

Din sökning på "*" gav 534696 sökträffar

A GIS assessment on the feasibility of onshore solar and wind energy development in Hong Kong

While the government of Hong Kong has acknowledged the need to increase renewable energy contributions in its fuel mix, the implementation of renewable energy projects in the region is constrained by complex topography and limited land availability. To overcome these challenges, a pragmatic solution is devised through the use of a site suitability analysis which expedites the identification of

Publishing strategies and professional demarcations : Enacting media logic(s) in European academic climate communication through open letters

The mediatization concept rests on the increasing centrality of media in everyday spheres. Within academia, mediatization is explored in various ways, such as through the use of social media, news media, and researchers' adoption of certain media logic(s). While many studies focus on media logic(s) as an explanatory device, it can also be seen as a contextual relationship between actors enacted fo

Where are the missing boatyards? Steaming pits as boat building sites in the Nordic Bronze Age

Abstract in GermanDas Boot gilt als ein herausragendesSymbol der nordischen Bronzezeit, dargestellt in Tausendenvon Felsbildern und auf vielen Metallgegenständen in ganzSkandinavien. Paradoxerweise sind direkte Hinweise aufdiese Boote rar, und die Orte, an denen Boote gebaut wurden,bleiben größtenteils schwer fassbar. In diesem Artikel schla-gen wir vor, dass die sogenannten Kochgruben entlang derThe boat stands out as a prominent symbol of the Nordic Bronze Age, depicted at thousands of rock art sites and on several metal objects throughout Scandinavia. Paradoxically, direct evidence of these boats is scarce, and the locations where boats were constructed remain largely elusive. In this paper, we put forth the proposition that many ostensibly mislabelled cooking pits along the coast might

Interlaboratory study of the operational stability of automated sorption balances

Automated sorption balances are widely used for characterizing the interaction of water vapor with hygroscopic materials. These instruments provide an efficient way to collect sorption isotherm data and kinetic data. A typical method for defining equilibrium after a step change in relative humidity (RH) is using a particular threshold value for the rate of change in mass with time. Recent studies

Simulation and Modelling of Solar Dryer in COMSOL: Analysis of Airflow

"Solar Food: Reducing post-harvest losses through improved solar drying" is a project that is a collaboration between Lund University and the Royal University of Bhutan, financed by the Swedish Research Council. The goal of the project is to improve the quality and decrease post-harvest losses of food in rural Bhutan and Nepal through low-cost, efficient solar-powered food dryers. In th

Nationalekonomin i kristider

Ämnet nationalekonomi omfattar många områden.Här ska jag lägga fokus på ett av dessa, nämligen makroekonomi. Makroekonomen studerar och förklarar fenomen som konjunktursvängningar, tillväxt, arbetslöshet, ränta, växelkurser, löner och inflation. Makroteorin ligger till grund för förslag om hur samhällsekonomin kan styras genom stabiliseringspolitik. Denna består traditionellt av två grenar: finansÄmnet nationalekonomi omfattar många områden.Här ska jag lägga fokus på ett av dessa, nämligen makroekonomi. Makroekonomen studerar och förklarar fenomen som konjunktursvängningar, tillväxt, arbetslöshet, ränta, växelkurser, löner och inflation. Makroteorin ligger till grund för förslag om hur samhällsekonomin kan styras genom stabiliseringspolitik. Denna består traditionellt av två grenar: finans

Epigenetics of the non-coding RNA nc886 across blood, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in offspring exposed to diabetes in pregnancy

Background: Diabetes in pregnancy is associated with increased risk of long-term metabolic disease in the offspring, potentially mediated by in utero epigenetic variation. Previously, we identified multiple differentially methylated single CpG sites in offspring of women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), but whether stretches of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) can also be identifi

Insulin resistance and its relationship with long-term exposure to ozone : Data based on a national population cohort

The relationship of ozone (O3), particularly the long-term exposure, with impacting metabolic homeostasis in population was understudied and under-recognised. Here, we used data from ChinaHEART, a nationwide, population-based cohort study, combined with O3 and PM2.5 concentration data with high spatiotemporal resolution, to explore the independent association of exposure to O3 with the prevalence

Health benefits of oat (Avena sativa) bioactives. Acute and second-meal effects of oat polar lipids and beta-glucans.

