

Din sökning på "*" gav 531412 sökträffar

Comparing different methods of measuring particle size for pharmaceutical excipients

In pharmaceutical science, particle size is one of the most fundamental parameters of materials, but different particle-sizing analysis methods lack a uniform standard for measuring irregular particle size, making it difficult to compare the accuracy and applicability of different particle-sizing analysis methods. Experiments on excipients used in pharmaceuticals are carried out in this paper by l

Svenskt diskrimineringsskydd i arbetslivet i ljuset av Konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning

I detta arbete jämförs det svenska diskrimineringsskyddet i arbetslivet med rättigheterna i FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning CRPD. Särskilt behandlas bestämmelsen om bristande tillgänglighet. Syftet är att ge personer med funktionshinder ett effektivt medel till att uppnå lika rättigheter och möjligheter i samhället. I den svenska rättsordningen är funktionshindIn this paper the Swedish discrimination legislation in the working life will be compared to the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities CRPD. With special attention to the prohibition off inadequate accessibility. The rule inadequate accessibility has the purpose to give people with disabilities access to society in equal basis to other people. In Swedish law disability is a medi

Managing Change in Corporate Climate Action

In an uncertain and ambiguous world, organizations need to find new ways to manage change and stay in business. Constantly changing environmental policies and corporate climate action puts even more pressure on organizations in change management. It is apparent that corporate climate action shapes the way companies operate a business. Hence, the purpose of the present study is to shed light on man

Psykisk ohälsa och könsroller - En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers upplevelser av gymnasieelevers mående

In this study we aimed to identify and explore different aspects of the school counsellors work with children at Swedish schools. The school counsellor’s assignment at schools is in part to take care of and help the children's mental health within the frame of the psychosocial perspective i.e. for example the social part of the children's lives that sets the condition of their experiences

Identifying success factors in mHealth for diabetes self-management

Diabetes if not managed properly may have severe health implications. Mobile applications that support its management have been developed, however, little research has examined their success. The aim of this mixed-methods study is to identify success factors of such applications from the users` perspective. The research process was guided by a conceptual frame- work based on the updated DeLone and

A sociotechnical perspective of Artificial Intelligence in the context of Industry 4.0: The impact of AI on the social dimension of sustainability

Due to the increasingly concerning threat of climate change, organizations, including industrial companies, are pressured by various stakeholders to consider their impact on the environment, economy and society. The Industry 4.0 (I4.0) revolution enables companies to use new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to address the challenge of making a positive impact on sustainability. Ho

Should Sweden apply for an EMU membership?

This paper examines the effect a membership in the EMU would have on the Swedish economy. This is done by using the synthetic control method where a synthetical Sweden is created and compared with actual Sweden. Synthetic Sweden is created by 11 donor pool countries, which are the 11 countries that joined the EMU in 1999. Using GDP per capita and Export as a percentage of GDP as dependent variable

Translating science in consultancy practice: a study of communication practitioners

Studies conducted within the field of Strategic Communication have often had communication practitioners working within organizations as the object of investigation. Communication consultants, however, is a professional role within Strategic Communication that needs further investigation. The profession is characterized by a certain ambiguity, as it rarely involves demand on higher education, cert

Mikroplast i vattenavsatta sediment

Mikroplast har varit ett stort föroreningsproblem sedan början av plastens massproduktion på 1950-talet. Mikroplast bildas dels när plastmaterial avsiktligt skapas för att vara del av skönhetsprodukter och liknande och dels oavsiktligt, när plast bryts ner till mindre partiklar på grund av solljus, vind och regn. Detta kallas för primär respektive sekundär mikro-plast. Mikroplast är ett stort probMicroplastics (MPs) are a major pollution concern since the start of the mass produc-tion of plastics in the 1950s. MPs form A) when plastics are produced intentionally to be part of beauty products and B) when plastics are broken down into smaller particles by sunlight, wind, and rain. This is called primary and secondary microplastics, respectively. MPs are a concern because they can carry toxic

Castles in the air? The mediating role of managerial cognition in the adoption and innovation of business models triggered by emerging digital technologies

The purpose of this research was to investigate the mediating role of managerial cognition in the adoption and innovation of business models triggered by emerging digital technologies. Firstly, we explored how managers cognitively conceptualize emerging digital technologies (i.e., Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and Big Data, and the Metaverse) as enriched

