

Din sökning på "*" gav 532093 sökträffar

Kognitiv semiotik: Mening, medvetande och kommunikation

I kursen introduceras kognitiv semiotik som ett närmande som kombinerar insikter hämtade från såväl semiotik som lingvistik och kognitionsvetenskap. Grundläggande begrepp som tecken, betydelse, kommunikation, medvetande, kultur, ikonicitet, indexikalitet, normativitet, livsvärld, evolution, utveckling, m.fl. exemplifieras med exempel framför allt från språk, bilder och kultur. Perspektivet i kurseThe course introduces cognitive semiotics as a field in which insights from semiotics, linguistics and cognitive science are brought together. Basic concepts such as signs, meaning, communication, mind, culture, iconicity, indexicality, normativity, life world, evolution, development etc. are exemplified by, above all, language, images and culture. The perspective of the course is based on compari

Samhällsgeografi: Planeringens grunder

Kursen ges andra terminen på Samhällsplanerarprogrammet och ger dig grundläggande kunskaper om och perspektiv på samhällsplaneringens framväxt, samt planeringens idémässiga och praktiska förutsättningar. Kursen granskar planeringens grunder i ett flertal perspektiv och ger en introduktion till planeringsteori, där förändrade vetenskapliga ideal och värderingar i takt med samhällets utveckling unde

Samhällsgeografi: Examensarbete för magisterexamen i Samhällsgeografi

Målet med kursen är att träna studenten i att planera, avgränsa, genomföra, rapportera och kritiskt granska ett självständigt, skrivet examensarbete.The aim of the module is to train the students to plan, delimit, execute, report and critically review an independent, written dissertation.

Samhällsvetenskap: Dokumentforskning

Översikten täcker främst kvalitativa ansatser, inklusive tematisk analys, (kvalitativ) innehållsanalys och narrativ analys. Kursen diskuterar även några kvantitativa ansatser, såsom händelseanalys och (kvantitativ) innehållsanalys. Kursen vidareutvecklar även kring utvalda tekniker för analys av dokumentinformation. Slutligen så situeras dokumentinformation i en bredare kontext inom forskningsdesiThe course surveys mostly qualitative approaches, including thematic analysis, (qualitative) content analysis, and narrative analysis. It discusses also some quantitative approaches, such as event analysis and (quantitative) content analysis. Further, it selectively elaborates on some techniques of analysis of documentary information. Finally, it situates documentary informatio

Samhällsvetenskap: Kritiska feministiska perspektiv inom social teori

This interdisciplinary course focuses on feminist and gender theoretical interventions in other surrounding fields of study. We learn about the ways in which a focus on gender, along with race, class and sexuality, as the primary objects of study and categories of analysis, can contribute to developing theories anThis interdisciplinary course focuses on feminist and gender theoretical interventions in other surrounding fields of study. We learn about the ways in which a focus on gender, along with race, class and sexuality, as the primary objects of study and categories of analysis, can contribute to developing theories an

Diversity of the World's Languages

This course focusses on questions that arise in the study of global diversity that characterises language structure and use. The course will deal with questions such as: How many languages are there in the world? How do new languages arise? How and why do languages change? Why do languages die? What does it mean to say that two languages are related? How much do languages have in com

Swedish Society and Everyday Life

The course provides an introduction to Swedish culture and daily life. It is based on field work in which an analysis is made of material collected through the practice of observation techniques. One of the themes studied is the articulation of modernity in Swedish daily life.The course provides an introduction to Swedish culture and daily life. It is based on field work in which an analysis is made of material collected through the practice of observation techniques. One of the themes studied is the articulation of modernity in Swedish daily life.

Swedish History from a Nordic Perspective

The course includes important developments, relationships and events in the history of Sweden and the Nordic countries over a broad time span. You will particularly get: an overview of the Viking Age, and how the period is perceived by historians with regards to the sources, an overview of the political and social changes in Sweden between 1000-1800, and learn more on the historical roots of mThe course includes important developments, relationships and events in the history of Sweden and the Nordic countries over a broad time span. You will particularly get: an overview of the Viking Age, and how the period is perceived by historians with regards to the sources, an overview of the political and social changes in Sweden between 1000-1800, and learn more on the historical roots of m

One World, One Morality

Kursen One world, One Morality är en introduktionskurs på 7,5 p inom ämnet praktisk filosofi. I kursen tydliggörs den fundamentala roll som moralfrågor har inom en stor mängd områden på ett såväl individuellt som samhälleligt plan. Kursen ger en historisk bakgrund till några klassiska etiska teorier, som utilitarism, kontraktsteorier och dygdeetik, samt lyfter fram nyare feministiska omsorgsteorieThe course is an introduction to Practical Philosophy. It highlights the fundamental role of moral issues in a range of individual and social areas and provides a historical background to classical ethical theories such as utilitarianism, social contract theory and virtue ethics as well as more recent theories such as feminist ethics of care. The course presents some of the theoretical approaches

Media and Armed Conflicts - Past and Present

The course introduces the subject of Media History, you will learn how to analyse and interpret media content, form and use in a historical perspective. You will study different types of media in armed conflict, in history as well as in the present, and how to relate these to cultural, social and technical change. You will identify different media expressions, orally and in writing, and be able toThe course introduces the subject of Media History, you will learn how to analyse and interpret media content, form and use in a historical perspective. You will study different types of media in armed conflict, in history as well as in the present, and how to relate these to cultural, social and technical change. You will identify different media expressions, orally and in writing, and be able to

Media and the History of Political Rhetoric

This interdisciplinary course deals with the rhetorical use of media to establish power – in the past and in the present. We study the impact of new communication technologies such as writing, print and broadcasting on rhetoric, and we critically discuss rhetorical strategies and propaganda used by politicians and potentates.This interdisciplinary course deals with the rhetorical use of media to establish power – in the past and in the present. We study the impact of new communication technologies such as writing, print and broadcasting on rhetoric, and we critically discuss rhetorical strategies and propaganda used by politicians and potentates.