The global prevalence of lifestyle-related diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes andcardiovascular diseases, continues to increase. Dietary habits are the most significant contributingmodifiable factor in this context. A healthy diet must thus form part of successful preventive strategies tocombat cardiometabolic diseases.Oats are a sustainable cereal, rich in potential health-promoting bio

ALG13-Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (ALG13-CDG) : Updated clinical and molecular review and clinical management guidelines

ALG13-Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation (CDG), is a rare X-linked CDG caused by pathogenic variants in ALG13 (OMIM 300776) that affects the N-linked glycosylation pathway. Affected individuals present with a predominantly neurological manifestation during infancy. Epileptic spasms are a common presenting symptom of ALG13-CDG. Other common phenotypes include developmental delay, seizures, intell

Conceptual Design and Operation of an Integrated Mycoprotein Fermentation Process Focusing on Side Stream Resource Recovery

Mycoprotein är ett köttalternativ som de flesta svenskar ätit någon gång i sitt liv. Men trots att det är betydligt mer miljövänligt än vanligt kött har det fortfarande stora brister speciellt när det kommer till vattenutsläpp. I en värld där rent vatten är en bristvara finns det mycket att vinna på att kunna återvinna vattnet men kanske går det också att skapa nya värdefulla produkter samtidigt.Mycoprotein from the fungi Fusarium Venenatum A3/5 has been used as a meat alternative for a long time but little attention has been paid to the waste it creates. When the fungi is fermenting it uses a lot of water which is sent to the drain after the process is finished. This water contains large quantities of both nutrients and biomass. As circular economy is becoming more important for environm

An Early Evaluation Method of the Compatibility of Alternative Jet Fuels with Elastomer Seals

Klimatomställningar har gjorts inom de flesta delar av transportsektorn, som ofta pekas ut som boven i dramat när det kommer till utsläpp av koldioxid. Bilar som går på elektricitet är ett typiskt exempel. Denna omställning är svårare att göra när det gäller flygindustrin. Elektriska flygplan är inte realistiska just nu då batterierna hade behövt vara enorma. Fördelen med flytande bränslen är attThe aviation industry is a contributor to the global greenhouse gas emissions. Moving away from fossil-based fuels has proven to be more difficult than expected. One possibility for the aviation industry is the development of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs), produced from renewable sources such as biomass and waste. Certain problems have been discovered with using SAFs, however. The fuels are us

Experimental study of pool boiling performance of Fe3O4 ferromagnetic nanofluid on a copper surface

Nanofluids significantly enhance the critical heat flux of boiling heat transfer. This paper experimentally investigates the pool boiling performance and the influence mechanism of Fe3O4 nanofluids. Compared with deionized water, the 0.001 vol% nanofluid increases a maximum enhancement in critical heat flux by 47.90%. During nanofluid boiling, Fe3O4 nanoparticles are deposited on the surfaces. The

The succession of ecological divergence and reproductive isolation in adaptive radiations

Adaptive radiation is a major source of biodiversity but the way in which known components of ecological opportunity, ecological differentiation, and reproductive isolation underpin such biodiversity patterns remains elusive. Much is known about the evolution of ecological differentiation and reproductive isolation during single speciation events, but exactly how those processes scale up to comple

Optimization and Algorithms in Sparse Regression : Screening Rules, Coordinate Descent, and Normalization

Datasets are growing in size and complexity, especially with respect to the number of features of the problems that we study, which now often number in the millions. This has lead to a surge in interest for sparse regression models, which help make sense of these datasets by modeling them efficiently whilst still retaining a notion of explainability. Because these datasets are so large, however, t

Hormone receptor mRNA and protein levels as predictors of premenopausal tamoxifen benefit

Background and purpose: Tamoxifen remains an important adjuvant treatment in premenopausal patients with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. Thus, determination of hormone receptors is important. Here, we compare cytosol-based methods, immunohistochemistry (IHC), and gene expression (GEX) analysis for determining hormone receptor status in premenopausal breast cancer patients from a randomise

Analog-to-Digital Converters for High-Speed Applications

This thesis delves into the multifaceted challenges of designing analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) tailored for high-speed and medium accuracy applications, particularly in deeply scaled-down CMOS technologies across five comprehensive chapters within its Introduction. Furthermore, it explores the evolution of mobile telephony from the first-generation (1G) to the last commercialized generation

Direct air cooled hollow windings : Performance enhancement of electrically excited machines

This doctoral thesis presents the work the practical verification of a cooling concept involving direct air cooling of hollow windings for electric machines. The focus is on rotor windings for electrically excited synchronous machines for traction of electric vehicles. The work describes the cooling concept and compares it with the most common cooling concepts used today. The design of a experimen