

Din sökning på "*" gav 532089 sökträffar

Samhällsgeografi: Hållbara miljöer och planering

Kursen granskar samhällets miljö - och klimatsproblematik samt globala, nationella, regionala och lokala strategier och initiativ. Kursen har som mål att förmedla grundläggande kunskaper om miljö- och klimatproblem, klimaträttvisa och perspektiv på målsättningen ”hållbar utveckling” och dess idémässiga såväl som praktiska förutsättningar, samt hur olika planeringsprocesser försöker hantera miljö-

Samhällsgeografi: Landskapsgeografi och politisk ekologi

Kursen ger kvalificerade insikter i landskapsgeografi och kombinerar aktivt insikterna med kritiska förhållningssätt till miljön, miljöproblem och lösningar inom området politisk ekologi. Genom att kombinera landskapsgeografi och politisk ekologi väver kursen samman ett antal viktiga frågor om miljöförändringar. Utifrån insikten att ojämna förändringsprocesser formar den samhälls- och kulturgeogrThe course offers advanced insights to landscape geography and actively combines this with critical ways of thinking about the environment, environmental problems and solutions within the field of political ecology. Landscape and political ecology thereby weaves together a number of critical issues concerning the ways in which the environment is transformed. Recognizing that uneven processes of c

Samhällsgeografi: Kritisk urbangeografi

I kursen undersöks sambanden mellan rum, plats, byggda miljöer, urbanitet och samhälle. Genom föreläsningar, seminarier, exkursioner och textläsning utforskas kritisk stadsteori. Kursens syfte är både att utveckla en övergripande förståelse för t ex historiska urbaniseringsprocesser och att ge insikter i samtida urbana aspekter, frågor, utmaningar och konflikter som uppmärksammats av forskare, plThis course examines interrelations between space, place, built environment, urbanity and society. Through lectures, seminars, excursions and readings, students will explore critical urban theory. The course seeks to advancing both comprehensive understandings of e.g. historical urbanization processes, as well as stimulating insight into contemporary urban dimensions, questions, challenges and co

Samhällsgeografi: Geografisk idéhistoria

Kursen ger fördjupade kunskaper om geografins idéhistoria och aktuella frågor inom kulturgeografin. Syftet är att utveckla färdigheter i att kritiskt och självständigt hantera geografiska arbetsuppgifter och frågeställningar. I kursen ingår diskussion av centrala bidrag till geografins historia samt fördjupad granskning av utvalda övergripande geografiska begrepp, diskussioner och frågeställnThe course offers participants advanced insights into the histories of geographical thought and current issues within the field of human geography. On this basis, the course aims to develop the participants’ competences to critically and independently engage with geographical work and issues. The course includes the reading and discussion of key historical and contemporary geographical contributi

GIS: Geographical Information System for the Social Sciences

Kursen ger en introduktion till centrala idédiskussioner och utveckling inom GIS. Syftet är att introducera några av de viktigaste teorierna om och praktiska tillämpningarna av GIS. Under kursens gång blir studenterna uppmärksammade på potentialen hos GIS samt tillämpningar inom olika ämnesområden. De grundläggande principerna för GIS och centrala aspekter av den aktuellaste tekniken behandlas vidThe course aims to provide an introduction to the rapidly growing field of GIS, for students interested in applying it within their projects and research. It is strongly interdisciplinary in scope, and thus is appropriate for students from a diverse set of backgrounds. This would include students with undergraduate degrees in the social and human sciences, economics, sustainability and development

Samhällsvetenskap: Globalisering, konflikt, säkerhet och staten

The objective of the course is to enable the student to critically examine current debates and phenomena related to conflict, security and the state in the context of global development and to provide the student with a general overview of the field. At the same time, it offers the student with a prior interest in, and experience of,The objective of the course is to enable the student to critically examine current debates and phenomena related to conflict, security and the state in the context of global development and to provide the student with a general overview of the field. At the same time, it offers the student with a prior interest in, and experience of,

