

Din sökning på "*" gav 534548 sökträffar

Structures of tall buildings.

Tall buildings have lately become a problem to design because of the development of light weighted steel frames and wind loads. An important task of a structure is the absorption of horizontal loads and the capacity to transfer the resulting moment down into the ground. It is the engineer’s task to make sure that the structure’s performance is sufficient when it comes to safety and serviceability.

Prefabricerade väggelement : metodanalys och tidsstudier.

Dagens byggande av bostäder präglas av ökade krav på kortare byggtider, lägre byggkostnader och en jämn och hög kvalitet. Miljötänkande har också fått en allt högre prioritet. De ökade kraven har medfört olika typer av satsningar på att förbättra material, teknik och metoder för att bygga villor. En tydlig linje i denna utveckling har varit en ökad användning av förtillverkade komponenter och elem

Emission and exposure assessment of arc discharge produced multiwalled carbon nanotubes in an industrial environment

The industry of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) has grown rapidly during the last decade, with for example carbon nanotubes (CNTs) incorporated in high-tech composites and nanosized TiO2 in sunscreens and paint. With an increased potential of human exposure to these novel ENPs, especially during production and handling of nanoparticles, the concern of risks when people become exposed has increased

Re-enchanting China: Private Religiosities in the Media Field in Beijing

The thesis examines two emergent religiosities which flourish among university students and young professionals connected with the private media field in Beijing. One case group consists of young successful professionals from the field of private media who have started to worship a living Buddha of the Vajrayana school. The other group consists of students from universities connected to the privat

Tänk Positivt! Psykologiseringens etik och kapitalismens tredje anda

Uppsatsen undersöker vilken bild av arbetsmarknaden som förmedlas till arbetstagare av så kallade coacher och undersöker hur bland annat psykologisering och individualisering spelar in i sammanhanget. Frågeställningen är vilken ideologi och vilka maktrelationer som förmedlas och reproduceras samt vilken diskurs de ingår i. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av två coachningsböcker riktade till arbets

Dimensionering med BIM kopplat till FEM

The deployment of BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the Swedish building industry has begun. A BIM-model, briefly explained, is an object orientated 3D model that contains the available information about a building. Currently it’s mostly used for enabling a more effective collision control, quantity takeoff and production of shop and construction drawings. Thanks to its 3D nature it is easier

Numerical Analysis of Compression Perpendicular to the Grain in Glulam Beams With and Without Reinforcement

In Sweden there has recently been a change in the code from the former BFS2010:2 BKR 13 to Eurocode 5. This shift has led to changes when calculating the design capacity for all materials including wood. One of the parameters that were changed was the strength of wood perpendicular to the grain. The characteristic value required was decreased from 8 MPa to 2.7 MPa which have a relativity large imp

Beräkningsstandard för ljudisolering

The purpose of this Master Thesis is to observe how well the standard EN 12354, the computer program Bastian, and field measurements agree with each other. Calculations on two different objects, where one object cointained four different constructions, were compared with data from field measurments. The restrictions of EN 12354-1&2 and Bastian were evaluated from this. The areas of application

Sian Ka'an : the gate to heaven? : a critical approach towards the biosphere reserve and its ambition to improve the overall relationship between people and their environment

This research is based on the investigation of a Biosphere Reserve in the South of Mexico. It observes the Vision and Mission of the Biosphere Reserve Sian Ka’an in Quintana Roo Mexico based on the norms given by UNESCO’s Man And the Biosphere. It also tries to examine the Reserve’s opportunity for sustainability science to be a knowledge co-production and exchange platform. And its prospects to b

Empowerment of the Indigenous People through Peace Accord and Conflicts in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh

This study has been done on the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) ‘Peace Accord’ in Bangladesh which is the policy response of government to address socioeconomic, educational and cultural rights of the indigenous people. In this context, my study illuminates on two concepts namely ‘participation’ and ‘peacebuilding’. Here, the main research question is : How far does ‘Participation’ function as an eff

Användning av tidigare översättning i översättning av spanskamerikansk politisk text

Denna uppsats består av en analys av kapitel fyra och fem i Jacobo Machovers La dinastía Castro. Los misterios y secretos de su poder, samt av en analys av min översättning av dessa kapitel. Därefter kommenterar jag min översättning, och diskuterar några centrala översättningsproblem. Främsta fokus ligger på essäns implicita argumentation, som bl.a. utgörs av citat hämtade ur Che Guevaras ideologi

Maintaining and improving supplier relations with auditing– A study at ABB Sweden and Singapore

Background: In today’s globalized world, many producing companies depend on large supplier networks. Supplier relations require maintenance and a tool for that is supplier auditing. ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable industrial customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. ABB business division Process Automation (PA) and business unit Control

Ventilation system fire safety in the Xchange building

The majority of the deaths when a fire takes place are due to the smoke. The fire gases can easily spread through the ventilation system if it is not properly designed and some safety measures are taken. The current legislation suggest as solution to install independent ventilation systems or smoke barriers. However, the new Swedish legislation will offer new possibilities base on smoke dilution

Undersökning av uteluftsventiler i flerbostadshus - förekomst och användning samt brukarnas upplevelse av inneklimatet

Most Swedish housing is ventilated by a mechanical exhaust ventilation or natural ventilation. In both of the ventilation system the fresh air is usually added through vents in the outer wall straight into the bedroom and living room. The solution may involve a risk of draft experience and poor thermal comfort in the vicinity of the inlets. One measure that the residents can then take is to