Din sökning på "*" gav 529722 sökträffar
Interaction between patient and physiotherapist in psychiatric care-the physiotherapist perspective
The aim of the study was to investigate what factors the physiotherapy experts in psychiatric physiotherapy believed to be important in the interaction between the patient and the physiotherapist (PT). The objective was to obtain a deeper insight into their reasoning concerning interaction and treatment outcomes. Eleven nominated ''expert'' PTs were each interviewed twice. Triangulation of importa
Acute improvement of hand sensibility after selective ipsilateral cutaneous forearm anaesthesia.
Advanced optics in a jellyfish eye
Cubozoans, or box jellyfish, differ from all other cnidarians by an active fish-like behaviour and an elaborate sensory apparatus(1,2). Each of the four sides of the animal carries a conspicuous sensory club ( the rhopalium), which has evolved into a bizarre cluster of different eyes(3). Two of the eyes on each rhopalium have long been known to resemble eyes of higher animals, but the function and
Holocene climatic and environmental changes inferred from midge records (Diptera : Chironomidae, Chaoboridae, Ceratopogonidae) at Lake Berkut, southern Kola Peninsula, Russia
A radiocarbon-dated sediment sequence from Lake Berkut in the southern part of the Kola Peninsula, northwest Russia, was investigated by means of midge analysis in order to reconstruct the Holocene climatic and environmental history of the region. Past mean July air temperatures at the study site and hypolimnetic oxygen contents of the lake water were inferred from chironomid-based transfer functi
Direct measurement of intraparticle fluid velocity in superporous agarose beads
Superporous agarose beads contain both normal diffusion pores and special, very wide superpores through which part of the chromatographic flow is transported, a situation that may greatly improve the chromatographic performance. For the first time such pore flow was measured directly by following the movement of microparticles (dyed yeast cells) through superporous beads packed in a chromatographi
A novel coronary heart disease risk evaluation and communication program improves modifiable risk factors and understanding in patients with hypertension: The Risk Evaluation and Communication Health Outcomes and Utilization Trial
Fibreoptic laryngotracheoscopy via the laryngeal mask airway in children
BACKGROUND: Fibreoptic laryngotracheoscopy via the laryngeal mask airway-previously reported in adults but not in children-gives a better endoscopic view of the upper airway than does endoscopy via an endotracheal tube. METHOD: The endoscopic procedure was carried out via a size 2 laryngeal mask in 4 spontaneously breathing children between 1 and 6 years old. Anaesthesia was induced and maintained
Induced Growth and Maturation of the Gastrointestinal Tract After Phaseolus vulgaris Lectin Exposure in Suckling Rats
Objectives: In mammals, the postnatal development of the gastrointestinal tract is characterized by vast structural and functional changes. Using a suckling rat model, we investigated whether red kidney bean lectin, phytohemagglutinin (PHA), a potent gut mitogen in adult rats, can accelerate the growth and maturation of the gastrointestinal tract. Methods: At either 10 or 14 days of age, suckling
Mediator-modified electrodes for catalytic NADH oxidation: high rate constants at interesting overpotentials.
Carbon paste electrodes were modified with a nitrofluorenone derivative, 2,4,7-trinitro-9-fluorenone, adsorbed on zirconium phosphate (ZP). After electrochemical reduction of the fluorenone derivative, it turns into a very efficient mediator for electrocatalytic NADH oxidation, with a formal potential of about +250 mV vs. Ag/AgCl. The electrochemistry and the electrocatalytic properties of the med
Oil/water droplet formation by temperature change in the water/C16E6/mineral oil system
Droplet sizes of oil/water (O/W) nanoemulsions prepared by the phase inversion temperature (PIT) method, in the water/C16E6/mineral oil system, have been compared with those given by a theoretical droplet model, which predicts a minimum droplet size. The results show that, when the phase inversion was started from either a single-phase microemulsion (D) or a two-phase W+D equilibrium, the resultin
Immunomodulation of Atherosclerosis. Implications for Vaccine Development.
A number of studies have shown activation of the immune system throughout various stages of atherosclerosis. Recent observations have suggested that activation of immune responses may promote atherosclerosis on one hand by inducing and perpetuating arterial inflammation, whereas on the other hand, selective activation of certain immune functions may inhibit atherosclerosis and arterial inflammatio
Simultaneous 2D flow velocity and gas temperature measurements using thermographic phosphors
In this paper a new approach for simultaneous 2D velocity and temperature measurements using phosphoric particles is presented. The phosphoric particles respond to the temperature changes in the flow while acting as tracers for velocity mapping. The temperature sensitive particles were seeded into a heated flow and were excited by a pulsed UV laser. The subsequent red shifted emission was detected
Late Triassic volcanic activity in South-East Asia: New stratigraphical, geochronological and paleontological evidence from the Luang Prabang Basin (Laos)
In South-East Asia, sedimentary basins displaying continental Permian and Triassic deposits have been poorly studied. Among these, the Luang Prabang Basin (North Laos) represents a potential key target to constrain the stratigraphic and structural evolutions of South-East Asia. A combined approach involving sedimentology, palaeontology, geochronology and structural analysis, was thus implemented t
Potential adult sibling stem cell donors' perceptions and opinions regarding an information and care model.
The first international recommendations and guidelines for the care of sibling stem cell donors were established in 2010, and have not yet been evaluated. However, a model for information and care of adult potential sibling stem cell donors (the IC model) developed and introduced at the Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, in 2005 conforms closely to them. The IC model aims to protect the priv
Microbial community structure of vineyard soils with different pH and copper content
The phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) pattern of vineyard soils from the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula was studied to identify soil factors determining the microbial community structure, with special emphasis on effects of Cu pollution and pH. A wide range of soil samples, collected from six winegrowing regions (Rias Baixas, Ribeiro, Ribeira Sacra, Monterrei, Valdeorras and Vinhos Verdes) was an
Lack of the Phosphatase PTPN22 Increases Adhesion of Murine Regulatory T Cells to Improve Their Immunosuppressive Function
The cytoplasmic phosphatase PTPN22 (protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22) plays a key role in regulating lymphocyte homeostasis, which ensures that the total number of lymphocytes in the periphery remains relatively constant. Mutations in PTPN22 confer an increased risk of developing autoimmune diseases; however, the precise function of PTPN22 and how mutations contribute to auto-immun
High serum cholesterol predicts rheumatoid arthritis in women, but not in men: a prospective study.
Environmental exposures, including smoking, hormone-related factors, and metabolic factors, have been implicated in the etiology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A previous study has indicated that blood lipid levels may influence the development of RA. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of serum total cholesterol and triglycerides on the risk of RA in a prospective study.
Apoptosis resistance of non-obese diabetic mouse thymocytes is mediated by a defective p53 expression and altered microRNA network controlling cell death and proliferation
The Swedish Eating Assessment for Autism spectrum disorders (SWEAA)-Validation of a self-report questionnaire targeting eating disturbances within the autism spectrum
The aim was to design and validate a questionnaire pertaining to eating problems in individuals with normal intelligence, within the autism spectrum. The questionnaire was based on literature search and clinical experience. The validation focused on psychometric properties of reliability and validity using a clinical group of individuals with autism Spectrum disorders (ASD) (n = 57) and a matched,