Din sökning på "*" gav 533360 sökträffar
Water-related impacts of climate change on agriculture and subsequently on public health : A review for generalists with particular reference to Pakistan
Water-related impacts due to change in climatic conditions ranging from water scarcity to intense floods and storms are increasing in developing countries like Pakistan. Water quality and waterborne diseases like hepatitis, cholera, typhoid, malaria and dengue fever are increasing due to chaotic urbanization, industrialization, poor hygienic conditions, and inappropriate water management. The morb
Silica uptake and release in live and decaying biomass in a northern hardwood forest
In terrestrial ecosystems, a large portion (20-80%) of the dissolved Si (DSi) in soil solution has passed through vegetation. While the importance of this terrestrial Si filter is generally accepted, few data exist on the pools and fluxes of Si in forest vegetation and the rate of release of Si from decomposing plant tissues. We quantified the pools and fluxes of Si through vegetation and coarse w
Absorption in and scattering from single horizontal Au-contacted InAs/InP heterostructure nanowires
Finite element modelling (FEM) is used to show that the addition of Au contacts to a single horizontal InAs/InP heterostructure nanowire substantially alters the nanowire's optical properties in comparison to the uncontacted case. It is found that the addition of contacts can increase absorption efficiency, decrease scattering efficiency and shift the location of absorption within the nanowire. Lo
Tracing Critical Realism in the Work of Åström
The aim of this chapter is to discuss the possibilities of a critical realist sociology of law set against the background of the work of Professor Karsten Åström. Thus, in the next section I give a short description of Åström’s ”sociolegal stance”, and specifically his concept of parallel norm creating processes. I then proceed, in the third section, to describe the basics of Roy Bhaskar’s critica
The chemical, mechanical, and hydrological evolution of weathering granitoid
Surprisingly few studies connect the chemical, mechanical, and hydrological evolution of rock as it weathers to saprolite and soil. We assess this coevolution in granodiorite from Monterey Peninsula, California, by measuring changes in bulk chemistry, mineralogy, volumetric strain, the oxidation state of Fe in biotite crystals, tensile strength, abrasion rate, connected porosity, and hydraulic con
Is visual content in textual search interfaces beneficial to dyslexic users?
Dyslexia is a learning disability characterised by problems with accurate or fluent word recognition, poor decoding, and poor spelling abilities. Although several studies have addressed dyslexia and Web accessibility, less is known about how dyslexia affects information search. This study investigated whether the inclusion of icons in search user interfaces enhances performance among dyslexics. A
Manufacturing renaissance: return of manufacturing to western countries
Resource Consumption in Additive Manufacturing with a PSS Approach
Since the 1980’s, additive manufacturing (AM) has gradually advanced from rapid prototyping applications towards fabricating end consumer products. Many small companies may prefer accessing AM technologies through service providers offering production services as result-oriented Industrial Product-Service System (IPSS) rather than investing in their own production line. This study investigated pot
Additive manufacturing technology potential: a cleaner manufacturing alternative
This paper focuses on an emerging manufacturing technology called Additive Manufacturing (AM) and its potential to become a more efficient and cleaner manufacturing alternative. This work is built around selected case companies, where the benefit of AM compared to other more traditional technologies is studied through the comparison of resource consumption. The resource consumption is defined as r
Resource Consumption of Additive Manufacturing Technology
The degradation of natural resources as a result of consumption to support the economic growth of humans society represents one of the greatest sustainability challenges. In order to allow economic growth to continue in a sustainable way, it has to be decoupled from the consumption and destruction of natural resources. This thesis focuses on an innovative manufacturing technology called additive m
Manufacturing Renaissance: Return of manufacturing to western countries
Manufacturing Renaissance, i.e. return of manufacturing to west, has been recently observed. This paper analyzes the patterns observed within each of the four main drivers behind this new phenomenon and delves more deeply into the driver that centers on the new manufacturing technologies such as Additive Manufacturing (AM) and 3D Printing. Next, this paper will make the case that the location of m
Making Robotic Sense of Incomplete Human Instructions in High-level Programming for Industrial Robotic Assembly
In this paper we describe our NLP supported programming-by-demonstration approach to high-level robot programming that allows users to generate skills and robot program primitives for later refinement and re-use. Our ideas incorporate the identification of common user strategies (interaction patterns) in the programming process, which can be exploited to support a human user in establishing common
Coronary Sinus Lead Positioning
Although cardiac resynchronization therapy improves morbidity and mortality in patients with cardiomyopathy, heart failure, and electrical dyssynchrony, the rate of nonresponders using standard indications and implant techniques is still high. Optimal coronary sinus lead positioning is important to increase the chance of successful resynchronization. Patient factors such as cause of heart failure,
Push-Pull Dynamics : Producer and Audience Practices for Television Drama Format the Bridge
This article explores push-pull dynamics in television drama production and reception. Push-pull dynamics are understood as complicated power relations in the transactions between television industries and audiences. The research is underpinned by qualitative data, drawing on more than 170 participants in interviews, focus groups, and participant observations, with producers and audiences from Nor
Cows on Facebook and Instagram : Interspecies Intimacy in the Social Media Spaces of the Swedish Dairy Industry
This article analyzes producer-consumer relations in social media marketing in the Swedish dairy industry. The article discusses how ideas of interspecies intimacy are publicly performed in an interactive process between the dairy industry producers and social media users. Two examples from the Swedish dairy industry were chosen for analysis: one Instagram account and one Facebook account. The ana
Method for the recovery of stabilized polyhydroxyalkanoates from biomass that has been used to treat organic waste
The invention is directed to a method of increasing the chemical and/or thermal stability of PHA in biomass where the biomass is contained within mixed liquor, and wherein the mixed liquor is treated by a combination of removing water from the mixed liquor and pH adjustment of the mixed liquor or maintenance of the pH of the mixed liquor within a selected pH range, and wherein the method includes
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Plug and Play Brain : Understanding Integration of Transplanted Neurons for Brain Repair
In a recent issue of Nature, Falkner et al. (2016) use chronic two-photon imaging, virus-based transsynaptic tracing, and dynamic calcium indicators to elegantly demonstrate extensive in vivo functional maturation and target-specific functional integration of transplanted embryonic mouse cortical progenitors into adult lesioned visual cortical circuits.