

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Determinants of Short-Term Value Creation through M&A for the Acquirer -The event study of the pharmaceutical industry focus on the Western European market

Purpose: The first objective is to find whether M&A create value for pharmaceutical acquiring companies in the Western European market from a short-term perspective. Then we aim to examine the determinants of value creation for the pharmaceutical acquirer in the Western European market. Methodology: The event study is conducted to examine cumulative abnormal return for acquiring firms surroun

Domestic water supply policy evaluation: A comparative case study of Uganda and Madagascar between 1992 and 2016

The purpose of the thesis is to understand which factors contribute to effective domestic water policies in developing countries. The study is carried out as a comparative case study of Uganda and Madagascar, which have, despite similar initial socio-economic conditions, experienced diverging trends in the domestic water supply between 1992 and 2016. The cases are assessed using a theoretical fram

Effects of climate change on potential geographical distribution of Prunus africana (African cherry) in the Eastern Arc Mountain Forests of Tanzania

The aim of this study was to model the impacts of climate change on potential geographical distribution of Prunus africana in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Maximum Entropy modelling was used to construct species distribution maps for P. africana to determine relative contribution, and effects of climate change on the potential geographical distribution of P. africana based on climatic sce

Tankar kring färg och arkitektur

I detta projekt har jag fokuserat på färg och färgens roll för arkitekturen. Jag har försökt undersöka ämnet brett och skapa mig en bild av vad färg har för betydelse för arkitektur och hur färgen påverkar ett arkitektoniskt uttryck. Kan jag, bara med hjälp av färgsättning, påverka den upplevda karaktären av en byggnad och dess omgivning? Projektet har blivit en undersökning av vår upplevelse av fThis project focuses on studies of colour and the role of colour in architecture. I’ve tried to look at the subject from different perspectives to form myself a picture of what colour means for architecture. I asked myself how colours affect the architectural expression. Can I, by only working with colours, influence the character of a building and its specific environment? This project has become

Hållbar trafikplanering i förtätningsområden

Transport planning has, during the last century, been focused on the car and its accessibility. This has led to low-density urban areas, also known as urban sprawl. Densification is a planning strategy which counteract this by developing and building within the city limits. In combination with conscious transport planning, densification leads to shorter travel distances, good public transport and

Dataartikelns roll i vetenskaplig kommunikation : En intervjustudie med forskare vid svenska universitet

To make not only scholarly publications but also the data underlying those publications openly accessible is part of the movement for Open Science. There are several arguments for sharing research data, for example to promote science and collaboration, to make validation of results possible and to reduce redundant data production (Callaghan et al. 2012; Tenopir et al. 2011). Open Data policies are

A Textile Exploration

The purpose of this project was at first to explore textiles. It started off by a visit to The Swedish School of Textiles in Borås. I was introduced to the basics of textiles and was shown new textile materials at Smart Textiles. Coming home, I came to the conclusion of doing it my way, with the view of an Industrial Designer. Having prior experience with a similar project I knew that it was imp

En sammanställning av norra Skånes prekambriska berggrund

Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att sammanfatta den prekambriska berggrunden och dess geologiska utveckling i norra Skåne. Studien bygger på tidigare publicerat material, primärt tre av SGU:s berggrundskartor: Af 127, 155 och 181. Dessa visar berggrunden i området nordost, sydväst och nordväst om Kristianstad. För att kunna sätta in denna berggrund i ett större sammanhang har även andra publikaThis literature study aims to summarize the Precambrian bedrock and its geological development in northern Scania. The study is based on previously published material, primarily three of SGU’s bedrock maps: Af 127, 155 and 181. These show the bedrock in the area northeast, southwest and northwest of Kristianstad. In order to place this bedrock in a broader context, other publications dealing with

Stock Valuation, Dividends and Learning Through Age: how learning about a firm and its dividend policy affects its valuation

This paper looks into how learning about firms and their dividend policy affects their valuation, while comparing the results between North American and German firms. Learning is observed through the age of a firm,where the market-to-book ratio (M/B) is predicted to decline over a firm’s lifespan. M/B is expected to be affected positively by the uncertainty of growth, and this effect is associated mor

Skapandet av en audiovisuell livekonsert. En studie av publik och musikers upplevelser av ett audiovisuellt samspel

Detta är en konstnärlig studie med syfte att undersöka publik och musikers upplevelser under en audiovisuell konsert, samt kompositionsprocessen i arbetet fram till konserten. Fyra audiovisuella stycken har komponerats till denna studie och sedan repats in av fem stycken musiker som medverkade under konserten. Musikerna fick samspela med interaktiva projektioner som ämnade att förstärka och kompleThis is an artistic study that aims to investigate the process of audiovisual composing and the experiences of musicians and audience of an audiovisual concert. Four audiovisual pieces were composed for this study and then rehearsed and performed by five musicians. The musicians played with interactive projections reflecting the musical attributes pitch, timbre and loudness. After the concert, thr

The effect of gender equality in education on economic growth

Gender equality is not only a human right, but is also suggested to have economic benefits. One of the rights discriminated to girls, especially in developing countries, is their right to education. The purpose of this thesis is to find the effect of gender equality in education on economic growth in developing countries in Asia. An economic growth model is modified to include a gender ratio varia

The Ability to Think Strategically: Can it be Developed via Academic Education?

