

Din sökning på "*" gav 533213 sökträffar

SubKluster: Novel method to bin scaffolds from cereal genomes into subgenomes using substring frequency analysis

The genome of the Belinda variety of the hexaploid oat (Avena sativa) has recently been sequenced and assembled. This project aims to improve the assembly by clustering the thousands of scaffolds into their three ancestral subgenomes using Principle Component Analysis (PCA) of kmer and repeat-element frequencies. The method was developed using a chromosome level assembly of hexaploid Wheat (Tritiu

Democracy (Not) on Display : A Structural Collocation Analysis of the Mother of All Parliaments' Reluctance to Broadcast Herself

Why was the British Parliament so late in broadcasting its debates? Scholars have made recommendations on parliamentary communication, analysed its effects, and described the debates and arguments on broadcasting parliament. But who was making these arguments, and what role did parliamentarians’ identities play in these debates? We show the crucial role that partisanship—but also the distinctions

High Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Infection Despite High Seroprevalence, Sweden, 2022

We performed 2 surveys during 2022 to estimate point prevalences of SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with overall viral seroprevalence in Sweden. Point prevalence was 1.4% in March and 1.5% in September. Estimated seroprevalence was >80%, including among unvaccinated children. Continued SARS-CoV-2 surveillance is necessary for detecting emerging, possibly more pathogenic variants.

Towards optimization of anomaly detection in DevOps

Context: DevOps has recently become a mainstream solution for bridging the gaps between development (Dev) and operations (Ops) enabling cross-functional collaboration. The DevOps concept of continuous monitoring may bring a lot of benefits to development teams such as early detection of run-time errors and various performance anomalies. Objective: We aim to explore deep learning (DL) solutions for

Strain Mapping of Single Nanowires using Nano X-ray Diffraction

Nanowires are explored as basic components for a large range of electronic devices. The nanowire format offersseveral benefits, including reduced material consumption and increased potential for combining materials to formnew novel heterostructures. Several factors, such as mechanical stress from contacting or a lattice mismatch in aheterostructure, can strain and change the lattice tilt. The stra

Exposure to transportation noise and risk for cardiovascular disease in a nationwide cohort study from Denmark

BACKGROUND: Transportation noise increases the risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD), but few studies have investigated subtypes of IHD, such as myocardial infarction (MI), angina pectoris, or heart failure. We aimed to study whether exposure to road, railway and aircraft noise increased risk for ischemic heart disease (IHD), IHD subtypes, and heart failure in the entire adult Danish population, in

Feeding Problems in Young Children: A Cross-Sectional Study in Sweden

FavoritesPermissionsORIGINAL ARTICLE: NUTRITIONFeeding Problems in Young Children: A Cross-Sectional Study in SwedenObjectives: To describe the prevalence of feeding problems (FPs) in children aged 10, 18, and 36 months who visited Swedish Child Health Services.Methods: Parents of children attending regular 10-, 18-, and 36-month visits at the child health care centers (CHCCs) in Sweden answered a

Parental help-seeking behaviour for, and care of, a sick or injured child during the COVID-19 pandemic: a European online survey

BackgroundGlobally, the COVID-19 pandemic had a huge impact on patients and healthcare systems. A decline in paediatric visits to healthcare settings was observed, which might have been due to lower incidence of injury and infectious illness, changes in healthcare services and parental concern. The aim of our study was to examine parental experiences of help-seeking for, and care of, a sick or inj

Data and interpretations on the discovery of the Antikythera Mechanism. Notes for the future

For more than a century the research on the Antikythera Mechanism engaged scientists from a widerange of scientific disciplines searching for clues, in order to solve the mystery that this unique ar-chaeological find poses. The results so far have been spectacular enough to re-write the History ofTechnology providing new aspects on the degree of technological sophistication and scientific de-velop

Turbulent premixed flames in a model gas turbine combustor: fuel sensitivity and flame dynamics

The demand for energy security and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions has led to a surge of interest in the development of high-efficiency and low-emission gas turbine engines that can run on alternative low carbon content fuels, such as hydrogen-enriched fuel and syngas. However, the combustion characteristics of these fuels can significantly alter the flame characteristics and operability ran

Novel inhibitory effect of galectin-3 on the respiratory burst induced by Staphylococcus aureus in human neutrophils

