

Din sökning på "*" gav 534513 sökträffar

Var är bensinen billigast? En empirisk studie om prisskillnader i bensinpriser på detaljistmarknaden i Skåne.

Denna uppsats undersöker huruvida en bensinstations tjänsteutbud, geografiska läge eller konkurrenssituation kan förklara skillnader i bensinpriset på detaljistmarknaden. Studien genomförs med en empirisk analys av data över 223 bensinstationer inom Skåne. För att undersöka detta skapas variabler som beskriver områdes-och stationsspecifika faktorer utifrån insamlad information om stationerna. En r

Väjningsbeteende vid cykelöverfart och cykelpassage

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att studera motorfordons väjningsbeteende på cykelöverfarter och –passager och undersöka om väjningsbeteendet är beroende av utformningen. För att undersöka detta har en fältstudie genomförts som innehållit en väjningsstudie och hastighetsmätningar i de utvalda korsningspunkterna. De olika korsningarna skiljer sig i utformning, reglering, cykelflöde eller trafikfl

The Chinese Consumers' Attitudes towards Their "Willingess to Pay" for Renewable Electricity

China’s economic development has not only led to enormous growth figures, but also to a severe degradation of the environment. Mass-consumption of fossil fuels like oil and coal in China contributed to reaching the level of the largest greenhouse gas emitter worldwide. For the Chinese government to react, it is crucial to take the electricity purchase decisions of households into account to succes

Decision Making in Mobile Business Intelligence: An Individual Cognitive Fit Perspective

One of the central features of a successful decision support system is the interface. What to provide and how to provide information that later will support the users to make a decision is crucial. With the emergence of mobile business intelligence, the concern about how this technology could increase its user performance in the decision making context and how to deliver these capability to the wo

Assessing avalanche risk by terrain analysis : an experimental GIS-approach to The Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES)

Denna studie behandlar den komplexa karaktären hos snölaviner och hur de kan förutsägas, och därmed undvikas, vid navigering genom fjällterräng under vinteraktiviteter. Risken för laviner i skidområdet Nuolja, i norra Sverige, utvärderades genom en experimentell tillämpning av The Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES) som är en modell utvecklad för planering och bedömning av lavinexponering. ModThis study addresses the complex nature of snow avalanches and how their location can be predicted, and thus avoided, when navigating through mountainous terrain during winter recreations. The avalanche risk in the ski area of Nuolja, in northern Sweden, was evaluated by an experimental implementation of the Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES) which is a model for pre-trip planning and assessm

Grain size distribution in protoplanetary disks

Protoplanetary disks consist of matter in both gas and solid form. The sizes of the solid particles, dust grains, although in minority compared to the gas, are important in the formation of larger bodies such as planetesimals. This is a topic which has been widely explored. However, the impact of the dust grain sizes on the underlying disk structure has not yet been as extensively modeled. Differe

Ägareffekter på CSR-Strategier

Syfte: Vi ämnar öka förståelsen kring hur olika ägartyper påverkar ett företags CSR-strategi genom att utföra en fallstudie på den svenska apoteksbranschen. Detta innefattar företagens prioritering och involvering av sina intressenter samt hur de kommunicerar sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Metod: Vi har valt en kvalitativ metod och genomfört vår undersökning med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet bePurpose: We aim to increase the understanding of how different types of ownership influence the CSR-strategies in companies by conducting a case study of the Swedish pharmacy market. This includes the prioritisation and involvement of stakeholders and how the CSR-activities are communicated. Methodology: We have chosen a qualitative method and conducted our research based on semi-structured inte

Developing a web-based system to visualize vegetation trends by a nonlinear regression algorithm

Comparing with traditional linear regression methods that used to monitor vegetation trends, a nonlinear regression algorithm (PolyTrend) developed by Jamali et al. (2014) can provide more accurate information of vegetation trends by fitting a polynomial line with a degree of up to three for ASCII-formed time-series NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) dataset of a single pixel. To extend

China and the United Nations Human Rights Council : Understanding processes of socialization and norm shaping

