

Din sökning på "*" gav 533727 sökträffar

Anomaly detection in 5G beam propagation

Advancements in today's technology has motivated invention of faster mobile communication systems. The fifth generation mobile network, 5G, is the latest version made by the third generation partnership project (3GPP) and expects to both increase connection speed and reduce latency, which eventually will make it applicable in supporting state-of-the art technologies such as virtual reality and

The application of accelerometers to investigate flight performance of free-living pied flycatchers during breeding season – a case study in Vombs fure, southern Sweden

Bird flight behaviors have been an interesting topic for many years, among which researchers have focused mostly on detailed aerodynamics of flight and more general aspects such as migration strategies. The recent development of accelerometers which could be easily attached to animals has speeded up the investigation of animal movements. Different behaviors could be categorized, and energy consump

"The Rate of Change" - En analys av e-pliktens beskaffenhet i förhållande till digital kultur, teknologi och beständighet

The Swedish national library has collected nearly all Swedish printed materials for more than three centuries. Regarding digital material, the digital legal deposit act was enacted about nine years ago. According to the law, a selection of digital publications must be sent to the national library for preservation. The Swedish digital legal deposit act has been heavily criticized, mostly because it

Litar studenter på socialtjänsten? En kvantitativ studie om samband mellan institutionell tillit och uppväxtland

Socialtjänsten är en väsentlig del av det svenska välfärdssystemet som kräver tillit från sina medborgare för att kunna fungera. Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att ta reda på om studenter har hög eller låg tillit till socialtjänsten samt om tilliten påverkas av studentens uppväxtland. Rothsteins teori om socialt kapital användes för att förklara betydelsen av institutionell tillit och för att beThe Swedish Social Services are an essential part of the welfare system which requires trust from its citizens to function. The purpose of this thesis was to find out if students have a high or low trust in Swedish Social Services and if that trust is affected by the country the student grew up in. Rothstein's theory on social capital was used to explain the importance of institutional trust a

E-commerce and Information Security

At a time when e-commerce is thriving and companies have to work with large quantities of data, there has been an increase of security risks. To stay current and afloat amidst and after the pandemic, the companies need to keep their consumers satisfied and safe. As threats to information systems become more advanced the companies need to stay on top of their game, and keep these risks from becomin

Sverige, lovar guld och gröna skogar? - En multimodal analys av hur semiotiska resurser och visuell framing används inom platsvarumärkning

Turistindustrin runt om i världen fick snabbt anpassa sig till de restriktioner för resor som tillkom i samband med COVID-19. Visit Sweden, Sveriges officiella organisation för turism, bestämde sig för att lansera en kampanj som använder strategier inom platsvarumärkning för att uppmuntra svenskar att agera turister i sitt eget land. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur semiotiska resurser, visuelThe tourism industry worldwide had to adapt to the sudden travel regulations following COVID-19. Visit Sweden, Sweden's official organization for tourism, decided to launch a campaign using place branding strategies to encourage Swedes to explore and act as tourists in their own country. This study aims to examine how semiotic resources, visual framing and place identity are used to communicat

Kränkningar i vuxenpsykiatrin: socialpsykologiska och organisationspsykologiska faktorers inverkan på patientbemötande

Tidigare forskning har poängterat den höga prevalensen och de långtgående konsekvenserna av kränkningar i vården, det vill säga överträdelser av hälso- och sjukvårdens etiska principer och andra brister i patientbemötande. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka vårdpersonalens upplevelser av kränkningar i vuxenpsykiatrin utifrån social- och organisationspsykologiska faktorer. Studien genPrevious research has emphasized the high prevalence and far-reaching consequences of abuse in healthcare, that is violations of ethical principles and other shortcomings in patient care. The purpose of the present study was to investigate staff's experiences of violations in adult psychiatry based on social and organizational psychological factors. The study was conducted as an online survey

Intervention in a big box landscape - How Borås can turn future consumption patterns into a driver for sustainable development

Shopping centres, malls and big box retail stores can be found all over the world. But, in many places they have seen their hay day. In the US, malls are closing at an alarming rate and a common strategy is to transform these big boxes into new uses, both into a whole new neighbourhood or an individual building. In Sweden, the e-commerce is growing steadily, probably at the expense of the physica

Project Resilience in the Face of Crisis

The purpose of this thesis is to explain and analyze the project resilience practices developed and demonstrated in project management during times of crisis, as well as to analyze the correlations of these practices with project success, both in the short and long term. This project is also part of the Swedish Project Review, a longitudinal study benchmarking trends and areas of improvement in pr

The impact of initial state radiation on jets from PbPb collisions

Ständigt genom historien, har människan varit intresserad av att försöka bryta ner naturens lagar och fenomen till så fundamentala principer som är möjligt. Redan i antika grekland uppstod konceptet av en fundamental byggsten som uppgör all annan materia. Med en ständigt förbättrande teknik och mer utvecklade teorier, så har man under de senaste 100 åren kunnat undersöka mindre och mindre längdskaThis thesis presents the study of how initial state radiation impacts jets produced in pp and PbPb collisions, by investigating the transverse momentum spectra, the rapidity spectra and the differential jet shape. This is done for central collisions with nucleon-nucleom COM energy 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV. The anti-kt algorithm is used to reconstruct the jet, with the jet radii R = 0.3 and R = 1.0. F

Livsnödvändigt eller livsförstörande? En diskursanalys av mediedebatten angående könsbekräftande vård för barn och unga

