

Din sökning på "*" gav 531190 sökträffar

Virological Response and Antiretroviral Drug Resistance Emerging during Antiretroviral Therapy at Three Treatment Centers in Uganda

BACKGROUND: With the scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART), monitoring programme performance is needed to maximize ART efficacy and limit HIV drug resistance (HIVDR).METHODS: We implemented a WHO HIVDR prospective survey protocol at three treatment centers between 2012 and 2013. Data were abstracted from patient records at ART start (T1) and after 12 months (T2). Genotyping was performed in the

Variable flip angle 3D ultrashort echo time (UTE) T1 mapping of mouse lung : A repeatability assessment

Background: Lung T1 is a potential translational biomarker of lung disease. The precision and repeatability of variable flip angle (VFA) T1 mapping using modern 3D ultrashort echo time (UTE) imaging of the whole lung needs to be established before it can be used to assess response to disease and therapy. Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility of regional lung T1 quantification with VFA 3D-UTE and to

Risk Screening, Testing, and Diagnosis : Ethical Aspects

After an initial clarification of the notion of the risk, a brief discussion of the distinction between testing and screening, and of the difficulties of defining genetic information in a precise way follows an overview of public concerns raised by genetic testing and screening. Next section reviews various types of ethical issues in this context. The challenges are not the same for all types and

Ultrasound in Prenatal Diagnostics and Its Impact on the Epidemiology of Spina Bifida in a National Cohort from Denmark with a Comparison to Sweden

Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the incidence, the prenatal detection rate by ultrasound, and the pregnancy outcome of spina bifida (SB) in Denmark (DK) in 2008-2015 and to compare results to national data from Sweden. Methods. Data were retrieved from the Danish Fetal Medicine Database, which includes International Classification of Diseases-(ICD-) 10 codes for pre-or postnatally

Short and Long-Term Controls on Active Layer and Permafrost Carbon Turnover Across the Arctic

Decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) in permafrost terrain and the production of greenhouse gases is a key factor for understanding climate change-carbon feedbacks. Previous studies have shown that SOM decomposition is mostly controlled by soil temperature, soil moisture, and carbon-nitrogen ratio (C:N). However, focus has generally been on site-specific processes and little is known about v

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English (French summary below)Is it still possible to speak of authority other than in negative terms? In particular, to speak of exercising authority in religious institutions? I believe so. It is essential to exercise authority, also in religious institutions. But this exercise is not a simple matter. I propose to reflect on the question from four perspectives. The first is inspired by Martin Lu

The Shaping of a Settler Fertility Transition : Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century South African Demographic History Reconsidered

Using South African Families (SAF), a new database of settler genealogies, we provide the first comprehensive analysis of women’s fertility in settler South Africa between 1700 and 1900. Differences in parity rates acrossgeographic regions suggest couples knew how to limit fertility prior to theglobal onset of the first fertility transition. We date the start of South Africa’s fertility transition

Strengthening of a biodegradable Mg–Zn–Ca alloy ZX50 after processing by HPT and heat treatment

This study investigates a biodegradable Mg–5Zn–0.3Ca alloy (ZX50) during HPT-processing and long-term heat treatments, the latter with respect to the evolution of intermetallic precipitates and vacancy clusters. Both the precipitates as well as the vacancy clusters achieve strength increases as the Zn atoms may act as potential trapping sites not only for HPT-induced dislocations but also vacancie

Measuring person-centred care in nurse-led outpatient rheumatology clinics

Background: Measurement of person-centred care (PCC) outcomes is underdeveloped owing to the complexity of the concept and lack of conceptual clarity. A framework conceptualizing outpatient PCC in rheumatology nurse-led clinics has therefore been suggested and operationalized into the PCC instrument for outpatient care in rheumatology (PCCoc/rheum). Objective: The aim of the present study was to t

When the problem of incorrigible girls became a problem of psychopathy

Bolette Frydendahl Larsen explores the history of defining female juvenile delinquency through the emergence of the notion of psychopathy in the re-education of girls in interwar Denmark. The chapter argues that the category of psychopathy was used in the pragmatic management of the girls in re-education and that it also enabled a call for increased resources to solve the problem of female juvenil

Consequences of cyberbullying behaviour in working life

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore health- and work-related outcomes of cyberbullying behaviour and the potential mediating role of social organisational climate, social support from colleagues and social support from superiors. Design/methodology/approach – Altogether 3,371 respondents participated in a questionnaire study. Findings – The results of this study indicate that social

Vad avgör om kommuner investerar i bussframkomlighetsåtgärder? : Fallstudier av Stockholm, Karlstad och Köpenhamn

Framkomlighetsåtgärder för bussar i städer kan vara en viktig åtgärd för att förbättra kollektivtrafikens attraktivitet och därmed bidra till en överflyttning av resor från privatbilen till kollektivtrafiken. Många städer runt om i världen genomför framkomlighetsåtgärder och vetenskapliga studier av motiven och incitamenten för att införa sådana åtgärder har genomförts i vissa länder. Men studier

Vascular characteristics in young women-Effect of extensive endurance training or a sedentary lifestyle

Aim: To explore whether high-level endurance training in early age has an influence on the arterial wall properties in young women. Methods: Forty-seven athletes (ATH) and 52 controls (CTR), all 17-25 years of age, were further divided into runners (RUN), whole-body endurance athletes (WBA), sedentary controls (SC) and normally active controls (AC). Two-dimensional ultrasound scanning of the carot

Effect of light-level geolocators on apparent survival of two highly aerial swift species

Light-level geolocators are currently widely used to track the migration of small-sized birds, but their potentially detrimental effects on survival of highly aerial species have been poorly investigated so far. We recorded capture–recapture histories of 283 common swifts Apus apus and 107 pallid swifts Apus pallidus breeding in 14 colonies in Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland that were equippe