

Din sökning på "*" gav 536023 sökträffar

Scale-up Analysis of Continuous Cross-flow Atomic Layer Deposition Reactor Designs

This paper presents the development of a non-dimensional model of a continuous cross-flow atomic layer deposition (ALD) reactor with temporally separated precursor pulsing and a structured model-based methodology for scaling up the substrate dimensions. The model incorporates an ALD gas–surface reaction kinetic mechanism for the deposition of thin ZnO films from Zn(C2H5)2 and H2O precursors that w

Does easily accessible nutritional labelling increase consumption of healthy meals away from home? A field experiment measuring the impact of a point-of-purchase healthy symbol on lunch sales

This paper analyses the effect on meal consumption away from home of a point-of-purchase healthy symbol. We base the analysis on a field experiment in a lunch restaurant. Our results suggest that meal consumption does not increase if the meal is labelled with a healthy symbol. Also, the mean nutritional content of meals consumed seems unaffected by the introduction of a healthy-labelled meal on th

Serum gastrin and gastric enterochromaffin-like cells during estrous cycle, pregnancy and lactation, and in response to estrogen-like agents in rats

Histamine-containing enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells are numerous in the gastric mucosa. They operate under the. control of gastrin. ECL-cell tumors (gastric carcinoids) may arise as a consequence of sustained hypergastrinemia. For reasons unknown, such tumors have a female preponderance both in laboratory animals and humans. The present study consisted of four experiments exploring the possibil

The effect of heat processing on the functional properties of pectin contained in olive mill wastewater

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of prolonged heat processing (180 min at 50-80 degrees C) on the functional and theological properties of pectin, derived from olive mill wastewater (OMW). It was shown that a low temperature blanching of OMW at 60 degrees C, activates endogenous pectin methyl esterase and promotes demethylation, despite the high concentration of phenols. Activa

The Pancreatic Tumour Microenvironment. Influence by macrophages and glucose levels on tumourigenesis.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad har Nobelpristagaren i medicin 2011, huvudpersonen i Dirty Dancing, en av världens främsta tenorer och grundaren av Apple gemensamt? De drabbades alla av olika typer av bukspottkörtelcancer. Bukspottkörtelcancer är en av våra värsta cancerformer. Den drabbar årligen ca 1000 personer och 5-årsöverlevnaden är lägre än 5%. Den enda chansen till bot är via kirurgi, men Pancreatic cancer is the fourth cause of cancer-related death with a 5-year survival rate less than 5%. Two of the risk factors are chronic pancreatitis and type 2 diabetes (T2D), which are believed to promote the tumour progression. Pancreatic cancer and its tumour microenvironment is characterised by a dense stroma, immune cell infiltration and poor vascularisation. This creates a favourable env

How to assess frailty and the need for care? Report from the Study of Health and Drugs in the Elderly (SHADES) in community dwellings in Sweden

Knowledge about the need for care of elderly individuals in community dwellings and the factors affecting their needs and support is limited. The aim of this study was to characterize the frailty of a population of elderly individuals living in community dwellings in Sweden in relation to co-morbidity, use of drugs, and risk of severe conditions such as malnutrition, pressure ulcers, and falls. In

Four new Caloplaca species with depsidones from Australia.

Four new Caloplaca species with depsidones are described, C. ochrolechioides S.Y. Kondr., Kärnefelt & Elix, with variolaric and isosubnotatic acids, C. phaeocincta S.Y. Kondr. & Elix, C. sconensis S.Y.Kondr., Kärnefelt & A.Thell, and C. tomnashii S.Y. Kondr., Elix & Kärnefelt, with caloploicin, vicanicin, diploicin, fulgidin, and isofulgidin. The new combination Crocynia glaucescen

Time Course of Classically Conditioned Purkinje Cell Response is Determined by Initial Part of Conditioned Stimulus

Classical conditioning of a motor response such as eyeblink is associated with the development of a pause in cerebellar Purkinje cell firing that is probably an important driver of the overt response. This conditioned Purkinje cell response is adaptively timed and has a specific temporal profile that probably explains the time course of the overt behavior. It is generally assumed that the temporal

Moisture Safety in Wood Frame Buildings - Blind evaluation of the hygrothermal calculation tool WUFI using field measurements and determination of factors affecting the moisture safety

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hårdare krav på lägre energianvändning i byggnader samt ökade energipriser har gjort att välisolerade hus har blivit vanligare. Ökad medvetenhet om koldioxidens påverkan på klimat-förändringarna har också ökat intresset för trähus. Tjockare isolering ökar dock risken för höga fukttillstånd och med detta också risken för fuktskador. För att förutse och undvika fuktskadorDue to increased awareness of climate change and higher energy costs, well-insulated buildings have become more common. Furthermore, interest in the use of wood in building to produce more carbon dioxide-efficient buildings has increased. However, thicker thermal insulation in building envelopes increases the risk of high relative humidity levels and the risk of mold-related damage in wood frame b

Influence of droplet properties on the formation of microemulsion-ABA-triblock copolymer networks

Structural equilibrium properties of transient networks formed by microemulsion droplets and ABA triblock copolymers in solution have been studied by Monte Carlo simulation. The droplets were represented by soft spheres and the polymers by junctions connected by harmonic bonds with an angular potential regulating the intrinsic chain stiffness. The interaction parameters were selected such that the

Measurement of the total cross section from elastic scattering in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A measurement of the total pp cross section at the LHC at root s = 7 TeV is presented. In a special run with high-beta* beam optics, an integrated luminosity of 80 mu b(-1) was accumulated in order to measure the differential elastic cross section as a function of the Mandelstam momentum transfer variable t. The measurement is performed with the ALFA sub-detector of ATLAS. Using a fit to the diffe

Genetic factors, body constitution, and tumor characteristics in relation to breast cancer prognosis

Prior advancements in research on biomarkers and prognostic host factors have made it increasingly clear that breast cancer is an immensely heterogeneous disease. It remains difficult to predict which patients will benefit from different breast cancer treatments. Hence, interest in personalized medicine is internationally wide-spread and growing. In paper I, we found that tumor detection mode, as

Oklart stöd för vakuumassisterad behandling vid svårläkta sår. Svar från SBU:s Upplysningstjänst

Topical negative pressure (TNP) treatment is a commonly used technique in the hospital care of acute or postoperative large, open wounds. In recent years the method has also been used to promote healing of so-called hard-to-heal ulcers, e.g. pressure ulcers, various leg ulcers, and diabetic foot ulcers. The SBU enquiry service has summarized the scientific literature on the clinical effects of TNP

The supply and demand of net primary production in the Sahel

Net primary production (NPP) is the principal source of energy for ecosystems and, by extension, human populations that depend on them. The relationship between the supply and demand of NPP is important for the assessment of socio-ecological vulnerability. We present an analysis of the supply and demand of NPP in the Sahel using NPP estimates from the MODIS sensor and agri-environmental data from

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The author proves a very good knowledge of the most subtle and diverse narrative methods up to the point of suspecting him of affectedness in writing: he seems to enjoy drawing up the most fanciful frameworks of a novel’s design. Each new fragment is being narrated from a certain character’s point of view, the abundant prospects achieving the equivocation of the whole story up to the absurd. Some