Health and Diet through Human History

Människan har existerat under 200 000 år, en försvinnande kort period i livets historia. Under denna tid har hon utvandrat från Afrika och koloniserat stora delar av planeten. Människans historia kännetecknas av viktiga övergångar såsom introduktionen av jordbruk, stadsbildning och industrialisering. Dessa processer har inneburit förändringar i diet, hälsa och befolkningstäthet. Under denna kurs fMan has existed for 200 000 years, a rather short period in the history of life. In this time span she emerged from Africa and since colonised a large part of the planet. Human history is characterised by important transitions such as the introduction of agriculture, urbanisation and industrialisation. These processes have led to changes in diet, health, and population density. In this course we f

Interkulturell kommunikation

The course concerns the intercultural issues that you will meet in your personal and professional life. In our contemporary global world we meet many people from cultures different than our own. These contacts can often enrich our lives and our understanding of the world, but sometimes they cause problems for ourselves and for the organization we work for.  Learning to handle intercultural isThe course concerns the intercultural issues that you will meet in your personal and professional life. In our contemporary global world we meet many people from cultures different than our own. These contacts can often enrich our lives and our understanding of the world, but sometimes they cause problems for ourselves and for the organization we work for.  Learning to handle intercultural is

Inter-religious Relations: Conflict and Community in the Historical Past and the Lived Present

Each session will equip students with an understanding of the historical roots and contemporary impacts of inter-religious relations between the three faiths. Students will learn about the core narratives at the heart of inter-religious discourses and will gain a new understanding of both the challenges facing inter-religious engagement as well as points of co-operation. Themes include gender and Each session will equip students with an understanding of the historical roots and contemporary impacts of inter-religious relations between the three faiths. Students will learn about the core narratives at the heart of inter-religious discourses and will gain a new understanding of both the challenges facing inter-religious engagement as well as points of co-operation. Themes include gender and

The Religious Impact of Migration in Sweden

In this course we will study the various religious communities in contemporary Sweden following from migration and its impact on Swedish society.In this course we will study the various religious communities in contemporary Sweden following from migration and its impact on Swedish society.

Barbarer och romare

Kursen studerar relationen mellan det romerska imperiet och kulturerna utanför dess gränser, med särskilt fokus på germaner och kelter under perioden 100 f.Kr. till 400 e.Kr. Vi diskuterar hur kulturmötet mellan det romerska imperiet och dess grannar yttrade sig materiellt och kulturellt, och problematiserar centrala begrepp såsom imperialism, civilisationssyn, etnicitet, social identitet, romanisThis course studies the relationship between the Roman Empire and other cultures, especially Germanic and Celtic tribes, outside the realm of the Empire during the period 100 B.C to 400 A.D. We discuss the how the meeting between Romans and their neighbours took place materially and culturally and problematize central concepts like imperialism, civilization, ethnicity, social identity, Romanizatio

Swedish Politics - Past and Present

The course provides an introduction to Swedish politics. The political system in general, the constitution, the government and the political parties are discussed in a historical as well as in a contemporary perspective. Sweden’s role as a small country in a global context, both as a member of the European Union and the United Nations, is highlighted. Swedish attributes such as “The Swedish Model”The course provides an introduction to Swedish politics. The political system in general, the constitution, the government and the political parties are discussed in a historical as well as in a contemporary perspective. Sweden’s role as a small country in a global context, both as a member of the European Union and the United Nations, is highlighted. Swedish attributes such as “The Swedish Model”

Critical Animal Studies - Animals in Society, Culture and the Media

Animals figure in human society and culture in multiple ways, while frequently being marginalized or reduced to commodities, production units, status symbols and tools. This course offers a critical exploration of how a shifting economic, scientific, political and media-shaped landscape assigns various roles and values to animals in contemporary Western society, and the consequences for living conAnimals figure in human society and culture in multiple ways, while frequently being marginalized or reduced to commodities, production units, status symbols and tools. This course offers a critical exploration of how a shifting economic, scientific, political and media-shaped landscape assigns various roles and values to animals in contemporary Western society, and the consequences for living con

Technology and Swedish Culture: Historical Perspectives

The course deals with the shaping of Swedish industrial culture and society from 1800 to 2000. The topics addressed include the transformation of the agricultural production system and the development of an infrastructure for transports, communications and power transmission. The significance of technical change for the transformation of Sweden from a poor country to an industrialised and democrat

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire, although largely a product of warfare, lasted for half a millennium. In many ways it still survives, imbedded in present institutions, explicitly addressed in contemporary architecture and constantly reemerging in literature, cinema and most recently, in computer games. The present course primarily focuses how this big empire came into being and how come that it lasted for so lonThe Roman Empire, although largely a product of warfare, lasted for half a millennium. In many ways it still survives, imbedded in present institutions, explicitly addressed in contemporary architecture and constantly reemerging in literature, cinema and most recently, in computer games. The present course primarily focuses how this big empire came into being and how come that it lasted for so lon