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Kulturartikel om månen i folklore, litteratur, vetenskap, journaliustik och film

Presentation av medicinska problem i telefonsamtal till primärvården

Empiriska data för den föreliggande analysen består av 276 inspelade telefonsamtal till 13 olika sjuksköterskor vid 6 olika vårdcentraler. Samtalen spelades in mellan februari och november 1999. Inspelningarna har transkriberats och analyserats i detalj. Vid analys av telefonsamtalen fann vi att de uppringande presenterade sina problem enligt tre olika format. Det första formatet innebär att den u

Mapping landfill gas migration using resistivity monitoring

Abstract in UndeterminedResults of geoelectrical resistivity monitoring at two landfill sites, a bioreactor landfill and a conventional municipal solid waste landfill site over a week are reported. The main objective was to investigate if geoelectrical resistivity can be used for localising paths for landfill gas migration. The resistivity results were also related to local pore pressure measureme

Epilepsy in Sweden: health care costs and loss of productivity-a register-based approach.

PURPOSE: The objective was to estimate health care costs and productivity losses due to epilepsy in Sweden and to compare these estimates to previously published estimates. METHODS: Register data on health care utilisation, pharmaceutical sales, permanent disability and mortality were used to calculate health care costs and costs that accrue due to productivity losses. By linkage of register info

An operational calculus for matrix-exponential disributions, with applicaions to a Brownian (q,Q) inventory model

distribution G on [math not displayed] is called matrix-exponential if the density has the form αeTz s where α is a row vector, T a square matrix and s a column vector. Equivalently, the Laplace transform is rational. For such distributions, we develop an operator calculus, where the key step is manipulation of analytic functions f(z) extended to matrix arguments. The technique is illustrated via

Evaluation of accuracy and applicability of protein models: retrospective analysis of biological and biomedical predictions.

In order to study protein function and activity structural data is required. Since experimental structures are available for just a small fraction of all known protein sequences, computational methods such as protein modelling can provide useful information. Over the last few decades we have predicted, with homology modelling methods, the structures for numerous proteins. In this study we assess t

Non-germ-line encoded residues are critical for effective antibody recognition of a poorly immunogenic neutralization epitope on glycoprotein B of human cytomegalovirus.

The capability of the antibody (Ab) repertoire to mount a response to appropriate epitopes on infectious agents will strongly affect the ability of the immune system to provide protection against disease. Certain epitopes may be poor inducers of immunity but are nevertheless able to promote biologically important protection when recognized by the immune repertoire. We have investigated the recogni