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Omvärlden fortsätter blunda för IS sexslaveri
Understreckare om den yazidiska tragedin
Tumor characteristics and prognosis in women with pregnancy-associated breast cancer
There is evidence of poor prognosis in women with pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) diagnosed during pregnancy or within 2 years of delivery. Using a large, population-based cohort, we examined clinicopathologic features and survival in women with PABC. A cohort of women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer between 1992 and 2009 at ages 15-44 years was identified in the Swedish Cancer Reg
Parental health and psychosomatic symptoms in preschool children : A cross-sectional study in Scania, Sweden
Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the association between parental self-rated health and recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) in preschool children. Methods: A questionnaire, including questions about sociodemographic and psychosocial factors, lifestyle, parental and child health, was sent to parents of all 4-year-old children in Scania, Sweden. The response rate was 43.6%. The outcome was RAP and
A comparative study found that a seven-year school-based exercise programme increased physical activity levels in both sexes
Aim: This study assessed whether a Swedish school-based exercise intervention programme could increase total physical activity. Methods: We followed up 228 children who started school in 1998-2000 seven years later, when they had reached a mean age of 14.8. The 152 children (59% boys) at the intervention school did 200 minutes of physical education per week during that period, and the 76 children
Outcome and Complications Using Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in the Groin for Perivascular Surgical Site Infections after Vascular Surgery
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate graft preservation, major bleeding, and reinfection rate using negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) for perivascular surgical site infections (SSIs) in the groin after vascular surgery and factors associated with failure of treatment. Methods: Retrospective data were collected during 2004-2015. Failure of wound treatment was defined as a wound
Correlation of seminar attendance and written examinations in medical education
Objectives: The parts of constructive alignment, i.e. learning objectives, activities and assessment are crucial for good learning outcomes. However, they must constantly be evaluated so as to verify the alignment. Our aim was to investigate if attendance to our casebased seminars in family medicine contributed to exam performance and whether gender had any impact for undergraduate students at the
New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene
Review of 'New Earth Politics: Essays from the Anthropocene', ed. by Simon Nicholson and Sikina Jinnah
På vandring i minoriteternas Istanbul
Recension av Pia Ingström: Den mystiska näktergalen. Judar, armenier och greker i Istanbul.
Lärdomar av ett misslyckande
Recension av Abraham K. Yoosuf: Assyria and the Paris Peace Conference
Isaac (Patriarch) : III Judaism. B. Rabbinic Judaism
Misoprostol treatment vs expectant management in women with early non-viable pregnancy and vaginal bleeding : A pragmatic randomized controlled trial
Objective: To compare vaginal misoprostol treatment with expectant management in early non-viable pregnancy with vaginal bleeding with regard to complete evacuation of the uterine cavity within 10days after randomization. Methods: This was a parallel randomized controlled, open-label trial conducted in Skåne University Hospital, Sweden. Patients with anembryonic pregnancy or early fetal demise (cr
Methodologies for Multimodal Research
This special issue presents and discusses prominent methodsand tools for multimodal analysis and reception. It comprises an editorial, a set of six papers and a book review and brings together international researchers from Germany, Sweden, Denmark, United States and Singapore representing various disciplines: communication and media studies, social semiotics, cognitive science, educational psycho
Patentability of human enhancement : From ethical dilemmas to legal (un)certainty
Emerging technologies are paving the way for future revolutionary advances in science that may open the possibility to change the very anthropological definition of human being. This mere possibility has lead to ethical interrogations concerning the nature and boundaries of human nature and our relationship with science and technology. Meanwhile the Law has faced the challenge of reflecting on the
Reproducibility and acceptability of ultrasound measurements of head–perineum distance
Introduction: We aimed to test the reproducibility of head–perineum distance (HPD) measurements using two different ultrasound devices and five examiners, to compare ultrasound measurements and clinical assessments and to study if ultrasound examinations were acceptable for women in labor. Material and methods: A reproducibility study was performed at Lund University Hospital, Sweden and Landspita
Drosophila exoribonuclease nibbler is a tumor suppressor, acts within the RNAi machinery and is not enriched in the nuage during early oogenesis
BACKGROUND: micro RNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of many biological pathways. A plethora of steps are required to form, from a precursor, the mature miRNA that eventually acts on its target RNA to repress its expression or to inhibit translation. Recently, Drosophila nibbler (nbr) has been shown to be an important player in the maturation process of miRNA and piRNA. Nbr is an exoribonuclea
Reaching higher: Women liberators and gender
The aim of this paper is to call on WPS activists, as well as feminists in the Horn, to reach higher than NAPs by challenging the discourse that women are solely victims of conflict, and emphasise women’s agency in peace and state-building. Moreover, all actors should pay due consideration to gender-just peace and transitional justice. By doing so, a critical feminist engagement with UNSCR 1325 an
Do parents leave a smaller carbon footprint?
Do parents leave a smaller carbon footprint? While becoming a parent is transformational as one focuses more on the future, the time constraints are more binding right now. Using a unique data set that allows us to compare CO2 emissions from Swedish two-adult households with and without children, we find becoming a Swedish parent causes a person to leave a larger carbon footprint—due to changes in
Musicality in spoken theatre – fiction, metaphor, dispositif
The purpose of this article is to address issues of artistic knowledge and artistic learning by way of studying, through a concrete exemplification, the meanings and implications of linguistic metaphor in artistic and educational conceptualizations of spoken theatre. Professional artists and pedagogues in this field habitually use the concept of musicality to point to key qualities in actors’ arti
Study of Flare Assessment in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Based on Paper Patients
Objective: To determine the level of agreement of disease flare severity (distinguishing severe, moderate, and mild flare and persistent disease activity) in a large paper-patient exercise involving 988 individual cases of systemic lupus erythematosus. Methods: A total of 988 individual lupus case histories were assessed by 3 individual physicians. Complete agreement about the degree of flare (or