AI i samhället

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be understood as systems which show intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and with some degree of autonomy act to reach certain goals. In colloquial language, AI has become an umbrella term for information technology, robotics, and digitalisation more broadly, including machine learning techniques enabling computers to improve themselves.  AI cArtificial Intelligence (AI) can be understood as systems which show intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and with some degree of autonomy act to reach certain goals. In colloquial language, AI has become an umbrella term for information technology, robotics, and digitalisation more broadly, including machine learning techniques enabling computers to improve themselves.  AI c

Cultural Perspectives on Health, Lifestyle and Medicine

The course is based on current research in ethnology, medical anthropology and cultural studies, including questions about the body, illness experiences, disability, ethics and the new health economy. Theoretical understanding of how aspects of identity, class, gender, ethnicity and age intervene in medical treatments and lifestyle patterns will be offered in lectures, seminars and group exercisesThe course is based on current research in ethnology, medical anthropology and cultural studies, including questions about the body, illness experiences, disability, ethics and the new health economy. Theoretical understanding of how aspects of identity, class, gender, ethnicity and age intervene in medical treatments and lifestyle patterns will be offered in lectures, seminars and group exercises

History of the Holocaust

The aim of the course is to offer an introduction to the study of the Holocaust, the destruction of the European Jews, its causes and mechanisms. It will offer a basis upon which to seek answers to difficult questions, such as why this tragedy occurred. But, by surveying the circumstances and mechanisms leading to genocide, and especially to the Holocaust, students are also oriented in post-war inThe aim of the course is to offer an introduction to the study of the Holocaust, the destruction of the European Jews, its causes and mechanisms. It will offer a basis upon which to seek answers to difficult questions, such as why this tragedy occurred. But, by surveying the circumstances and mechanisms leading to genocide, and especially to the Holocaust, students are also oriented in post-war in

Modern Design in Scandinavia

The subject of this course is Scandinavian design through the 20th century to the present in the light of contemporary international design. The development of modern design in Scandinavia is discussed in relation to earlier, modernistic and contemporary design.The subject of this course is Scandinavian design through the 20th century to the present in the light of contemporary international design. The development of modern design in Scandinavia is discussed in relation to earlier, modernistic and contemporary design.

Gastronomy: Sustainable Eating

The aim of the course is to give the student a broad introduction to the study of food and eating in relation to sustainability. The course has an interdisciplinary approach, combining cultural, nutritional and geographical perspectives. Local field studies are combined with a global outlook, based on literature studies.The aim of the course is to give the student a broad introduction to the study of food and eating in relation to sustainability. The course has an interdisciplinary approach, combining cultural, nutritional and geographical perspectives. Local field studies are combined with a global outlook, based on literature studies.

Cirkulär Ekonomi: Hållbar materialhantering

The course delivers knowledge of where important materials in products we use every day are sourced from, and how these materials can be used more efficiently, for longer periods of time, and in closed loops – these being key areas of work encompassed by the concept of the CE. However, adoption of the CE does not happen on its own and requires the support of social, business, and policy interventiThe course delivers knowledge of where important materials in products we use every day are sourced from, and how these materials can be used more efficiently, for longer periods of time, and in closed loops – these being key areas of work encompassed by the concept of the CE. However, adoption of the CE does not happen on its own and requires the support of social, business, and policy interventi

Religion and Politics

It introduces different groups that have made political religion known in recent decades. Furthermore, focus is placed on how people take up issues of democracy, the environment and equality because of religious conviction and on different historical and sociological models for interpreting different forms of religiopolitical activism.It introduces different groups that have made political religion known in recent decades. Furthermore, focus is placed on how people take up issues of democracy, the environment and equality because of religious conviction and on different historical and sociological models for interpreting different forms of religiopolitical activism.

