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Ēode ϸā tō setle - Female Leadership in Iron Age Uppåkra
In the Uppåkra house the place for a possible high seat dedicated to the woman is marked out by a deposit consisting of a bronze beaker with embossed gold-foil bands and a glass bowl originated from the area around the Black Sea. These objects acted as props in the drinking ceremonies and social activities involving gift giving carried out by the queen or the lady of the house. The exclusive natur
QM/MM-PBSA method to estimate free energies for reactions in proteins
We have developed a method to estimate free energies of reactions in proteins, called QM/MM-PBSA. It estimates the internal energy of the reactive site by quantum mechanical (QM) calculations, whereas bonded, electrostatic, and van der Waals interactions with the surrounding protein are calculated at the molecular mechanics (MM) level. The electrostatic part of the solvation energy of the reactant
Ductus venosus blood flow velocity waveform in diabetic pregnancies
Objective Maternal diabetes during pregnancy is associated with congenital cardiac malformations and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Blood flow in the ductus venosus (DV) has been postulated to reflect cardiac function. The aim of our study was to investigate if diabetic pregnancies exhibit abnormal DV hemodynamics, hence indicating changes in fetal cardiac function. Methods The pulsatility index of
PHENIX measurements of 3D emission source function in Au-Au collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV
A state-of-the-art 3D source imaging technique is used to extract the 3D two-pion source function in central and mid-central Au+Au collisions at GeV. The source function indicates a previously unresolved non-Gaussian tail in the directions of the pion pair transverse momentum (out) and along the beam (long). Model comparisons give robust estimates for several characteristics of the emission source
Treatment with pioglitazone induced significant, reversible mitral regurgitation
There has in recent years been great concern about possible cardiac side effects of thiazolidinediones ( TZDs). We present a case-report of a 60 year-old male who developed significant mitral regurgitation during six months treatment with pioglitazone in parallel with laboratory indications of fluid retention. Echocardiography six months after discontinuation of medication showed regression of mit
Determinants of serum levels of vitamin D: a study of life-style, menopausal status, dietary intake, serum calcium, and PTH
Background: Low blood levels of vitamin D (25-hydroxy D3, 25OHD3) in women have been associated with an increased risk of several diseases. A large part of the population may have suboptimal 25OHD3 levels but high-risk groups are not well known. The aim of the present study was to identify determinants for serum levels of 25OHD3 in women, i.e. factors such as lifestyle, menopausal status, diet and
Reducing Throttle Losses Using Variable Geometry Turbine (VGT) in a Heavy-Duty Spark-Ignited Natural Gas Engine
Stoichiometric operation of Spark Ignited (SI) Heavy Duty Natural Gas (HDNG) engines with a three way catalyst results in very low emissions however they suffer from bad gas-exchange efficiency due to use of throttle which results in high throttling losses. Variable Geometry Turbine (VGT) is a good practice to reduce throttling losses in a certain operating region of the engine. VTG technology is
Nedskrivningsprövning av goodwill: före eller efter skatt?
I artikeln utreds sambandet mellan diskonteringsräntan före och efter skatt och hur detta samband påverkar beräkningar vid nedskrivningsprövning.
Marital status, social capital and health locus of control: A population-based study.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the association between marital status and lack of internal health locus of control (HLC), taking economic stress and trust into account. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: The public health survey Skåne 2008 is a postal questionnaire study (55% participation rate). A random sample was invited to participate, and 28,198 individuals aged 18-80 years agre
Genetic aspects of thrombotic disease
Dark memories in the provincial worlds of Ingmar Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander and Federico Fellini’s Amarcord
This article about Federico Fellini’s Amarcord (1973) and Ingmar Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander (1982) concerns one aspect of the directors’ childhood memories, namely how authoritarian institutions are used to disrupt otherwise fairly idyllic and nostalgic lives and worlds. The films blend detailed memories with playful fantasies, combine experiences of the directors’ alter ego Titta and Alexander
Agrara fluktuationer och befolknings-utveckling på sydsvenska höglandet tolkade utifrån röjningsrösen
In this paper a data set of 716 radiocarbon dates from the South-Swedish Upland is presented. The dated material is charcoal found beneath clearance cairns, which originates from agricultural land clearance by fire. The chronological distribution of the calibrated dates, presented as summed probability, is interpreted in terms of agricultural fluctuations as well as long-term changes in human popu
Registered nurses' descriptions of caring: a phenomenographic interview study.
Nursing has come a long way since the days of Florence Nightingale and even though no consensus exists it would seem reasonable to assume that caring still remains the inner core, the essence of nursing. In the light of the societal, contextual and political changes that have taken place during the 21st century, it is important to explore whether these might have influenced the essence of nursing.
Altered endothelin receptor expression and affinity in spontaneously hypertensive rat cerebral and coronary arteries.
Hypertension is associated with arterial hyperreactivity, and endothelin (ET) receptors are involved in vascular pathogenesis. The present study was performed to examine the hypothesis that ET receptors were altered in cerebral and coronary arteries of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).
Outcome and clinical changes in patients 3, 6, 12 months after a severe or major hand injury - can sense of coherence be an indicator for rehabilitation focus?
Background: Our objective was to explore outcome and clinical changes in hand function, satisfaction in daily occupations, sleep disturbances, health and quality of life in consecutive patients after a severe or major hand injury. Our objective was also to investigate possible differences between groups according to severity of injury, presence of peripheral nerve injury and the patients' sense of
Evaluating Amyloid-beta Oligomers in Cerebrospinal Fluid as a Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease
The current study evaluated amyloid-beta oligomers (A beta o) in cerebrospinal fluid as a clinical biomarker for Alzheimer's disease (AD). We developed a highly sensitive A beta o ELISA using the same N-terminal monoclonal antibody (82E1) for capture and detection. CSF samples from patients with AD, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and healthy controls were examined. The assay was specific for oli
Experimental investigation on the effect of detail design on wood moisture content in outdoor above ground applications
An essential part of a performance-based service life design format for wood exposed in outdoor applications is the effect of proper detailing in terms of avoiding moisture traps. Models for predicting degradation and non-performance caused by decay are functions of arbitrary climate history of combined moisture content and temperature. Therefore it is crucial to be able to predict the behaviour o
Corruption, anticorruption, uncorruption
Article as part of a special issue of Revue du MAUSS on the definition of corruption ed. by J. Soldani. Using anti-corruption to define the concept of corruption, but also asking what would a corruption-free or UNcorrupt society look like?