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Thermo-mechanical fatigue crack propagation experiments in Inconel 718
Cardiovascular Reactivity in High-, and Low - Trait Anxious Individuals During Social Stress Induction
Begriplig teater
Regular column on theatre in the weekly newspaper Arbetaren (The Worker).
On the evolution of the nuclear modification factors with rapidity and centrality in d + Au collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV.
Binding of Kininogen to the surface of Streptococcus pyogenes in plasma environment is followed by release of bradykinin.
Den relativa förekomsten av atomkärnor med kärnladdningstal Z>3 i den primära kosmiska strålningen
[abstract missing]
Welders´ exposure to respirable dust, metal fume and ozone
Real-time single molecule detection on random arrays for biosensing applications
Regionauts, Mobility and the Boarder Work of Cultural Coalescence
Lärares erfarenheter av förändrad undervisning – lärare möter övergångar mellan det lokala och det globala klassrummet
Using Herglotz representations to derive limitations on passive physical systems
Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen och Europakonventionen
Bu för Mamma Mu
Fiktionaliserade genuskonstruktioner uppmärksammas ofta vad det gäller kvinnliga rollfigurer. I den tecknade filmen Mamma Mu och Kråkan möter vi en mycket stereotyp fiktionalisering av ett manligt genus, nämligen som den som håller kvinnan fången i den klassiska kvinnorollen.
The Growth-Equality Nexus in the Process of Development - Some Tentative Implication of Rural Transformation and Industrialization in Taiwan and Chile
Level Structure of Odd-Odd Sb-134 Populated in the Beta-Decays of Sn-134,135
Synthetic strategies for new proton conducting polymers and membranes for fuel cells
Novel nanoelectronic device applications based on the non-linearity of three-terminal ballistic junctions
Short-chain fatty acid content in the rat hind-gut using Acarbose to increase starch fermentation
Business case as a decision support when relocating manufacturing
Companies are relocating in order to save cost and for strategic reason. In order to reveal in what extent company today use business case studies when making relocation decisions, an interview study was conducted. Throughout the interview study the following paper establish what cost different companies are taking in consideration when relocate and if those are calculated or estimated. The resear