

Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar

AI och förvaltningsbeslut - Om rättssäkerhet vid automatiserat beslutsfattande

Denna uppsats berör hur automatiserat beslutsfattande kan komma att påverka rättssäkerheten inom förvaltningen. Automatiserat beslutsfattande är särskilt vanligt förekommande inom de delar av förvaltningen där en stor mängd liknande ärenden avgörs. Att beslutsfattandet automatiseras kan innebära stora fördelar för förvaltningen och för de enskilda som berörs av besluten. Tillgängligheten ökar och This thesis is an investigation on how automated decision-making can affect the principle of legal certainty within the administration. Automated decision-making is particularly common within parts of the Swedish administration that deals with a large number of similar cases every year. Automation of decisions can lead to great benefits, both for the administration and for the individuals affected

Myndigheters möjligheter att ändra sina beslut – legalitetsprincipen som komplement till principen om gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft

I denna uppsats undersöks gällande rätt avseende myndigheters ändring av sina egna beslut, och huruvida den förvaltningsrättsliga legalitetsprincipen innebär några begränsningar för myndigheters möjligheter att ändra sina beslut till nackdel för enskilda, utöver de begränsningar som följer av principen om gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft. Den förvaltningsrättsliga legalitetsprincipen enligt This essay is about the opportunities for authorities to change their decisions. The aim is to investigate the extent to which authorities can change their decisions, and to examine whether the principle of legality restricts the opportunities to change decisions to a greater extent than what is followed from the principle of legitimate expectations. The principle of legality in administrative l

Unbiased pitch detection and phase estimation in entomological lidar

Good insect monitoring is important for both disease vector control and e?cient usage of pesticides in farming. Entomological lidar has been proven useful for detecting and monitoring insects. For every insect that transit the laser beam a backscatter signal containing species-specific information is obtained. Esti- mating the fundamental wing beat frequency of an observation is important for dete

Spanskspråkig skönlitteratur på svenska. En bibliometrisk och översättningssociologisk undersökning av perioden 1987–2017

Föreliggande uppsats är en bibliometrisk samt översättningssociologisk undersökning av den spanskspråkiga skönlitteraturens närvaro i Sverige under perioden 1987–2017. Syftet är först och främst att undersöka hur mycket spanskspråkig skönlitteratur som har översatts till svenska, vad som översatts, vem som översatt och vem som utgivit litteraturen. Uppsatsens andra syfte är att försöka utröna vad

Säker köttbullsproduktion

The Swedish legislation regulates that food producers provide safe food from a microbiological perspective. One way to ensure the foods´ quality, is to control the microbiological levels by combining the measures of different time durations and temperatures during cooking. The elimination of microorganisms in food depends on both temperature and time. The higher the temperature, the shorter the ti

Genomic data reveal shared ancestry between Neolithic hunter-gatherers from mainland Sweden and the Baltic Sea Island Gotland

The hunter-gatherer group of Neolithic Scandinavia, the Pitted Ware Culture (PWC), appeared when the initial farmer society, the Funnel Beaker Culture (FBC), had already existed for several hundreds of years. They lived side by side first with the FBC, and later with the Battle Axe Culture (BAC), without adopting the agricultural lifestyle. Although the PWC individuals from a Baltic Sea Island (Go

Some (just) like it hot: Apolitical politics in the Italian Cabinet

The current Italian Cabinet was composed in 2018 by two populist parties who had never been a relevant participant in the Government before. Social media play a significant role in the communication of both parties, who use Facebook and Twitter to directly reach the citizens. Members of the parties with relevant positions in the Cabinet are delivering an extremely uncommon and often apolitical onl

Sub-Saharan migration in Morocco : Mobility and perceptions of migration management

Sub-Saharan migration towards Europe is an increasing concern amongst politicians and citizens in Europe. While migration to Europe across the Mediterranean generally has decreased since 2015, the number of people transiting through Morocco to Europe has increased significantly during these same years. This paper explores the experiences of sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco and how their mobility is

Volatility forecasting for cryptocurrencies under a heavy-tailed distribution

In the recent years, cryptocurrencies have gained popularity and have experienced high price volatility. This essay pretends to examine how the multivariate GARCH models predict the volatility of these digital currencies and what implications exist if we consider the correlations among them to forecast their volatility. Using a bivariate Diagonal VECH and bivariate Diagonal BEKK this thesis checks