Purpose - Due to a need of the ability to think strategically in today’s business world, the purpose of this study is to examine on the question whether strategic thinking can be developed via academic education. Methodology - Two samples of the program Industriell Ekonomi, fifth-year students and first-year students, were tested regarding their ability to think strategically. The test was conduc

Smygreklam på sociala medier – ett hot mot fungerande konsumentskydd? - En granskning av reklamidentifiering i nya mediekanaler

Sociala medier har på senare år vuxit fram som populära kommunikationskanaler där användarna delar innehåll med varandra. Bland dessa framställningar finns vissa kommersiella meddelanden som privatpersoner producerat på uppdrag av näringsidkare, en marknadsföringsmetod med benämningen influencer marketing. Problemet är att det kommersiella syftet inte alltid framgår tydligt nog vilket utgör ett viSocial media has in recent years emerged as popular communication channels where users share content with each other. Part of this content are some commercial messages that private individuals produce on behalf of traders, a marketing method called influencer marketing. The problem to be dealt with is that the commercial purpose does not always appear which constitutes a misleading of consumers. T

Innovation eller konkurrens - Hur utövandet av en ensamrätt kan vara förbjuden enligt konkurrensrätten

Immateriella rättigheter och konkurrensrätt. Det ena existerar för att ge en ensamrätt till att förfoga över en produkt eller tjänst, det andra existerar för att ta bort allt som hindrar den fria handeln av produkter och tjänster. Det är därför naturligt att diskutera huruvida det finns en konflikt mellan rättsområdena. Den immaterialrättsliga lagstiftningen är livsviktig för industriella innovatiIntellectual property-right and competition-law. One of them exists to award an exclusive right for the utilisation of a good or service, the latter exists to break down barriers for the free trade of goods and services. It is therefore natural to discuss whether there is a conflict between the two. The intellectual property-rights are essential for industrial innovation, but at the same time the

Kvinnlig rösträtt i Sverige: en uppsats om rösträttsaktivisternas och meningsmotståndarnas argument i frågan om kvinnors politiska rättigheter

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och analysera de argument som presenterades i frågan om kvinnlig rösträtt i Sverige under slutet på 1800-talet och fram till dess att den blev verklighet 1919. Detta görs med hjälp av en rättshistorisk metod. För att uppfylla detta syfte har argumenten i de offentliga trycken från den aktuella tiden granskats. Så har även argumenten i den kvinnliga rösträtThe purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyse the arguments presented during the process of woman suffrage in Sweden in the late 19th century up until 1919 when women received the right to vote. The thesis has been written using a legal historical perspective. To achieve the purpose, the arguments in the contemporary legislative proposals has been examined as well as the arguments presented

Att arbeta med psykisk ohälsa – hur hälsosamt är det? Arbetsförmåga och tidiga tecken på utmattning hos psykiatripersonal

Syftet med föreliggande psykoterapeutexamensuppsats var att undersöka arbetsförmåga och tidiga tecken på utmattning hos psykiatripersonal i Sverige. Vidare syftade studien till att undersöka samvariation mellan arbetsförmåga och grad av utmattning samt om faktorer såsom arbetsplats och yrkestitel samvarierade med tecken på begynnande utmattning. En enkät bestående av demografiska variabler, Lund UThe objective of the present study was to examine the work ability and early signs of exhaustion among psychiatric health‐care workers in Sweden. Furthermore, the study examined covariation between work ability and degree of exhaustion and also whether factors such as workplace and occupational title was correlated with incipient exhaustion. A survey of demographic variables, the Lund University C

Otro Mundo es Posible - Transcultural Tongues and Times of Change

In an era of economic globalization shaped by hegemonic capitalism, resistance movements introduce different alternatives for a life beyond capitalism. The powerful and dominant system logic criticizes such movements for being utopian dreamers with no pragmatic sense of plausible social change. The 'ontology of the possible' for emancipatory social change is dominated by the coloniality of

Trovärdiga influencers vid betalda samarbeten

I vissa fall uppfattas betalda samarbeten med influencers som genuina rekommendationer och som ett effektivt sätt att påverka konsumentens köpintention. Dock understryks oro för hur betalda samarbeten vilseleder konsumenten genom sublima budskap som sprids genom influencers. Inte bara forskare ifrågasätter trovärdigheten i det som kommuniceras genom betalda samarbeten på sociala medier, utan även