Din sökning på "*" gav 532528 sökträffar
Mathematical Modeling of Brain Circuitry during Cerebellar Movement Control
Reconstruction of movement control properties of the brain could result in many potential advantages for application in robotics. However, a hampering factor so far has been the lack of knowledge of the structure and function of brain circuitry in vivo during movement control. Much more detailed information has recently become available for the area of the cerebellum that controls arm-hand movemen
The Fortune at the Base of the Pyramid: Strategies for Creating Innovations
Immunity to Salmonella infection
Popular Abstract in Swedish Salmonella infektion drabbar ca 16 miljoner människor i världen per år. Salmonella sprids genom mat och vatten och fšrekommer främst i länder där god hygien är ett problem. Beroende på vilken typ av Salmonella som man infekteras av, kan man drabbas av magsjuka eller en allvarlig systemisk infektion som i värsta fall kan leda till döden (tyfoid feber). Salmonella tar sigThe immune system has several strategies to combat infections. The present study investigates various aspects of the interaction between Gram negative bacteria, particularly Salmonella, and antigen presenting cells (APC). Salmonella is an intracellular bacterium infecting mice and man. Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice is a frequently used model for studying systemic Salmonella infection. O
Swedish legal system
A 2GHz Low-Phase-Noise CMOS quadrature VCO
Comparisons on Thermal and Evaporative Resistance of Traditional Duckling Down Coat and Kapok Coat
Expertsystemtillämpningar inom processreglering: En översikt
Lung diagnosis by recovery of inhaled nanoparticles: evaluation of the Airspace Dimension Test within the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study
No title
Popular Abstract in French n/a[abstract missing]
Social Resistance in Southeast Asia
Evaluation of road infrastructure redesign and ADAS applications for traffic safety.
On the Performance of IEEE 802.11 QoS Mechanisms under Spectrum Competition
WLANs based on IEEE 802.11 are becoming more and more popular both in commercial and residential settings. However, the very success of 802.11 may become a threat to the technology itself. Since there are only a limited number of non-overlapping channels available in the IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards, this can lead to interference among WLANs in dense areas. In this paper, we investigate the effects
Learning from the implementation of the Clean Water Act
National and local influences on the development of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: case studies from the United Kingdom and Sweden
Interrogative Belief Revision
This thesis deals with the theory of interrogative belief revision, a recent development in the subfield of philosophical logic known as belief revision theory. While classical belief revision theory deals with the dynamics of an agent’s beliefs, interrogative belief revision aims to describe the dynamics of the agent’s questions about the world, or research agenda, as well. Great emphasis is put
Powder Bed Structure and Imbibition - A Study of Spray Dried Dairy Powders
Popular Abstract in Swedish Klumpbildning då pulver tillsätts till en vätska är ett problem som många känner igen. Det kan förekomma då såsen ska redas eller när en kopp varm choklad ska blandas till från kakaopulver. Samma problem uppträder också i industrin, där många ingredienser distribueras i pulverform. Att använda torra ingredienser (pulver) inom industrin har fördelar då dessa produkter haThe formation of lumps during powder dissolution is undesirable in most cases. In a world where the use of dry products is increasing, incomplete powder dissolution and lump formation can for instance affect the color of a paint or the nutritional content of baby food. In this thesis, the phenomena governing lump formation of agglomerated spray dried dairy powders were investigated. The focus of t
A Probing Approach for Detection of Acetate Formation
Many pharmaceuticals are today produced using genetically modified microorganisms. A typical problem in monitoring and control of biotechnical processes is that many important process variables cannot be measured on-line. This has triggered much research and development concerning new sensors. Another way of addressing the problem is to improve and to extend the use of existing sensors.