Repurposing of Electric Vehicle Batteries for Energy Storage – A review of the current legal framework and proposals for improvement

Circular economy has recently become a central part of European policy, bridging the environmental and economic policy domains closer than ever in an attempt to fulfil enhanced environmental ambitions. As economic operators seek to adopt innovative solutions, the issue of how established legal frameworks hamper or facilitate them becomes central. This thesis examines this point in relation to on

Missbruk av dominerande ställning på digitala marknader - En studie av missbruk av dominerande ställning på digitala plattformar och förslaget om EU-förordning om digitala marknader

Digitaliseringen har ökat konkurrensrättsliga utmaningarna på digitala marknader. Digitala plattformars missbruk av dominerande ställning har gett upphov till nya konkurrensrättsliga problem exempelvis i samband med användning av andra plattformarnas kunddata och jämförelsetjänster. Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera och beskriva några av de konkurrensrättsliga utmaningarna i form av missbruk aDigitalisation has increased the competition law challenges in digital markets. The abuse of a dominant position by digital platforms has created new competition law problems, related to for example the usage of other platforms data and comparison services. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze and describe some of the competition law challenges in the form of abuse of a dominant position that i

Normförändring inom subkulturer - En studie om kronvittnessystemets förutsättningar

The study has a dual purpose, which is to study what is required for a legislation to have a norm-changing effect. And what conditions a crown witness system has beyond the legal to give the intended effect in Sweden. With a qualitative approach these matters have been studied. Material was collected through two systematic literature reviews regarding a basic picture of what is required for a chan

Sorry, can I take this call? Ethnography of an Integrated Development Plan in South Africa

The South African government has since its democratisation launched Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) to engage institutions and communities in shaping local development. These IDPs have yielded mixed results, especially in relation to participation and institutional integration. The discipline of development studies has struggled to address the social networks which enable development. This in

Credibility for and engagement with outlets sharing climate change news: a quantitative research of young people in Sweden

How civil society perceives climate change communication by outlets is key for sustainable development. Being predicted to get largely impacted due to climate change and having a great influence on future sustainability outcomes, young people are an important group to focus on in the field of perception and climate change communication. Therefore, this research aims to determine where young people

The Impact of Changes in Family Structure on Individuals’ Financial Risk Attitudes: A longitudinal analysis from the Netherlands

Risk attitudes influence a wide range of financial decisions in the household, such as investments, consumption, and savings. It is, therefore, crucial to understand risk attitudes and how they change throughout the life cycle, in order to determine and predict economic behavior. In this study, we investigate the impact of changes in family structure on individuals' financial risk attitudes by

Småhusgrund med cementbundet rivningstegel

Miljöpåverkan är ett ständigt återkommande ämne i samhällsdebatten. Många företag strävar efter att minimera sin miljöpåverkan, vilket kan ske genom att återanvända material i stället för att producera nya. I fallet med betongproduktion finns det flera sätt att göra den bättre för miljön. Till exempel kan rivningstegel användas som alternativ till den traditionella ballasten, som ett sätt att minsEnvironmental impact is a recurring topic in the social debate. Many companies strive to minimize their environmental impact, which can be done by reusing materials instead of producing new ones. In the case of concrete production, there are several ways to make it better for the environment. For example, brick waste can be used as an alternative to the traditional stone aggregate as a way to redu

The EU mandatory human rights due diligence legislations and FTA in Vietnam context – A useful toolbox or a set of decorative items

The EU is establishing its leadership in setting global rules and standards for sustainable development over the world through legal instruments with transformational effects on third countries. On the one hand, the EU is the leading region in the development of mHRDD legislations which has been hardened for the last decades and is now evolving to become CSDD, generating extraterritorial effects f

A Comparison of Building Energy Performance Simulation Tools in BIM and non-BIM environments

The detailed use of Building Performance Simulation (BPS) tools to estimate the energy use and encourage energy savings solutions is vital in mitigating the energy use for buildings and the production of this energy. Furthermore, the design of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings involves a collaborative effort among professionals in the Architecture, Engineering, and Constructi

Integrating Fire Evacuation into the Building Information Modelling Workflow

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is arising gradually as a useful methodology in the AEC field. One of the many benefits of BIM is coordination between stakeholders from multiple disciplines. However, the field of Fire Safety Engineering (FSE) is relatively lagging by its lack of integration into this digital workflow. This lack of integration increases the efforts needed to evaluate the desig