

Din sökning på "*" gav 534511 sökträffar

Deriving and mitigating the upfront carbon of a large-scale industrial project

For a long time, the construction and building industries have focused on increasing the efficiency of the built environment and reducing the emissions during the operations of buildings. As a consequence of the decreased operational emissions, the share of so-called embodied and upfront carbon has increased. In the life cycle of a building, the upfront carbon is associated with the emissions from

Hur media konstruerar en brottsling

The aim of this study was to research how ISIS-returnees were portrayed by Swedish media in order to understand the impact media’s portrayal of ISIS-returnees may have on media consumers' attitudes towards these individuals. This was done by a qualitative content analysis of 26 articles from two different Swedish news sites, named SVT Nyheter and Samtiden. The results were analyzed based on po

Adoption av elfordon: ökar bundling av elbilar och laddningstjänster köpviljan hos potentiella svenska elbils användare?

Uppsatsens titel: Adoption av elfordon: ökar bundling av elbilar och laddningstjänster köpviljan hos potentiella svenska elbils användare? Seminariedatum: 2022-06-03 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Sebastian Palmgren, Jonathan Markl Handledare: Johan Gromark Fem nyckelord: Elbilar, Replikation, Bundling, Experiment, Köpintention Forskningsfråga:

Could blockchain tracing help textile managers achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

This paper examines how blockchain tracing can be implemented in the textile industry through an exploratory and inductive qualitative multi-methodological approach. First, it provides an extensive background relevant to the field of blockchain tracing implementation in textile retailers. Then, the literature review provides an overview of the academic findings on the subject. Thereafter, a more i

Speaker verification: Advantages and limitations of a biologically inspired feature extractor

Speaker verification is the process of verifying the identity of a person based on voice. This process usually encompasses the following steps: The speech signal is mapped into features using a feature extractor, these features are then classified using a post processor. The most common features used in speaker verification today are STFT, MFBs, and MFCCs, that are different spectral representatio

Unga ledare - En kvalitativ studie om hur unga ledare etablerar ledarskap i relation till äldre anställda

Examensarbetets titel: Unga ledare - En kvalitativ studie om hur unga ledare etablerar ledarskap gentemot äldre anställda Seminariedatum: 2 juni 2022 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i Organisation på Kandidatnivå Författare: Kasper Bassøe Rehnström, Hugo Murgård och Anton Persson Handledare: Christine Blomquist Fem nyckelord: Unga chefer, Prototypikalitet, Legitimitet, Social identitetsteori, ImpliTitle: Young leaders - A qualitative study of how young leaders establish leadership towards older employees Seminar date: 2nd of June 2022 Course: FEKH49, Business Administration: Bachelor’s Degree Project in Organization, Undergraduate level, 15 credits Authors: Kasper Bassøe Rehnström, Hugo Murgård and Anton Persson Advisor: Christine Blomquist Key words: Young leaders, Prototypicality, Legit

Development of a Vegan Minced Meat Analogue with Mycoprotein

The demand for products with alternative proteins that can replace meat continues to increase. One alternative protein is mycoprotein, which is produced by filamentous fungi. This master thesis was made at Mycorena in Gothenburg, a company that has developed their own mycoprotein product Promyc®, which has already been successfully used in several vegan food products. The aim of this master thesi

Constructing meaningful memories online : investigating construction and meaning of cultural memories in audience engagement with re-enacted historical personae on social media in the case of @ichbinsophiescholl

Cultural memories are meaningful for the present and are often constructed in remembrance media that institutions produce and audiences engage with. While the remembrance media texts have been getting much attention, the perspective of media audiences is still underresearched. Processes of mediatization, digitalization, and the affective turn call for studies that approach social media audiences’

Implementeringar som räddar liv: En kvalitativ studie om hur man strukturerar förändringsledningen inom förimplementeringsprocessen av informationssystem inom sjukvården.

Inom en verksamhet där vardagen kretsar kring liv och död är det avgörande att förändringar sker utan större rubbning av dess kritiska processer, såsom vid implementeringen av ett nytt informationssystem. Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga hur strateger inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården hanterar förändringsledning i samband med förimplementeringsproces-sen, i förhållande till sex kritis

Evaluation of strategies for construction of protease libraries in yeast.

