Din sökning på "*" gav 536422 sökträffar
Plasma nitric oxide metabolite in women with primary Raynaud's phenomenon and in healthy subjects
Primary Raynaud's phenomenon (PRP) is characterized by cold- or stress-induced transient attacks of impaired skin circulation in fingers and/or toes. PRP displays seasonal variation with less severe symptoms in the summer. The aetiology has not been clarified. The aims of the present study were (a) to assess the influence of cold exposure on the plasma levels of the nitric oxide (NO) metabolite, n
Non-invasive investigation of endothelium-dependent dilatation of the brachial artery in women with primary Raynaud's phenomenon
1. Primary Raynaud's phenomenon is characterized by white fingers and toes with impaired perfusion in response to cold or emotional stress. The aetiology has not been clarified. In previous studies we have demonstrated a season-linked inability in women with primary Raynaud's phenomenon to raise their plasma cGMP levels in response to whole-body cooling, suggesting a dysfunction of the L-arginine-
Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Labour Exploitation in Turkey : An analysis of the Risks and the Institutional Structure
Lagens öga : Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge 1821-2021
Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge inrättades 1820 och började sin verksamhet 1821. I denna bok beskrivs hovrättens historia under dess första 200 år – hur den inrättades och hur dess verksamhet har utvecklats i Kristianstad och Malmö. Dessutom beskrivs de rättsliga förhållandena i Skåne och Blekinge innan hovrätten fanns. Genom boken får läsaren på så sätt en överblick över de senaste tusen årens
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Exhaled oral and nasal nitric oxide during L-arginine infusion in preeclampsia
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of the nitric oxide (NO) precursor L-arginine on the airway NO concentration in patients with preeclampsia.METHODS: NO was measured by a noninvasive chemiluminescence technique in air sampled directly from nasal and oral cavities during expiration before and during L-arginine infusion in 9 preeclamptic and 10 control pregnancies. Maternal blood pressure and hear
Stability of Robotic Obstacle Avoidance and Force Interaction
Stability problems associated with robot control with obstacle avoidance are analysed. Obstacle avoidance algorithms based on potential function are revised to accomplish stable re-design. A stability proof using Lyapunov theory and passivity theory is provided for the re-designed obstacle avoidance algorithm. The paper presents a modification of potential functions for obstacle avoidance aiming t
Analys av rörlig bild
Medan metoder för datadriven textanalys har utvecklats mycket under de senaste decennierna är det först nu som liknande metoder har börjat användas för att studera rörliga bilder. Detta kapitel utforskar möjligheterna med datorstödd analys av rörlig bild – såväl för att genomföra närläsningar som för mer storskaliga filmanalyser. Bland annat presenteras moderna annoteringsprogram, videoessäer och
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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets, builds upon a novelapproach to global governance and towards sustainable development.Five years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, however, only limitedprogress has been made to achieve the goals and targets. The COVID-19pandemic further hampers the implementation of sustainable
Reverse electrodialysis powered greenhouse concept for water- and energy-self-sufficient agriculture
This paper documents the development of a sustainable greenhouse system which incorporates a greenhouse, reverse electrodialysis (RED), reverse osmosis, and a dehumidification desalination system aiming to support water and energy self-sufficient agriculture in arid regions with a saline groundwater feed. The system is referred to as the sustainable greenhouse (SGH). The aim is to generate enough
Years of plenty, years of want? : An introduction to finance and the family life cycle
Research suggests that until recently families in history could only avoid episodes of poverty if they put money aside. By helping to smooth consumption over the family life cycle, finance could prevent impoverishment, and is also likely to have had an effect on family life. Saving may have influenced cohabitation structures and the timing and incidence of birth, marriage, and death. That families
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Dysregulation of Placental Lipid Hydrolysis by High-Fat/High-Cholesterol Feeding and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Mice
Advanced maternal age and obesity are the main risk factors to develop gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Obesity is a consequence of the increased storage of triacylglycerol (TG). Cytosolic and lysosomal lipid hydrolases break down TG and cholesteryl esters (CE) to release fatty acids (FA), free cholesterol, and glycerol. We have recently shown that intracellular lipases are present and active
Recension av Klas-Göran Karlsson: Folkmord. Historien om ett brott mot mänskligheten.
När den assyriska tragedin blev Seyfo : En undersökning av svensk-assyrisk minnespolitik
Intrathecal release of nitric oxide in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia
A growing body of evidence points out the potential role of inflammatory mechanisms in the pathophysiology of brain damage in dementia. We have recently demonstrated that patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VaD) display an intrathecal production of proinflammatory cytokines. TNF-alpha, one of these cytokines, leads to the production of nitric oxide (NO), a potent inflamma
Elucidating causal relationships between energy homeostasis and cardiometabolic outcomes
Energy metabolism dyshomeostasis is associated with multiple health problems. For example, abundant epidemiological data show that obesity and overweight increase the risk of cardiometabolic diseases and early mortality. Type 2 diabetes (T2D), characterized by chronically elevated blood glucose, is also associated with debilitating complications, high healthcare costs and mortality, with cardiovas