopp eller en mardröm? - En kvalitativ studie om papperslösas levnadssituation och deras psykiska hälsa

The aim of this study was to investigate the living situation of undocumented migrants in Skåne, Sweden and what gives them the strength to carry on. The method used for the study was a qualitative approach where we carried out the intake of information via semi-constructed interviews. The interviews were coded with a grounded theory inspired approach which means that the theories used in the anal

Love and Pride in the times of DOMA

This qualitative study explores the ways children of same-sex attracted (SSA) parents engage in everyday political resistance. Poststructuralism, Queer Theory, Intersectionality, and theoretical notions of resistance and politicization of identities are foundations of this work. Narrative methodology was used to analyze eight interviews with adult children of SSA parents along with relevant previo

För att du inte ska gå vilse. Om översättningen av tempus och aspekt i en roman av Patrick Modiano

I denna uppsats undersöks översättningen av de franska dåtidstempusen passé simple och imparfait till svenska med fokus på aspekt och stil. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av romanen Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le quartier av Patrick Modiano och den svenska översättningen För att du inte ska gå vilse i kvarteret gjord av Anna Säflund-Orstadius. Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är att aspekt i franskan utt

Online group learning environment: Assisting or substituting traditional learning

Digital learning environments have become powerful tools that assist both in learning and teaching. They are usually created by teachers and used in pedagogics as a mean of group work that facilitates collaboration. In this paper a learning environment, created and used in a group, is studied as an information system that facilitates exam preparation. The study aims to find out what requirements s

Digital hantering av följesedlar

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka attityder, utmaningar och möjligheter det finns i branschen gällande förändringsarbetet vid implementering och användandet av ett nytt digitalt arbetssätt. Studien lägger fokus på förändringen av en given process från manuellt skriven pappersföljesedel till digital följesedel för leverantörer av transporttjänster samt åkerier. Frågeställningar: 1.

Impact of paperless trading on organizations

Innovation in technology within recent years pushed organizations to innovate and digitalize in order to keep their current position on the market as well as fulfil requirements for their future growth. Our study focuses on the changes that the hybrid-paperless model brought to organizations operating within international trade and the future expectations for this industry. The study is focused on

Testing the International Standards Organization Verification and Validation protocol for evacuation simulations-An application to the FDS+Evac model

Nowadays, many evacuation models exist in the market, and new models are continuously released with new features. How to assess the usability and reliability of model results becomes an issue for both developers and users. Therefore, verification and validation (V&V) protocols were introduced in the assessment process of evacuation models. To conduct V&V of a model, a widely accepted test

"Känslokall" i ett känslofyllt arbete : En kvalitativ studie om sex manliga socionomstudenters känslohistoria och syn på framtida yrkesroll.

The tasks of a social worker often require the abilities of both the understanding of one’s own as well as the client’s emotions. Meanwhile many studies show that men are emotionally restricted and have difficulties handling emotions. The purpose of the study was to explore the emotional history of men who are studying to become social workers and how it might affect their future profession. In do

Kommunikationsstrategier inom tre församlingar, en jämförande studie

Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra kommunikationsstrategier i tre olika församlingar, som verkar i olika kontexter, för att få en startpunkt för att svara på frågan varför medlemmar lämnar Svenska kyrkan i en takt av 1,6% per år. Det är viktigt för församlingarna att bli sedda som en positiv och ansvarstagande organisation som bidrar till det lokala samhället och dess innevånare. Klarar inte fThe purpose of this thesis is to study and compare communication strategies in three different parishes located in three quite different contexts to get a starting point to answering questions concerning the rate of members leaving the Swedish church, 1.6% per year. It is of outmost importance for a parish to be regarded as a positive and responsible organisation contributing to the local communit

Find Your Way in Landskrona - A design study towards active mobility enhancement through wayfinding in the urban areas

As the world gets more urbanised, numerous areas have been forced to develop rapidly into something larger, to provide cheaper living options, and faster mode of transportation. Despite the more convenient life’s mobility it leads to, many urban transformations can also create social drawback and hinder the real life interaction among its inhabitants, as a result of the unaccommodating built envir

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This master thesis in social anthropology, is based on fieldwork, conducted in the peruvian village Andamarca, in the region of Ayacucho, from February to April 2018. I have studied the special kind of folk music, called huayno, in order to establish its role in the local community. The inhabitants find themselves living in a vulnerable state, based on a violent history and political oppression. T

Technological innovation and the environment: an analysis based on patent counts

The increasing concern on the present and future impact of climate change has raised the attention on the relationship between technology and the environment. The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of green innovation on carbon emissions. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions per capita are used as a proxy for environmental quality. Technological innovation is measure

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Göteborgs Stadsteater

Denna rapport behandlar en brandteknisk riskvärdering av Göteborgs Stadsteatern, som ligger vid Götaplatsen i Göteborg. Rapporten skrivs som en del av kursen Brandteknisk Riskvärdering som ges det tredje året på Brandingenjörsprogrammet på Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Stadsteatern består av två delar, där Del 2 är en tillbyggnad till den gamla byggnaden som benämns som Del 1. Hela bygganden består av

Gyro Stabilization of a Positioning Unit

Mounting cameras on motorized objects has become possible in greater extent due to the emerging camera technology during the past few decades. This application could prove useful in several areas such as search and rescue operations, surveillance or even news monitoring. One hardship that this brings is the difficulty of keeping the camera unit stable while its setting is not. In the situations me

Twitter bot detection & categorization - a comparative study of machine learning methods

Automated Twitter accounts, or Twitter bots, have gained increased attention lately. In particular, a novel type of bot, so called social bots, are piquing peoples’ interest, as these bots have recently been involved in a number of political events. Most of the previous work on how to detect bots has not distinguished between such novel bot types, and other, less sophisticated ones. Instead, they

Fully automated rudder pedal system for ultralight aircraft

De svenska tillverkarna av ultralätta mikroflygplan, Blackwing Sweden AB, har lämnat en förfrågan gällande uppdatering av den justerbara mekanismen tillhörande roderpedal-systemet i flygplansmodellen BW600RG. Det nuvarande manuella systemet anses bristfälligt sett till den icke ergonomiska justeringsprocessen som för övrigt kräver att flygplanet är stationärt. Målet med detta projekt var att framfThe Swedish ultralight aircraft manufacturer, Blackwing Sweden AB, has requested a reinvention of their adjustable mechanism for the rudder pedal system in the BW600RG aircraft. The current manual system is insufficient in terms of a non-ergonomic adjustment process which requires for the aircraft to be stationary. The ambition of this project was to deliver a concept covering a fully automated ad

Den fria rörligheten för varor i relation till det svenska alkoholmonopolet - Systembolagets framtid om gårdsförsäljning blir tillåtet

Denna uppsats behandlar den fria rörligheten för varor i relation till det svenska alkoholmonopolet. Vidare ligger fokus på Systembolaget och dess framtid om gårdsförsäljning av alkoholdrycker blir tillåtet i Sverige. De bestämmelser som är relevanta i uppsatsens undersökning är artiklarna 34, 36 och 37 FEUF. De frågeställningar som uppsatsen följaktligen syftar till att besvara är för det första This paper deals with the free movement of goods in relation to the Swedish alcohol monopoly. Furthermore, the focus is on Systembolaget and its future if farm sales of alcoholic beverages is allowed in Sweden. The provisions relevant to the essay's examination are Articles 34, 36 and 37 TFEU. The questions that the paper thus aims to answer are firstly how articles 34 and 37 relate to each ot