Proteases are a group of enzymes that are involved in breaking down larger proteins into smaller polypeptides or single amino acids, and they are used in various applications. In this project, the potential of budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as host for the construction of protease libraries is evaluated. Three model proteases of bacterial origin are used to evaluate transformation efficien

Humankapital - en osynlig tillgång?

Examensarbetets titel: Humankapital – en osynlig tillgång? Seminariedatum: 2022–06–03 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Tim Karkkola Olsson, Max Nilsson och Ida Pettersson Handledare: Elin Funck Fem nyckelord: humankapital, HRA, humankapitalredovisning, innehållsanalys, legitimitet Forskningsfrågor: Hur skiljer sig rapporteringen aTitle: Human capital - an invisible asset? Seminar Date: 2022–06–03 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS-cr) Authors: Tim Karkkola Olsson, Max Nilsson and Ida Pettersson Advisor: Elin Funck Keywords: human capital, HRA, human capital accounting, content analysis, legitimacy Research quest

Styrning i kommersiella fastighetsbolag - Hur styrs kommersiella fastighetsbolag i Sverige och karaktäriseras de av mekanisk eller organisk styrning?

Abstract Title: Management control in commercial real estate companies - How are commercial real estate companies managed in Sweden and are they characterized by mechanic or organic management control? Seminar date: 2022-06-03 Course: FEKH69, Bachelor thesis in accounting, 15 ECTS Authors: Hannes Ivarsson, Viktor Johansson & Thomas Lo Advisor: Elin Funck Key words: Financial management, manage

Ett ofrånkomligt mellanförskap - En kvalitativ studie om transnationell identitet hos unga vuxna

I en globaliserad värld har identitet och tillhörighet kommit att bli något som människor allt mer reflekterar över. Andra generationens invandrare är en grupp individer som ofta uppmärksammas inneha en gränsöverskridande etnisk tillhörighet, vilket leder till en transnationell identitet. Denna studie syftar till att söka förståelse för hur denna positionering påverkar transnationella individer i

Effectiveness of collaborative virtual reality for remote teams

The number of remote teams has increased in recent years and this upward trend may persist. The growth is partly enabled by advancements in Information and Communication Technolo-gy (ICT) and globalization. Although organizations benefit from certain advantages that re-mote teams introduce, inadequate communication amongst remote team members can lead to project failures. Since technology has an i

Termiska energimätare - Validering av mätvärden

Klimatförändringen är ett viktigt ämne i många länder. Sverige har gått tillsammans med många andra länder i olika avtal med syfte att minska klimatförändringens påverkan. Parisavtalet som antogs 2015 ¨ar ett sådant avtal. I Sverige arbetar flera myndigheter direkt eller indirekt med detta för att uppnå de önskade klimatmålen. Myndigheterna styr relationen mellan olika aktörer som ¨ar involverade

Dry powder inhalers: The Match Between Formulation and Device

Samspelet mellan Formulering och Inhalator För en lyckad leverans av läkemedel till lungorna krävs det ett samspel mellan patienten, formuleringen och inhalatorn. Examensarbetet “Dry powder inhalers: The Match Between Formulation and Device” som är skrivet av Rasia Ahmadi, syftar på att undersöka matchningen och samspelet mellan torrpulver formulering och inhalatorer. Intressant nog spelar inhalPulmonary drug delivery is a continuously developing technology in which medication is inhaled to the lungs and enters the bloodstream through the alveolar epithelium. Pulmonary drug delivery gives the ability to deliver drugs directly to the respiratory tract, it has a rapid onset of activity and smaller doses can be administered locally compared to the other routes of administration. The formula

The dancing qualities of the cinematic space: a methodological experiment in order to perceive the motion picture as a dancing body.

The thesis is proposing a method to perceive the cinematic space as a body in motion. The foundation for such an experimental method is traced within the investigation of the movement in the study of the motion picture, as well as in a phenomenological approach to dance, and in selected theories from the continental philosophy of the 20th century. In doing so, the paper aims to widen, examine and

Label-free cell tracking

Migrating cells under various force fields in microfluidic devices has been used as a tool to study the cell properties. Cells respond to the same force field in different ways depending on their properties, resulting in different migration velocities and trajectories which are obtained by cell tracking. The cells that are to be tracked are typically labelled with fluorescent dyes to enhance the c