

Din sökning på "*" gav 529676 sökträffar

NMR relaxation times of trabecular bone - reproducibility, relationships to tissue structure and effects of sample freezing

Abstract in Undetermined Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy provides a potential tool for non-invasive evaluation of the trabecular bone structure. The objective of this study was to determine the reproducibility of the NMR relaxation parameters (T(2), Carr-Purcel-T(2), T(1ρ)) for fat and water and relate those to the structural parameters obtained by micro-computed tomography (μCT). Es

The role of biomechanics in the initiation and progression of OA of the knee.

The knee is one of the most common joints affected by osteoarthritis (OA), frequently with clinical presentation by middle age or even earlier. Accumulating evidence supports that knee OA progression is often driven by biomechanical forces, and the pathological response of tissues to such forces leads to structural joint deterioration, knee symptoms and reduced function. Well-known biomechanical r

Low risk HLA-DQ and increased body mass index in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes children in the Better Diabetes Diagnosis study in Sweden.

Objective:Type 1 diabetes and obesity has increased in childhood. We therefore tested the hypothesis that type 1 diabetes human leukocyte antigen DQ (HLA-DQ) risk genotypes may be associated with increased body mass index (BMI).Design:The type 1 diabetes high-risk HLA-DQ A1(*)05:01-B1(*)02:01/A1(*)03:01-B1(*)03:02 genotype along with lower risk DQ genotypes were determined at the time of clinical

Blue intensity and density from Northern Fennoscandian tree rings, exploring the potential to improve summer temperature reconstructions with earlywood information

Here we explore two new tree-ring parameters, derivedfrom measurements of wood density and blue intensity(BI). The new proxies show an increase in the interannualsummer temperature signal compared to establishedproxies, and present the potential to improve long-term performance.At high latitudes, where tree growth is mainlylimited by low temperatures, radiodensitometric measurementsof wood density

Start-ups and innovation in the Vienna ICT sector: how important is the local cluster?

Start-up companies and young firms are driving forces of innovation and regional economic development. They are acknowledged to play a crucial role as innovation agents, particularly, in knowledge-based industries. Most scholars agree that young firms and academic spin-offs innovate more radically, drawing on the knowledge generated in universities and research organisations. It is often assumed t

Genetic variations of the melatonin pathway in patients with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorders.

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant and a synchronizer of many physiological processes. Alteration in melatonin signaling has been reported in a broad range of diseases, but little is known about the genetic variability of this pathway in humans. Here, we sequenced all the genes of the melatonin pathway -AA-NAT, ASMT, MTNR1A, MTNR1B and GPR50 - in 321 individuals from Sweden including 101 patients

Temporal coordination of articulator gestures: an example from Greenlandic.

Movement data are analyzed to elucidate principles of articulator coordination. Procedures for tracking articulator gestures from x-ray motion films, and results obtained from Swedish and Bulgarian work are reported in Wood [J. Phon. 19, 281–292 (1991), Proc. 3rd Congress I.C.P.L.A., 191-200, Helsinki (1994), Proc. 13th I.C.Ph.Sc., Vol. 1, 392–395, Stockholm (1995), J. Phon. (in press)]. Coarticul

Change in knee kinematics during gait after eccentric isokinetic training for quadriceps in subjects submitted to anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Knee kinematics after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is of interest in studies evaluating the effect of training programs. Many studies have addressed knee flexion/extension but not valgus/varus movements. Considering that joint stability is a major concern in ACL reconstruction surgery, movements occurring in the frontal plane of the knee also deserve attention. Knee extensor tor

För få kranskärlspatienter får lipidsänkande behandling [Few patients with coronary diseases are receiving lipid-lowering therapy]

I Sverige finns sedan flera år riktlinjer för hur förhöjda blodfetter bör behandlas hos patienter med kranskärlssjukdom. Generellt är intresset för och kunskapen om lipidbehandling stort inom den svenska läkarkåren. Trots detta nås uppsatta mål för behandling av blodfetter hos endast en minoritet av patienterna, och hälften av dem får inte någon farmakologisk lipidsänkande behandling, enligt en ny

A radiographic analysis of constriction locations for vowels

Vocal tract area functions estimated from 38 sets of X-rayed vowel articulations collected from the literature and from new X-ray motion films of English and Arabic speech reveal four constriction locations: along the hard palate, along the soft palate, in the upper pharynx and in the lower larynx. Each location is appropriate for a definable class of vowel qualities, confirming the quantal nature

Low dose Zebularine treatment enhances immunogenicity of tumor cells

Strategy: We have investigated how alterations in gene expression induced by the demethylating drug Zebularine affect the immune response tumor cells elicit. The rational has been to treat syngeneic rat colon cancer cells with Zebularine at different concentrations and then use these cells to study gene expression of different genes involved in cancer immunogenicity. Gene expressions were monitore

Recursive construction for a class of radial functions. I. Ordinary space

A class of spherical functions is studied which can be viewed as the matrix generalization of Bessel functions. We derive a recursive structure for these functions. We show that they are only special cases of more general radial functions which also have a properly generalized, recursive structure. Some explicit results are worked out. For the first time, we identify a subclass of such radial func

Judisk tro och kristen i ett religionsteologiskt perspektiv

The article examines some of the tradition answers to the questions what differs Judaism from Christianity, comparing those from antiquity to answers articulated during the 19th and 20th centuries. It is argued that representatives of Christianity constantly need to examine traditional answers. The encounter with living Judaism is essential, with the words of Leo Baeck: "Man muss die Juden kennen,


Popular Abstract in Swedish Moraxella catarrhalis är en bakterie som man länge trodde var en del av vår normala bakterieflora och därmed ofarlig. Under de senaste tjugo åren har M. catarrhalis dock visat sig vara en av orsakerna till öroninflammation hos barn och lägre luftvägsinfektioner hos vuxna med någon annan underliggande sjukdom som t.ex. kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL). De senaste 10 Moraxella catarrhalis is frequently colonizing the human respiratory tract, particularly in children. This gram-negative bacterium has during the last two decades been recognized as a pathogen causing otitis media in children and lower respiratory tract infections in adults with predisposing conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The virulence determinants of M. catarrhal

The impact of six European tree species on the chemistry of mineral topsoil in forest plantations on former agricultural land

Influences on mineral topsoils of common European tree species (oak-Quercus robur L., lime-Tilia cordata Mill., ash-Fraxinus excelsior L., birch-Betula pendula Roth., beech-Fagus sylvatica L. and spruce-Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were studied in 30 to 40-year-old stands planted in adjacent plots on former arable land. Mineral soil samples from two depth layers (0-10 and 20-30 cm) under the different