”Tills hjärtat slutat slå” En kvalitativ intervjustudie om anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda avlidna organdonatorer

BAKGRUND: För att en organdonation ska bli aktuell är det många kriterier som måste uppfyllas och noggranna tester genomförs för att konstatera hjärndöd. Tidigare omvårdnadsorienterad forskning har i huvudsak adresserat IVA-sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda organdonatorer. SYFTE: Att belysa anestesisjuksköterskors erfarenheter kring vårdandet av en avliden organdonator i samband med organut

Development of Spectroscopic Measurements for Raman and Thomson Scattering Diagnostics ——Applications in Combustion and Plasma

This thesis work concerns methods for improved spectroscopy including stray-light suppression, dynamic range improvement and signal enhancement. These methods were applied in Raman and Thomson- scattering spectroscopy in combustion and plasma. First, the stray-light suppression method Periodic Shadowing (PS) is implemented in an experimental setup with a high-power high repetition rate laser syste

Understanding the Process of Memory Politics in Västra Hamnen’s Redevelopment

The research aims to understand and explore the process of memory politics that has underpinned the redevelopment of Vӓstra Hamnen’s built environment, and the extent to which these considerations have actively shaped the urban design of the area, for better or worse, in relation to the values Malmö Stad have sought to express through the area’s narrative shift. The research has endeavoured to ach

“What is the alternative? Not trying to mix? Nah.” A case study on housing and social mix policies within physical planning in Malmö, Sweden

Residential segregation is seen as a growing problem within many urban areas today. Segregation is assumed to hamper social integration and the life-chances of disadvantaged as well as creating instability in society. One policy measure to deal with residential segregation is to increase the variation in the housing structure. This is assumed to create a social mix, that in turn will generate posi

Overcoming obstacles to Lund University’s sustainability goals: a case study on the use of behavioral insights in canteen settings

Universities are in a unique position to lead society through a sustainability transition. Still, there is an unexploited potential, even of low-effort, low-investment measures, for improving environmental sustainability at Lund University. This raises the question of what obstacles lead to suboptimal environmental management in universities. Through a literature review, I identified thirteen obst

Farväl till Libor

Efter finanskrisen 2008 och Liborskandalen 2012 har dagens referensräntor ifrågasatts och omdiskuterats. Det har lett till det pågående arbetet världen över med att byta ut de traditionella IBOR-räntorna och ersätta de med nya, transaktionsbaserade referensräntor. Redan år 2021 planerar både England och USA att fasa ut IBOR och övergå till nya, alternativa referensräntor. Det finns stora skillnadeAfter the financial crisis in 2008 and the Libor scandal 2012 today’s reference rates have been questioned and debated. This has led to the ongoing work around the world; replacing the traditional IBOR’s with new, transaction-based reference rates. In 2021, both UK and the US plan to phase out IBOR and move to new, alternative reference rates (ARR). There are major differences between IBOR and the

Återvinning med ringa risk?

Det finns en risk att återvinningen av schaktmassor sprider gifter i miljön Ett överskott av schaktmassor är resultatet av många byggprojekt. Samtidigt behövs schaktmassor på många andra håll i samhället, som när vägar, järnvägar och bullervallar ska byggas. Att återvinna schaktmassor minskar uttaget av naturresurser och leder ofta till kortare transporter. Problemet är att massorna som återvinnsExcess soil can be a product of construction, roadwork and other types of infra-structure projects. This soil can be polluted to a greater or lesser degree, but still be suitable for recycling in different types of constructions. This study investigated what knowledge the regulatory authorities have of the pollution content in the recycled soil. Further, this study investigated opportunities and o

Samverkan i Tullverkets lokala ANDT-förebyggande arbete

In recent years the role of partnerships has become a popular approach in the crime prevention area where it is argued that crime is a multifaceted problem that requires work from several actors to be solved effectively. However, despite the increasing popularity of partnerships there is a lack of research that explains the effects that comes from this work. This paper is written in collaboration

Att bryta mot samhällets grundläggande normer: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys kring genusnormer i LVU-domar

The aim of this study was to investigate how gender norms are represented in formal court decisions regarding the taking into compulsory care of young persons according to 3§ LVU (Care of Young Persons Special Provisions Act). The empirical material consisted of 30 court cases, whereof 15 cases concerned girls and 15 concerned boys. The method used was a qualitative content analysis. This method f