

Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar

Empirical meropenem versus piperacillin/tazobactam for adult patients with sepsis (EMPRESS) trial : Protocol

Background: Piperacillin/tazobactam may be associated with less favourable outcomes than carbapenems in patients with severe bacterial infections, but the certainty of evidence is low. Methods: The Empirical Meropenem versus Piperacillin/Tazobactam for Adult Patients with Sepsis (EMPRESS) trial is an investigator-initiated, international, parallel-group, randomised, open-label, adaptive clinical t

A Bioinformatically Initiated Approach to Evaluate GATA1 Regulatory Regions in Samples with Weak D, Del, or D- Phenotypes Despite Normal RHD Exons

Introduction: With over 360 blood group antigens in systems recognized, there are antigens, such as RhD, which demonstrate a quantitative reduction in antigen expression due to nucleotide variants in the non-coding region of the gene that result in aberrant splicing or a regulatory mechanism. This study aimed to evaluate bioinformatically predicted GATA1-binding regulatory motifs in the RHD gene f

Effektivisering av arbete med klimatdeklarationer inom byggsektorn

On January 1, 2022, the first requirement regarding climate declarations was introduced. This mandate specified that all new buildings must include climate declarations during the construction phase, encompassing modules A1-A5. In 2025, limit values are also planned to be added for the existing modules included in the 2022 climate declarations. These required values will be implemented as a signif

Etik & rekrytering - Rekryterares syn på etik i sitt arbete

Etik är något som påverkar alla människor. Interaktioner mellan människor implicerar nödvändigheten av etiska överväganden. Ju komplexare situationer dessa interaktioner består av, desto mer övervägande krävs det. En sådan interaktion är rekrytering. Rekrytering innebär mellanmänskliga interaktioner av en komplex art, vilket kräver etiska överväganden som inte kan förklaras av våra vardagliga uppf

Krig och inre frid - En tematisk analys av Conspirituality- fenomenet

I en tid av växande misstro till institutionella sanningsauktoriteter har alternativa verkligheter fått starkare fäste i form av konspirationsteorier. Dessa har överlappat med rörelser som till synes inte verkar ha något gemensamt med dem, och genom att undersöka dessa oväntade fall kan vi möjligtvis skapa förståelse för de fundamentala aspekterna av hur människor interagerar med konspirationsteor

Dynamics of Affordance Actualization

The actualization of affordances can often be accomplished in numerous, equifinal ways. For instance, an individual could discard an item in a rubbish bin by walking over and dropping it, or by throwing it from a distance. The aim of the current study was to investigate the behavioral dynamics associated with such metastability using a ball-to-bin transportation task. Using time-interval between s

Expanded Codon Technology for Producing Phosphorylated Enamel Matrix Protein

Amelogenin, a critical protein in enamel formation, self-assembles into supramolecular structure that guide hydroxyapatite (HAP) crystal growth that is essential for the development of strong and healthy enamel. Phosphorylation of amelogenin at Ser-16 plays a pivotal role in modulating its self-assembly and functional properties, impacting the overall enamel biomineralization process. This post-tr

Development of NIR spectroscopic method for assay of nicotine in tablets

Den här studien har skapats för att effektivisera analysen av tabletter innehållande den aktiva substansen nikotin på Kenvue. Nuvarande teknik för att analysera nikotinhalten i 2 och 4 mg tabletter är vätskekromatografi (UHPLC), en tidskrävande teknik som kräver provupparbetning. Near infrared (NIR) spektroskopi är en snabb analysteknik som är icke-destruktiv och kräver ingen provupparbetning vilkA study has been created to develop a method quantifying the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) nicotine in tablets with near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy using chemometrics. The current technique, liquid chromatography (UHPLC), used to determine the nicotine content in tablets is time consuming and require sample preparation. NIR spectroscopy is non-destructive and the implementation of NIR sp

Low birthweight in patients with type 2 diabetes is associated with elevated risk of cardiovascular events and mortality

Aims/hypothesis: Low birthweight is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes and CVD. This prospective cohort study investigated whether lower birthweight increases CVD risk after diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Methods: Original midwife records were evaluated for 8417 participants recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the Danish Centre for Strategic Research in Type 2 Diabetes (DD2) cohort. Patients

Innovative AI In Custom Fitting - Will It Diffuse?

