

Din sökning på "*" gav 532698 sökträffar

Capacity of human beta-defensin expression in gene-transduced and cytokine-induced cells

The purpose of this study was to determine the capacity of cells transduced with human beta-defensins (HBDs) to express antimicrobial peptides, since sufficient expression level is required for effective antimicrobial activity. Retroviral vector pBabeNeo and lentiviral vector SIN18cPPTRhMLV (SIN18) carrying HBDs were utilized to transduce non-HBD-expressing cells such as fibroblasts or HBD-produci

Recruitment from resting stages among bloom-forming cyanobacteria

Popular Abstract in Swedish BLÅGRÖNALGERS VILOSTADIER—EN VIKTIG LÄNK TILL ALGBLOMNINGAR ALGBLOMNINGAR Algblomningar i Östersjön och i många av våra sydsvenska insjöar har blivit ett vanligt inslag sommartid. Vi vet att övergödning av våra vatten orsakar detta genom att överskottsnäring tillför's från olika mänskliga aktiviteter från land. Dock vet vi inte exakt vad det är som styr när och hur desCyanobacteria are known to form heavy blooms in eutrophicated freshwaters and also form resting stages, associated with the sediments, during harsh growth conditions. These resting stages can serve as inoculum for pelagic populations and function as a potential source for bloom formations. However, the factors involved in initiating recruitment from resting stage to the pelagic phase are not fully

Immunoregulatory differences between adult onset type 1 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA)

Popular Abstract in Swedish Autoimmun diabetes karakteriseras av cell medierad autoimmunitet mot insulinproducerande beta celler i Langerhanska öar. Typ 1 diabetes är den största typen av diabetes i barn och ungdomar och antas vara orsakad av Th1-cell drivet angrepp av beta celler. Den betydligt vanligare typ 2 diabetes antas inte vara en autoimmun sjukdom men diabetes specifika autoantikroppar (IAutoimmune diabetes is characterized by cell mediated autoimmunity against insulin producing beta cells in pancreatic islets. Type 1 diabetes is the major cause of diabetes in children and adolescents and is believed to be mediated by a Thl driven destruction of beta cells. The much more prevalent type 2 diabetes is not considered as an autoimmune disease but diabetes specific autoantibodies (ICA

Element association and morphology in some middle Ordovician platform-equipped conodonts

Conodont elements other than those with platform ledges along the processes have often been unrecognized or disregarded in reconstructions and phylogenetic discussions of Ordovician "platform conodont genera." The platform elements are larger than the other element types and often exhibit more rapid evolutionary changes in morphology. Nevertheless, to understand the evolution of, and relationships

Lifetime measurements and calculations in singly ionized ytterbium

New radiative lifetimes, measured by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy, are reported for five Rydberg states of singly ionized ytterbium. Free Yb+ ions were produced in a laser-induced plasma. The experimental results have been compared with HFR calculations, taking core-polarization effects into account, and a good agreement (within 25%) between theory and experiment is observ

Ecosystem subsidies: Terrestrial support of aquatic food webs from C-13 addition to contrasting lakes

Whole-lake additions of dissolved inorganic C-13 were used to measure allochthony (the terrestrial contribution of organic carbon to aquatic consumers) in two unproductive lakes (Paul and Peter Lakes in 2001), a nutrient-enriched lake (Peter Lake in 2002), and a dystrophic lake (Tuesday Lake in 2002). Three kinds of dynamic models were used to estimate allochthony: a process-rich, dual-isotope flo

The upper limit of flammability of hydrogen in air, oxygen, and oxygen-inert mixtures at elevated pressures

The upper limit of flammability of hydrogen in air, oxygen, oxygen-helium, oxygen-neon, oxygen-argon and oxygen-carbon dioxide mixtures was measured at room temperature and pressures between 0.97 and 29 atm in two cylindrical bombs with volumes of 1.5 and 5.2 liters. The limit in ternary mixtures was determined in 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% helium, 20% neon and argon and 10% carbon dioxide concentratio

Recent changes in land use and productivity in agro-pastoral Inner Mongolia, China

Popular Abstract in Swedish De arida och semi-arida grässtäpperna i Norra Kina anses vara svårt drabbade av markförstöring, främst genom vind- och vattenerosion, men även genom försaltning. Den rådande uppfattningen är att markförstöring och ökenspridningsproblematiken har eskalerat sedan införandet av de ekonomiska reformerna efter 1978, bl.a. genom en expansion av den odlade arealen på tidigare This study challenges the prevailing assumption that the expansion of cultivated land areas and increasing number of livestock in the agro-pastoral regions of northern China have aggravated the process of land degradation since the start of the rural reforms in 1978. Land-use and productivity trends in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR), with special attention to the Keerqin steppe region

Systematics of Even-even Tz=1 Nuclei in the A=80 Region: High-spin Rotational Bands in 74Kr, 78Sr, and 82Zr

High-spin states of T-z = 1 nuclei were studied with the reactions Ni-58(Si-28,3 alpha)Kr-74,Ni-58(Si-28,2 alpha)Sr-78, and Ni-58(Si-28,2p2n)Zr-82 at 130 MeV beam energy. The Gammasphere array in conjunction with the 4 pi charged-particle detector array Microball was used to detect gamma rays in coincidence with evaporated light charged particles. The known pi = +, alpha = 0 yrast bands were exten

Application of prototype flume tests for beach nourishment assessment

The development of underwater profiles and sand losses from the dune respectively the beach by various water level and wave conditions has been studied worldwide in large wave flumes since 1955. Virtually all major results collected over the last decades are documented and described in this paper. Moreover, to this overview results from the MAST III-SAFE experiments, carried out in the Grosser Wel

Parents' experience of having a child with autism and learning disabilities living in a group home: A case study.

Some children with autism and learning disabilities also have aberrant behaviours that are difficult to regulate and stressful for both the child and family members. This case study concerns experiences of 10 parents from five families before and 2 years after entrusting their 10- to 11-year-old child with autism to a group home. Hermeneutic phenomenological analysis of narrative interviews with t