Food, Tradition and Innovation

Based on a cultural analytical perspective this course focus upon what and how we eat, how different products are incorporated into or excluded from daily meal practices, as well as how food habits are constantly influenced by new circumstances.  The course will also include discussions on a variety of defining factors concerning food culture such as production and processes, trade and econoBased on a cultural analytical perspective this course focus upon what and how we eat, how different products are incorporated into or excluded from daily meal practices, as well as how food habits are constantly influenced by new circumstances.  The course will also include discussions on a variety of defining factors concerning food culture such as production and processes, trade and econo

Governance and Conflict in the Middle East

I kursen ägnas särskild uppmärksamhet åt att studera konfliktens utveckling under 1900-talet ur ett inhemskt, regionalt såväl som internationellt perspektiv. Olika israeliska och palestinska rörelsers inverkan på konflikten kommer att studeras liksom det pågående engagemanget från regionala och internationella statliga och icke-statliga aktörer. Kursen avslutas med en analys av konflikten under 20In the course, particular attention is paid to studying the development of the conflict over the course of the 20th century from a domestic, regional as well as international perspective. The impact of various Israeli and Palestinian movements on the conflict will be studied as well as the ongoing involvement of regional and international state and non-state actors. The course concludes with an an

Grön ekonomi - att uppnå de globala målen

The aim of the course is to allow students to explore greening the economy and the sustainable development goals on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation, and look at the relationships between these levels. Practical examples of the complexities and solutions across each level are discussed. A particular focus is placed on examples from Scandinavia, but the course also features examThe aim of the course is to allow students to explore greening the economy and the sustainable development goals on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation, and look at the relationships between these levels. Practical examples of the complexities and solutions across each level are discussed. A particular focus is placed on examples from Scandinavia, but the course also features exam

Samhällsgeografi: Afrikas aktuella utvecklingsgeografi I

Kursen ger en introduktion till samtida geografiska perspektiv på utvecklingen i Afrika. Kursens ger vidare en orientering i den socioekonomiska mångfalden i Afrika, och i synnerhet den nuvarande situationen, samt belyser såväl problem som möjligheter på kontinenten. Kartläggningen behandlar frågor som har med geografi, historia, samhälle, politik och ekonomi att göra, men med nya metoder för att The course gives an introduction to the contemporary geographical perspectives on African development. The course gives an overview of the socio-economic diversity of Africa, putting special efforts on mapping the present situation and lifting up not only the concerns, but also the potentials, of the continent. This mapping will bring up geographical, historical, social, political, and economic is

Samhällsgeografi: Examensarbete inom Kandidatprogrammet i samhällsplanering

SGEL36 syftar till att träna studenten i att planera, avgränsa, genomföra och rapportera samt kritiskt granska ett självständigt, skriftligt arbete (vetenskaplig uppsats). Kursen består i att studenten genomför ett självständigt examensarbete inom ett område som bestäms i samråd med handledare. Kursen innefattar också granskning och opposition på en uppsats.For more information about the course, please see our Swedish website on https://www.keg.lu.se/

GIS i urban och regional planering - fortsättningskurs

Kursen är en fortsättning på SGEL64: Samhällsgeografi: GIS i urban och regional planering: en introduktion (7,5 högskolepoäng). Kursen ger en fördjupning av de metoder och verktyg som introducerades under SGEL64 samt introducerar en del nya metoder. Metoderna är både vektor- och rasterbaserade. Kursen syftar till att ge fördjupade kunskaper och studier i GIS, geoteknologi och analys av geografisk

Samhällsgeografi: GIS i urban och regional planering: en introduktion

Kursen syftar till att ge grundläggande kunskaper i GIS och att tillämpa dessa i urban och regional planering.  Kursen inleds med grundläggande GIS-teori och GIS-teknik och fortsätter med genomgångar av aktuella planeringsprojekt och problem inom urban och regional planering. Empirin är främst hämtad från Skåne och Öresundsregionen med dess städer. Laborationerna introducerar grundläggande an