RFP-Y-like sequences assort independently of pheasant MHC genes
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Post-traumatic microalbuminuria may be caused by either charge- or size-selective alterations in the glomerular filtration barrier, or both, and/or to a reduction in proximal tubular protein reabsorption (PTR). This study was performed to elucidate the pathophysiology of the increases in glomerular permeability occurring in rats exposed to laparotomy or to laparotomy and muscle trauma. In anaesthe
OBJECTIVES: To analyse survival rates and the causes of death in a systemic sclerosis (SSc) population, and to evaluate the occurrence of fatal malignant neoplasms and their possible association with oral cyclophosphamide (CYC) treatment. METHODS: Survival was calculated for 249 SSc patients followed up for up to 13 years. Mean (SD) follow up was 5.8 (4.2) years. The 49 decreased patients were sub
Background: Immediate recurrence of atrial fibrillation (IRAF) occurs frequently after electrical cardioversion, its electrophysiological determinants and prognostic significance hove, however, not been studied in detail. This Study aimed to explore (1) the association of IRAF with clinical characteristics, pulmonary vein (PV) arrhythmogenicity as well as atrial electrophysiologic properties and (
Glucostatic appetite regulation has numerous determinants, among others: cephalic phase digestion, gastric emptying and absorption, together influencing postprandial blood glucose responses and satiety. This short communication presents and reviews studies of gastric emptying, antral distension and postprandial glucose response and their relation to reports of satiety in healthy non-obese over nig
The Gq-coupled 5-hydroxytryptamine 2B (5-HT2B) receptor is known to regulate the proliferation of islet beta cells during pregnancy. However, the role of serotonin in the control of insulin release is still controversial. The aim of the present study was to explore the role of the 5-HT2B receptor in the regulation of insulin secretion in mouse and human islets, as well as in clonal INS-1(832/13) c
OBJECTIVE: To develop a Western blot method for quantification of multiple aggrecan fragments in human synovial fluids (SFs). METHOD: SF aggrecan fragments were prepared from knee healthy (reference), knee injury and arthritis subjects by CsCl gradient centrifugations collecting D1 fractions. Samples were analyzed by Western blot, using antibodies against the N-terminal epitope ARGS and the G3 dom
Transient experiments for the Eemian (128-113 ky BP) were performed with a complex, coupled earth system model, including atmosphere, ocean, terrestrial biosphere and marine biogeochemistry. In order to investigate the effect of land surface parameters (background albedo, vegetation and tree fraction and roughness length) on the simulated changes during the Eemian, simulations with interactive cou
Background:Tasquinimod is a quinoline-3-carboxamide derivative with anti-angiogenic activity. Two open-label phase I clinical trials in patients were conducted to evaluate the safety and tolerability of tasquinimod, with additional pharmacokinetic and efficacy assessments.Methods:Patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer with no previous chemotherapy were enrolled in this study. The patie
A roller coaster ride comes to an end. Magnets on the train induce eddy currents in the braking fins, giving a smooth rise in braking force as the remaining kinetic energy is absorbed by the brakes and converted to thermal energy. In this paper an IR camera was used to monitor the temperature of the first braking fin, before, during and after the passage of a train. In addition, the resulting acce
Muslimer framställs idag som sexualfientliga puritaner, medan de inom orientalismen sågs som lustfyllda med en bestialisk, okontrollerad sexualitet i sina harem. Muslimer har konstruerats som ”den andra” i relation till väst, men vad vet vi egentligen om muslimsk sexualitet? I artikeln hävdas att muslimer traditionellt har haft en öppnare inställning till sexualitet än den strikta sexualmoral som
A numerical model, called MsDiff (Multi-Species DIFFusion), based on a finite difference method and on the Nernst-Planck relation has been developed. The concentration profiles for several species (i.e., Cl-, Na+, K+ and OH-), the flux and the potential profile are computed. The simulations allow having a better understanding about the phenomena involved during the transport of different ions into
BACKGROUND: The orexins (hypocretins) and cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) are hypothalamic peptides involved in the regulation of sleep and appetite. We have previously shown that levels of both orexin-A and CART in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are related to specific psychiatric symptoms. METHODS: Ten patients took part in lumbar punctures and psychiatric evaluations in conju
Previous research has shown -125 mmHg to be the optimal negative pressure for creating an environment that promotes wound healing, and this has therefore been adopted as a standard pressure for patients with deep sternal wound infection. However, it has not yet been clearly shown that -125 mmHg is the optimal pressure from a haemodynamic point of view. Furthermore, there have been reports of cardi
Fluid substitution is important in critically ill patients to maintain normovolemia, but there is always a risk that the treatment is too aggressive resulting in fluid overload, or is insufficient with maintenance of hypovolemia. The present study on the rat aims at evaluating the change in plasma volume after 2.5 h from a state of hyper- and hypovolemia. The analysis was made without and with nor
DESIGN:: CCR5-using HIV-1 (R5 viruses) are usually isolated during acute infection from both adults and children. We have recently demonstrated that R5 viruses with a flexible use of CCR5 (called R5broad) can be detected in children close to birth and are predictive of a fast immunological failure. The aim of the present work was to investigate viral phenotype variation during disease progression
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link is an old idiom that holds true for muscle biology. As the name implies, skeletal muscle's main function is to move the bones. However, for a muscle to transmit force and withstand the stress that contractions give rise to, it relies on a chain of proteins attaching the cytoskeleton of the muscle fiber to the surrounding extracellular matrix. The import