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Vad avgör om kommuner investerar i bussframkomlighetsåtgärder? : Fallstudier av Stockholm, Karlstad och Köpenhamn
Framkomlighetsåtgärder för bussar i städer kan vara en viktig åtgärd för att förbättra kollektivtrafikens attraktivitet och därmed bidra till en överflyttning av resor från privatbilen till kollektivtrafiken. Många städer runt om i världen genomför framkomlighetsåtgärder och vetenskapliga studier av motiven och incitamenten för att införa sådana åtgärder har genomförts i vissa länder. Men studier
Vascular characteristics in young women-Effect of extensive endurance training or a sedentary lifestyle
Aim: To explore whether high-level endurance training in early age has an influence on the arterial wall properties in young women. Methods: Forty-seven athletes (ATH) and 52 controls (CTR), all 17-25 years of age, were further divided into runners (RUN), whole-body endurance athletes (WBA), sedentary controls (SC) and normally active controls (AC). Two-dimensional ultrasound scanning of the carot
Effect of light-level geolocators on apparent survival of two highly aerial swift species
Light-level geolocators are currently widely used to track the migration of small-sized birds, but their potentially detrimental effects on survival of highly aerial species have been poorly investigated so far. We recorded capture–recapture histories of 283 common swifts Apus apus and 107 pallid swifts Apus pallidus breeding in 14 colonies in Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland that were equippe
A shift from technical properties towards sensorial characteristics in product design education
The aim of this study is to evaluate a new pedagogic approach implemented in a compulsory materials course for product design students at bachelors level at ABC University. When developing a new curriculum for the material course, a decision was made to teach materials and production methods in a contextualized setting with emphasis on how students can deal with materials in a design process. Meth
Combination of searches for WW, WZ, and ZZ resonances in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
The ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider has performed searches for new, heavy bosons decaying to WW, WZ and ZZ final states in multiple decay channels using 20.3 fb−1 of pp collision data at s=8 TeV. In the current study, the results of these searches are combined to provide a more stringent test of models predicting heavy resonances with couplings to vector bosons. Direct searches
Constraints on non-Standard Model Higgs boson interactions in an effective Lagrangian using differential cross sections measured in the H → γγ decay channel at √s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
The strength and tensor structure of the Higgs boson's interactions are investigated using an effective Lagrangian, which introduces additional CP-even and CP-odd interactions that lead to changes in the kinematic properties of the Higgs boson and associated jet spectra with respect to the Standard Model. The parameters of the effective Lagrangian are probed using a fit to five differential cross
Cumulant expansions for measuring water exchange using diffusion MRI
The rate of water exchange across cell membranes is a parameter of biological interest and can be measured by diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI). In this work, we investigate a stochastic model for the diffusion-and-exchange of water molecules. This model provides a general solution for the temporal evolution of dMRI signal using any type of gradient waveform, thereby generalizing the sig
Patient specific QA procedures : Pre-treatment verification
Patient specific QA procedures for IMRT from Lund University Hospital
Fourteen sequence variants that associate with multiple sclerosis discovered by meta-analysis informed by genetic correlations
A meta-analysis of publicly available summary statistics on multiple sclerosis combined with three Nordic multiple sclerosis cohorts (21,079 cases, 371,198 controls) revealed seven sequence variants associating with multiple sclerosis, not reported previously. Using polygenic risk scores based on public summary statistics of variants outside the major histocompatibility complex region we quantifie
GARD : Genomic allergen rapid detection
Genomic allergen rapid detection (GARD) is an in vitro assay for the prediction of skin sensitizing capacity of chemicals. The GARD assay monitors changes in the expression of 196 genes, termed the GARD prediction signature. In short, MUTZ-3 cells, representing a well-characterized in vitro model of human dendritic cells (DCs), are exposed to the test substances for 24 h. After RNA extraction and
Berättelserna i "VD har ordet" - i dialog med omvärlden
”Vd har ordet” är det avsnitt i årsredovisningen som många anser vara allra viktigast och mest läst. Men vilken berättelse, eller snarare vilka berättelser, om företaget är det som lämnas under rubriken ”Vd har ordet”? I en studie av 30 årsredovisningar har olika berättelser identifierats, såsom exempelvis den kamerala berättelsen och den strategiska berättelsen. I denna artikel beskrivs och utvec
Gradual Withdrawal and Partial Exit among Older Workers : Some Conceptual Remarks
Peter Baldwin: The Narcissism of Minor Differences. How America and Europe are Alike. An Essay in Numbers
Sven Delblanc : Lokalsamhällets maktordning
Treatment of aggressive pituitary tumours and carcinomas : results of a European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) survey 2016
OBJECTIVE: To collect outcome data in a large cohort of patients with aggressive pituitary tumours (APT)/carcinomas (PC) and specifically report effects of temozolomide (TMZ) treatment.DESIGN: Electronic survey to ESE members Dec 2015-Nov 2016.RESULTS: Reports on 166 patients (40 PC, 125 APT, 1 unclassified) were obtained. Median age at diagnosis was 43 (range 4-79) years. 69% of the tumours were
The role of climate, forest fires and human population size in Holocene vegetation dynamics in Fennoscandia
Questions: We investigated the changing role of climate, forest fires and human population size in the broad-scale compositional changes in Holocene vegetation dynamics before and after the onset of farming in Sweden (at 6,000 cal yr BP) and in Finland (at 4,000 cal yr BP). Location: Southern and central Sweden, SW and SE Finland. Methods: Holocene regional plant abundances were reconstructed usin
Solveig Hultberg : pappa Guntram och de andra "Berndtarna"
Mobile Application for Naturalistic Walking/Cycling Data Collection
Two smartphone applications were developed with the aim of harvesting insights of vulnerable road user accidents. The apps require a backend database with software tools for generating and managing questionnaires, etc. Such a system was developed using a MySQL database where a user-friendly platform has been developed in CakePHP. The backend system has been successfully developed and been used to
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Syftet med projektet var att kartlägga drifts- och underhållsförhållanden som påverkar huruvida man går och cyklar, hur mycket man går och cyklar och skaderisken färdmedelsvalet innebär. Rapporten bygger på en litteraturöversikt baserat på publikationer sökta i den svenska nationella bibliotekskatalogen TRANSGUIDE och i den ämnesövergripande databasen Web of Science. Det genomfördes även intervjue