This thesis investigates the diffusion conditions of Wilson Golf’s recently launched Wilson Fit AI, an innovative custom fitting technology that leverages artificial intelligence to enhance the customer experience. This technology has the potential to transform norms and disrupt the status quo in custom fitting. Using innovation diffusion theory, the author evaluates the diffusion opportunities

Navigating the Shift from B2C to D2C: Addressing Marketing Strategy Challenges for Credit Reference Agencies in Sweden

Detta examensarbete undersöker hur ett business-to-business (B2B) inriktat företag som utvecklar ett direct-to-consumer (D2C) segment bör anpassa sin marknadsföringsstrategi för att växa genom marknadspenetration. Författarna har undersökt ett svensk kreditupplysningsföretag, Upplysningscentralen (UC), som har expanderat sin verksamhet till konsumentmarknaderna för kreditinformationstjänster och iThis thesis explores how a business-to-business (B2B) focused company should adapt the marketing strategy when transitioning into the direct-to-consumer (D2C) market, in order to grow through market penetration. The authors have examined a Swedish credit reference agency, Upplysningscentralen (UC), having expanded into the consumer markets of credit information and identity protection services – t

Circularity within MedTech: Key factors influencing the adoption of circular economy practices

The healthcare sector, responsible for 5% of the world's carbon emissions, is at a critical juncture in adopting sustainable practices, particularly through the adoption of circular economy practices. This thesis examines the adaptation of circular economy practices by Swedish MedTech companies, aligning with the European Commission's Circular Economy Action Plan which supports the EU’s cl

Good, Bad, and Moral: a study of moral communication in political speeches and statements

Despite globalization fostering communication, achieving peace remains a challenge. International organizations like the OSCE, UN, and Munich Security Conference promote dialogue and diplomacy for conflict resolution. However, this study problematizes the assumption that rational communication and democratic liberal values solely lead to peace. It examines the strategic use of moral communication,

Unraveling the Big Four Enigma: Exploring Identity-Forming Communication and Retention Intentions Among Generation Z in the Big Four

In the competitive landscape of the modern business world, human capital stands as the cornerstone of organizational success. Retaining talented employees, particularly within Generation Z due to their high demands and aspirations, poses a great chal-lenge for organizations. This study investigates the impact of employer branding strategies on the employment intentions for retention of Generation

Startups Unveiled: Exploring Organisational Identity in Startups through Strategic Internal Communication

Startups play a crucial role in the world economy by driving innovation and financial growth. Yet, they face significant challenges, with a high percentage failing within their first few years of life. To answer this problem, much attention has been given to external communication strategies, while the internal communication dynamics and constitution within startups remain underexplored, despite t

Drivers’ Perspective on the Acceptance of SAE Level 4 Self-Driving Cars: Introducing the AVA model

Autonomous Vehicles (AV) are destinated to revolutionise people transportation bringing huge benefits in personal safety and environmental sustainability. In particular, Society Automotive Engineers (SAE) level 4 and level 5 cars are expected to reduce 90% of car accidents and the level of ecological print. However, to achieve those improve- ments an elevated acceptance level is necessary, which m

Citizenship: Reflections on a Relevant but Ambivalent Concept for Persons with Disabilities

This article examines the significance of citizenship withrespect to disability. The article first highlights the ideaof citizenship as ‘social contract’.Thismeans the pos-session of civil, political, economic, cultural and socialrights as well as the exercise of duties in society. Dueto societal barriers, many disabled persons have difficul-ties fulfilling citizenship roles. Further, this article