Among the responders to microbial invasion, neutrophils represent the earliest and perhaps the most important immune cells that contribute to host defense with the primary role to kill invading microbes using a plethora of stored anti-microbial molecules. One such process is the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the neutrophil enzyme complex NADPH-oxidase, which can be assembled and a

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Abstract in GreekΠερίληψηΟ Μηχανισμός των Αντικυθήρων αποτελεί ένα μοναδικό εύρημα. Η έρευνά του απασχολεί επιστήμονες προερχόμενους από ένα ευρύ φάσμα ειδικοτήτων και τα αποτελέσματά της φανερώνουν τον ανεπτυγμένο βαθμό της επιστημονικής εξέλιξης της εποχής, που κατασκευάστηκε ο Μηχανισμός, ξαναγράφοντας την ιστορία της τεχνολογίας. Μετά από έναν και πλέον αιώνα από την εύρεση του, αρχαιολόγοι επ

Berättigat intresse som rättslig grund vid behandling av personuppgifter – en analys och jämförelse av det berättigade intresset i GDPR och 9 kap 28 § LEK

Den digitala utvecklingen har gått mycket snabbt vilket omvärlden på flera sätt har varit tvungen att anpassa sig efter. En åtgärd från den Europisks unionens sida som har vidtagits i försök att anpassa sig är framtagandet av GDPR. GDPR syftar bland annat till att skydda person-lig integritet genom att reglera behandling av personuppgifter. I denna uppsats har fokus legat på att undersöka hur tillThe digital development has progressed rapidly, which the surrounding world has had to adapt to in several ways. One measure taken by the European Union to adapt, is the development of GDPR. GDPR aims, among other things, to protect personal integrity by regulating the processing of personal data. The objective of this paper has been to investigate the lawful basis "legitimate interest&qu

Saliva: a cell suspension of epithelial cells harboring the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 and the growth factor EGF

Saliva plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health through its physical and chemical properties that provide various protective functions. One of its essential components is the human host defense peptide LL-37, which is produced by immune cells and epithelial cells, and participates in the first line of defense against pathogens. LL-37 is a potent antimicrobial agent against both gram-positiv

Attosecond photoelectron interferometry: from wavepackets to density matrices

Through the advent of high-order harmonic generation and attosecond light pulses, photoionization dynamics has been studied on the attosecond time-scale, the intrinsic time-scale of such dynamics. When the electron leaves the atomic potential a phase shift is imprinted on the electron wavefunction. The measurement of this phase, together with amplitude allows us to determine the dynamics that of t

Delat På Taket

Bostäder i storstäder har blivit en svårtillgänglig lyxvara, samtidigt som ett fåtal tjänar mycket pengar på situationen. Som bostadsmarknaden ser ut idag, med vinstdrivande byggbolag tillsammans med dyr mark, går problemet inte att lösa utan förändring (Länsstyrelsen 2021). Detta examensarbete söker efter ett alternativt sätt att bo där de boende tillsammans tar kontroll över sin boendesituation.Housing in big cities has become a luxury that many people cannot afford, while a few make a lot of money out of the situation. As the housing market stands today, with profit-driven construction companies and expensive land, the problem cannot be solved without change (Länsstyrelsen 2021). This thesis seeks an alternative way of living, where the residents together take control of their housing s

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Detta är en bearbetad version på nederländska av min tidigare på svenska utgivna biografi om den engelske kungen Henrik VIII.De Zweedse hoogleraar Dick Harrison vertelt het kleurrijke levensverhaal van Hendrik VIII (1491-1547). Hendrik werd, na de dood van zijn vader, de tweede Tudor-koning van Engeland. Hij leidde een roemrucht bestaan. Hij had zes echtgenotes, van wie hij er twee liet onthoofden. Hij scheidde, voor eigen gewin, de Anglicaanse kerk af van de Kerk van Rome, en hij verenigde Engeland en Wales wettelijk i

Identification of (E)- and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate as sex pheromone components of the currant pest Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus

The currant bud moth Euhyponomeutoides albithoracellus is a destructive pest in black currant orchards in Northern Sweden and Finland. The larvae feed on the buds, and at high densities, the species can cause severe yield losses. Sex pheromone components of the bud moth were identified via solvent extraction of excised female pheromone glands, analyses by gas chromatography with electroantennograp