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Om Elis Eriksson
On the late production of the Swedish artist Elis Eriksson, with a special focus on his books.
Epokgörande index
Alcohol Intervention Studies in University Students. Randomised Controlled Trials of Responsible Beverage Service and High Risk Drinking.
The aim was to study implementation and efficacy of two intervention techniques for risky alcohol consumption in university students. One technique was the Responsible Beverage Service Programme modified for use in students pubs. The other was a cognitive-based education programme (10 hours) for freshman students with risky alcohol consumption that was compared with a mailed personalised drinking
Holocene tephra horizons at Klocka Bog, west-central Sweden: aspects of reproducibility in subarctic peat deposits
This paper presents one of the most extensive Holocene tephra records found to date in Scandinavia. Microtephra horizons originating from Icelandic eruptions were recorded in two ca. 2 m thick peat profiles at Klocka Bog in west-central Sweden. Five of the microtephra horizons were geochemically correlated to the Askja-1875, Hekla-3, Kebister, Hekla-4 and Lairg A tephras respectively. Radiocarbon-
Hypothyroidism Is Common in Turner Syndrome: Results of a Five-Year Follow-Up
Turner syndrome (TS) is caused by a sex chromosome aberration. The aim was to study the prevalence and incidence of thyroid disease in adults with TS. Women with TS (n = 91; mean age, 37.7 +/- 11 yr) were compared with an age-matched female random population sample (n = 228). At baseline, 15 (16%) TS women were treated for hypothyroidism, and elevated serum TSH was found in another eight (9%). As
Attenuation correction in SPECT based on transmission studies and Monte Carlo simulations of build-up functions
The quantitative information in SPECT images is distorted by photon attenuation and contribution of photons scattered in the object. It is, therefore, important to know the distribution of different attenuating tissues in order to be able to perform a proper attenuation correction. A correction method, based on correcting one pixel at a time by using density maps and build-up functions, has been d
Visst finns det långtidseffekter av klopidogrel … men knappast värda priset
Industrial development of car disassembly - ergonomics and system performance
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett nytt EU-direktiv om uttjänta fordon har nyligen antagits. Direktivet kräver att från och med 2006 skall 85% av bilens vikt återvinnas och 95% från och med år 2015. Idag återvinns cirka 80%. Bildemonteringsindustrin har valts som studieobjekt i denna avhandling. De höjda återvinningskraven förväntas leda till att bildemonteringsindustrin genomgår omfattande rationaliA new EU directive on used vehicles has recently been introduced. It demands that for every scrapped car, at least 85% by weight must be recycled by the year 2006 and 95% by 2015. The current level is about 80%. The car disassembly industry was chosen as the study object of this thesis. Due to the increased demands on recycling, the disassembly industry may undergo comprehensive rationalizations a
No relation between maternal weight gain and stillbirth
BACKGROUND. To evaluate the relationship between stillbirth in singleton pregnancy (> or = 28 weeks gestation) and maternal weight (weight gain) from 24 completed weeks. METHODS. All fetal deaths (n = 210) at five delivery units during seven years in southern Sweden were analysed. To each case a control mother was selected, the only matching criteria being parity and place of delivery. Regression
Models for assessing the cost-effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis
Conflicting Logics? : Implementing Capacity and EU Adaptation in a Postcommunist Context
Popular Abstract in Swedish Länder som strävar efter att kvalificera sig för medlemskap i Europeiska unionen måste genomföra omfattande reformer under kort tid. Som en effekt av anpassningsprocessen till unionens regelverk och politiska, ekonomiska och administrativa kriterier omstruktureras statsapparaten. Detta gäller inte minst i de kandidatländer som samtidigt genomgår radikala transformationsIt is generally recognized that the EU accession process has profound effects on state transformation in the postcommunist applicant countries. A key problem of postcommunism has been a weak ability to implement public policy. This study explores how efforts to fulfill EU conditionality may influence implementing capacity. Firstly, it advances a theoretical framework for this purpose, focusing on
Skin morphology and layer identification using different STIM geometries
The use of on-axis geometry in scanning transmission ion microscopy (STIM) has been widely used for thin biological sample structure identification. In this configuration, the lateral resolution is optimised so that micron or submicron beam spots are easily achieved even for classic microbeam lines. Off-axis STIM was more particularly employed for rapid imaging, and also (when associated to a scat
Isolation, characterization, and enzymatic hydrolysis of acetyl-galactoglucomannan from spruce (Picea abies)
Water-soluble hemicelluloses were extracted from spruce chips by heat-fractionation using microwave treatment. A screening of conditions (pH, temperature and residence time) was performed for the extraction of O-acetyl-galactoglucomannan (AcGGM). The yield and the average molecular weight of the extracted mannan were analysed using HPLC, size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and mass-spectrometry. T
Recension av Samtiden som kulturarv Silven Eva och Gudmundsson, Magnus (red)
Restrained point-charge models for disaccharides
Various methods for deriving atomic partial charges from the quantum chemical electrostatic potential and moments have been tested for the sucrose molecule. We show that if no further information is used, the charges on some carbon atoms become large and charge patterns involving these atoms are badly determined and poorly transferable. Adding lone-pairs on the ether oxygen atoms or dividing the m
A new approach to examine conformational changes occurring upon binding of ligand by biomolecules
Liquid-liquid partition chromatography in an aqueous poly(ethylene glycol)/dextran two-phase system (LLPC) is shown to be a quick and sensitive method for detecting conformational changes occurring upon binding of ligands by biospecific molecules. Two groups of well-characterized proteins, enzymes and monoclonal antibodies, were employed. As an example, LLPC demonstrated that isoforms of lactate d
Kritisk litteraturhermeneutik som förklaringsmodell
Hormonal regulation of phosphodiesterase 3B in adipocytes
Popular Abstract in Swedish I min avhandling har jag undersökt hur fosfodiesteras 3B (PDE3B) i fettväven styrs vid svar på två typer av hormoner nämligen, insulin och katekolaminer. Det senare innefattar hormoner så som adrenalin och nor-adrenalin. Varför är då detta intressant att veta? I Sverige och världen har mängden människor med fetma under de senaste åren ökat lavinartat, vilket är en stor Insulin induced activation of the cAMP degrading enzyme phosphodiesterase (PDE) 3B in adipocytes is important for insulin mediated inhibition of lipolysis. The aim of this thesis was to contribute with knowledge on the acute activation of PDE3B in response to insulin and catecholamines in adipocytes. The activation of PDE3B was investigated from three different perspectives namely; phosphorylation