This study examines the current Swedish media debate regarding gender-affirming care and treatment for children and youth. The aim was to determine the overarching discourses surrounding gender dysphoria, what actors appear in the debate and on what terms, as well as to examine how danger is constructed in the debate. The material for the study consists of 20 opinion based articles from popular ne

Kvalificerade personaloptioner - Skatteverkets tolkning och ett ställningstagandes konsekvenser

Skatteverket publicerar varje år ett antal vägledande dokument beträffande tolkning och tillämpning av specifika skatterättsliga bestämmelser. Dessa allmänna råd och ställningstaganden underlättar många gånger för skattebetalaren eftersom det möjliggör för denne att på förhand ta reda på hur verket kommer att handlägga ett ärende. Besvärligare blir det när Skatteverkets uppfattning av gällande intEvery year The Swedish Tax Agency publishes indicative documents regarding interpretation and application of specific tax rules. Among these documents are general advice (sw: allmänna råd) and The Swedish Tax Agency’s position (sw: ställningstaganden) about a certain legal issue. Usually, these publications ease the taxation procedure for the taxpayer since it enables him to predict how the agency

Är tiden inne för virtuella bolagsstämmor? - En analys av regleringen av bolagsstämmor i privata aktiebolag.

I takt med den ständigt pågående tekniska utvecklingen ökar även efterfrågan av digitalisering av allt fler funktioner i samhället. Många processer, transaktioner och handlingar som tidigare skedde på plats och genom möten sker idag digitalt. Bankärenden är ett av många exempel på detta, vilket tydliggjordes i Internet Stiftelsens årliga undersökning 2019, Svenskarna och Internet, då 91% av svenskWith the constantly ongoing technological development, the demand for digitalisation of functions in society is also constantly increasing. Many processes and transactions that previously took place on site and through meetings now take place digitally. Typical banking needs are one of many examples of this, which was evident in the Internet Foundation's annual survey 2019, Swedes and the Inte

Rätten att neka medicinsk behandling – Att utöva den negativa självbestämmanderätten själv eller genom annan

Patienter har i Sverige så kallad negativ självbestämmanderätt, det vill säga en rätt att neka behandling. Denna rätt återfinns i såväl patientlagen som i svensk grundlag. Den negativa självbestämmanderätten uttrycks bland annat genom kravet att patienten måste samtycka till medicinsk behandling för att sådan ska få genomföras. Kravet på samtycke kan åsidosättas vid fara som akut och allvarligt hoPatients in Sweden have the right to negative autonomy which means they have a right to refuse treatment. This right can be found in the Swedish Patient Act as well as in constitutional law. Negative autonomy is guaranteed through the requirement that patients must consent to medical treatment for such treatment to lawfully be carried out. Exemptions from the requirement of consent can be made in

Mår du bra på jobbet?

The purpose of this thesis is to study how work-related stress and the risk of burnout within the social services is perceived by professional caseworkers, who are a social worker that is employed by a government agency. In the study, we interviewed twelve caseworkers working in different municipalities in Sweden. When asking the questions, we used a qualitative method using semi-structured interv

Towards Regenerative (Agri)Cultures. An ethnographic case study of integrated socio-ecological restoration at the Hof Lebensberg community farm, Germany

Agriculture is today the human activity most vulnerable to Climate Change, and one of its leading causes. Regenerative Agriculture offers powerful tools to restore ecosystems, without sacrificing abundant food production; nevertheless, a systematic adoption of such practices is incompatible with the existing economic structures and calls for a radical societal change. This study aims at exploring

Vad leder till ett lönsamt förvärv?

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka ifall det finns ett signifikant samband mellan egenskaper relaterat till sponsorerna och den kortsiktiga avkastningen efter ett förvärv. Teorierna som används är principal-agent-teorin, informationsasymmetri och den effektiva marknadshypotesen. Studiens urval består av 80 SPAC-bolag från den amerikanska marknaden som har utfört ett förvärv mellan 2019-20. MThe purpose of this study is to investigate if there is a relationship between attributes related to SPAC sponsors and the short term return after an acquisition is made. The theories that are used are the principal agent theory, information asymmetry and the efficient market hypothesis. The research sample consists of 80 SPACs listed on the American market that have made an acquisition between 20

What waste are you- Analyzing 46 pilot cities’ MSW management program from the perspective of authoritarian environmentalism

The problem of growing waste and its management is global. The Chinese central government has tried several municipal solid waste (MSW) management pilot programs, but few of them succeeded. In this case study, the 2017 program applied the Target Responsibility System (TRS) to incentive 46 pilot cities to implement the specific requirements by the end of 2020.This thesis analyzes the heterogeneity

PHITS simulations for CEvNS experiments at ESS

European Spallation Source (ESS) är en forskningsanläggning under byggnad i Lund, där man ska använda sig av en accelerator för att accelerera och skjuta protoner på Volfram. Protonerna kommer ha en sådan enorm energi och hastighet att neutroner slås ut våldsamt. På så sätt skapar man en källa av neutroner som ska bli världens mest kraftfulla neutronkälla. De utgående neutronerna bromsas ner av moRecently the interest for coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments has increased since it is believed that through these experiments, a wide range of new physics, e.g., sterile neutrinos, could be discovered. This experiment is ideally performed at spallation sources and in this project we look into an experiment, which is planned at the European Spallation Source. However, the mea