How China interacts internationally can affect human rights inside and outside its borders. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to understand China’s interaction with the United Nations Human Rights Council and its member-states. The analysis was constructed on the basis of two processes, socialization and norm shaping. These processes follow the constructivist ontology of agent and stru

Agile Management Outside of Software Development

Agile Management is a management method based on the principles behind Agile Software Development. Compared to Traditional Management, Agile Management is more iterative and is therefore suited for fast paced and unsecure environ-­‐ ments. Even though agile is a fairly old methodology; there are few case studies outside the software industry. There are indi-­‐ cations, though, that Agile Managemen

Performance evaluation of swedish urban freight transport with an actor’s perspective

Problem definition Freight transports are necessary to supply urban areas with goods. The complexity of urban freight transports is affected by growing cities that increases the demand for goods and the competition of city space, globalization which is altering the extent and complexity of supply chains, and technology innovations which have introduced new data collection methods. Policy makers of

The Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and its supports in Nairobi - in Nairobi - A Qualitative study of their relationships

Background Kenya is facing social and economic problems related to the high unemployment rate the country has suffered since independence. The Kenyan government are placing a lot, if not all, eggs in one basket and betting on entrepreneurship to solve these problem. For entrepreneurship to thrive there needs to be an ecosystem facilitating it and inherent in this ecosystem are support organisation

Studies on the mineral usage by bacterial pathogens

Cofactors are essential for the growth of bacterial pathogens also inside a human host and one source of cofactors are proteins in blood. Pathogens can use surface proteins to bind and extract cofactors from these blood proteins. Here, using protein modeling of these proteins in complex with bacterial protein combined with bacterial growth assays with blood proteins from different species, we demo

CONDITIONAL CASH TRANSFERS (CCTs), EDUCATION AND LABOR MARKETS: An inquiry into poverty reduction in Ghana through the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) program

Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs aim to alleviate short term poverty and reduce intergenerational poverty by supplying targeted poor households with cash transfers contingent upon certain program parameters, such as school attendance for children. Evaluation on CCTs have found that such programs generally increase school enrolment and school attendance but its subsequent effect on labor ma

Kvalitetssäkringssystem för ventilationsinstallationers energiprestanda

Examensarbetet är utfört på och i samarbete med Imtech Ventilation i Malmö. Författarens avsikt har från början varit att skapa något som kan vara till stor nytta för företaget. Därför har examensarbetet utförts i nära samarbete med Imtech Ventilations medarbetare. Författaren har gjort en bakgrundsanalys av energikravs-läget i byggbranchen. Detta för att ta fram en validerad problemformulering ocThis master thesis is performed on and in cooperation with Imtech ventilation in Malmö. The author's intention was from the beginning to create something that can be of great benefit to the company. The master thesis has been carried out in close cooperation with the employees of Imtech Ventilation. The author has done a background analysis of the current excising energy regulations. This was

TEM Cell design for Material Characterization

This thesis investigates a TEM cell (Transverse ElectroMagnetic cell) design for material characterization. The focus is to design a practical setup where the material measurement is straightforward to implement. A test sample is placed between the two ports in the setup to measure the scattering parameters. The impedance matching between the coaxial to microstrip transition and the TEM cell taper

A weighty issue : estimation of fire size with geographically weighted logistic regression

Destruktiva skogsbränder är vanliga idag och genererar nyheter varje år. Förr i tiden var skogsbränder dock ett viktigt ursprung till förnyelse i många ekosystem. Många arter är anpassade och beroende av skogsbränder. Uppskattningen av skogsbrandstorleken är viktig för att återinsätta bränder i skogen med en naturlig rotation. Storleksuppskattning av dåtida skogsbränder har undersökts i många årtSize estimations of fires that occurred centuries ago have been the subject of study for many decades. More accurate spatial fire histories from tree rings were possible by either drawing the sample location on detailed topographic maps or using GPS receivers. A popular method of delineating fire sizes is to draw an outline around the fire-scarred samples considering topographic and landscape feat