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Vascular actions of antimicrobial peptides
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sepsis (blodförgiftning) och septisk chock är ett resultat av en inflammatorisk reaktion i kroppen som helhet förorsakad av mikroorganismer. Sepsis patienterna uppvisar inte bara de vanliga tecken till infektion som feber, höjd sänka och ökat antal vita blodkroppar i blodet utan de kan även ha andra komplikationer såsom lung-, njur- och leversvikt. När sepsis orsakar ruThe present thesis focuses on the vascular effects of antimicrobial peptides especially mechanisms involving the vasodilator nitric oxide (NO), which is released from the blood vessel wall during inflammatory conditions such as sepsis. Bacterial lipopolysaccharide stimulates the expression of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which increases the NO production in vascular tissues or cultured vascular s
Traumatic events
Gateway-based call admission in distributed object oriented systems
Many applications in telecommunications will depend on distributed systems to provide enough capacity. In a distributed system a service is split up into a number of modules (often called objects) that can be placed at different nodes or processors in a network. A service can be seen as a number of invocations of the objects in a certain order. There are a number of performance problems which have
Deliverable Desertification syndromes for the target & validation DeSurvey areas
Quark Mass dependence at Two Loops for Meson Properties
This talks contains a short introduction to Chiral Perturbation Theory and the existing calculations to two-loop order in the mesonic sector. I include a discussion on which quantities the expansion can be organized in. The present best values of the Low-Energy-Constants as determined from continuum physics are given as well as the assumptions underlying the fits to experimental data. I present pl
Festskrift till Hans-Heinrich Vogel
Ozonmätningar i Malmö med omnejd
Arbetsmiljö - kunskap och handling
Integration of GPS, GIS, and Wireless Technologies for Earthquake Disaster Response
Attitudinal antecedents of children’s sustainable every day mobility
Fallet Marek. Ställföreträdarskap i psykiatrin
The Politics of Growth. Economic Regulation in Sweden 1930-1994
This thesis analyzes the politics of growth, the policies that in the Swedish context have enabled and complemented socio-political strategies of redistribution as well as the development of a well organized and rather peaceful labour market. The core of the analysis is a broad overview of Swedish policies of economic growth, from the emergence of the Swedish model in the 1930s up to entering the
Teatermusikaliska ljudhändelser. Ett bidrag till studiet av musik och angränsande ljudobjekt i talteater och opera
This dissertation focuses primarily on the following aspects concerning music in theatre: 1) its experienced peculiarity – ontologically grounded, 2) its sounding scope, and 3) its various kinds of functions. I argue that the difference between spoken theatre and opera is a question of degree rather than essence, and consider such an assertion being especially valid for the music of these genres.
Simplified Intrinsic Camera Calibration and Hand-Eye Calibration for Robot Vision
In this paper we investigate how intrinsic camera calibration and hand-eye calibration can be performed on a robot vision system using the simplest possible motions and a planar calibration object The standard methods on plane-based camera calibration are extended with theory on how to use pure translational motions for the intrinsic calibration and we see how hand-eye calibration can be performed
Dylan i 60-talet. Tematiken i Bob Dylans sångtexter och dikter 1961-67.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Boken belyser, genom tematiska studier av centrala Dylantexter från de händelserika åren 1961-67, Bob Dylans konstnärskap och utveckling från politisk intresserad protestsångare till mera svårtillgänglig, modernistiskt influerad sångpoet. Avhandlingen inleds med en exposé över det amerikanska 60-talet och folkmusikens framväxt. Bokens andra och tredje kapitel behandlar Bob Dylan (b. 1941) became known as an enfant terrible and a regenerator of rock lyrics already in the tumultuous 60´s. His constantly shifting roles as musician and songwriter, combined with his notable reserve, have led to the growth of a plethora of myths surrounding his person and work. His lyrics, accompanied by an increasingly original rock backing, based on folk music and rhythm & blues
Real and potential handover problems in future wireless networks
Wireless communications are really poised to see major improvements in terms of network capabilities. The next generation of wireless services, besides improving the overall capacity, will create new demand and usage patterns, which will in turn, drive the development and continuous evolution of services and infrastructure. Future wireless networks should have transparent roaming, meaning having a
Evaluation of stakeholder influence in the implementation of construction projects
A negative attitude to a construction project by stakeholders can severely obstruct its implementation. Such obstruction will cause cost overruns and exceeded time schedules due to conflicts and controversies concerning project design and implementation. A case study consisting of two projects has been undertaken to investigate how the problems of managing the concerns of stakeholders present them