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A value mapping tool for sustainable business modelling

Purpose: Although business models that deliver sustainability are increasingly popular in the literature, few tools that assist in sustainable business modelling have been identified. This paper investigates how businesses might create balanced social, environmental and economic value through integrating sustainability more fully into the core of their business. A value mapping tool is developed t

Understanding environmental performance variation in manufacturing companies

Purpose: Sustainability is an area of increasing interest for industry and its stakeholders, and some companies now aspire to address sustainability issues (e.g. carbon emissions) at strategic and operational levels. As companies are exploring the issues, they attempt to embed sustainability in their planning and management systems. It is at this point that the domains of environmental concern and

Embedding sustainability in business modelling through multi-stakeholder value innovation

This paper investigates how businesses might create balanced social, environmental and economic value through integrating sustainability more fully into the core of their business. For this purpose a more systematic approach to business model innovation for sustainability is required. A novel value mapping tool is proposed to help firms create value propositions better suited for sustainability. T

From refining sugar to growing tomatoes : Industrial ecology and business model evolution

This article seeks to advance the understanding of the relationship between industrial ecology (IE) and business model innovation for sustainability as a means and driver of new value creation and competitive advantage by expanding the understanding of industrial symbiosis (IS) and internal symbiosis. This is explored through the case study of British Sugar, which, at the time of writing, is the U

Evaluation of Different Turbocharger Configurations for a Heavy-Duty Partially Premixed Combustion Engine

The engine concept partially premixed combustion (PPC) has proved higher gross indicated efficiency compared to conventional diesel combustion engines. The relatively simple implementation of the concept is an advantage, however, high gas exchange losses has made its use challenging in multi-cylinder heavy duty engines. With high rates of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) to dilute the charge and he

Incommensurability and vagueness in spectrum arguments : options for saving transitivity of betterness

The spectrum argument purports to show that the better-than relation is not transitive, and consequently that orthodox value theory is built on dubious foundations. The argument works by constructing a sequence of increasingly less painful but more drawn-out experiences, such that each experience in the spectrum is worse than the previous one, yet the final experience is better than the experience

Newly diagnosed latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is associated with low level glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65) and IA-2 autoantibodies

A quantitative assay with microSepharose was used to determine GAD65Ab and IA-2Ab levels in 771 population-based patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus at 15 to 34 years of age, and in 828 matched controls. Among the patients, 587 (76%) were classified with type I, 108 (14%) with type II, and 76 (10%) with unclassifiable diabetes. The levels above normal demonstrated a prevalence of GAD65Ab in

Financial Work Incentives for Disability Benefit Recipients : Lessons from a Randomized Experiment

Disability insurance (DI) beneficiaries lose part or all of their benefits if earnings exceed certain thresholds (“cash-cliffs”). This implicit taxation is considered the prime reason for the low number of beneficiaries who expand work and reduce benefit receipt. We analyse a conditional cash programme that incentivises work related reductions of disability benefits in Switzerland. Four thousand D

Evaluation of a novel radioimmunoassay using 125I-labelled human recombinant GAD65 for the determination of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) autoantibodies

Autoantibodies to the islet cell 65-kilodalton isoform of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65) are present in most patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus years before the clinical manifestation of the disease. GAD65 autoantibodies are also present in a subset of patients with type 2 diabetes who frequently become insulin dependent. In the present study, we evaluated a new, commercially available ra

Differential effects of leptin receptor mutation on male and female BBDR.Gimap5-/Gimap5- spontaneously diabetic rats

Rodents homozygous for autosomal leptin receptor gene mutations not only become obese, insulin resistant, and hyperleptinemic but also develop a dysregulated immune system. Using marker-assisted breeding to introgress the Koletsky rat leptin receptor mutant (lepr-/lepr-), we developed a novel congenic BBDR.lepr-/lepr- rat line to study the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) in the Bi

Measurement of WW/ WZ→ ℓνqq′ production with the hadronically decaying boson reconstructed as one or two jets in pp collisions at √s=8TeV with ATLAS, and constraints on anomalous gauge couplings

This paper presents a study of the production of WW or WZ boson pairs, with one W boson decaying to eν or μν and one W or Z boson decaying hadronically. The analysis uses 20.2fb-1 of s=8TeVpp collision data, collected by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Cross-sections for WW / WZ production are measured in high-pT fiducial regions defined close to the experimental event selection.

Mechanisms of 200 MeV electron radiation in diamond crystal in the axial orientation

The γ-radiation by electrons with the energy of ∼200 MeV in a 100μm-thick diamond crystal has been measured at the MAX-lab experimental facility, when the electrons are incident on the crystal along the 〈100〉 axis. In this case, the intensity of the -radiation with the energy ∼1–2 MeV is approximately 16 times higher than that in amorphous matter of the same thickness. Theoretical calculations bas

Designing an Autonomous Integrated Downstream Sequence From a Batch Separation Process − An Industrial Case Study

This work is a proof of concept of how a sequence of industrial batch separation steps together are used to form an integrated autonomous downstream process. The sequence in this case study consisted of an anion chromatography step, virus inactivation and finally a hydrophobic chromatography step. Moving from batch to integrated separation minimizes hold‐up times, storage tanks, and required equip

Compact matrix factorization with dependent subspaces

Traditional matrix factorization methods approximate high dimensional data with a low dimensional subspace. This imposes constraints on the matrix elements which allow for estimation of missing entries. A lower rank provides stronger constraints and makes estimation of the missing entries less ambiguous at the cost of measurement fit. In this paper we propose a new factorization model that further

Influence of the steam addition on premixed methane air combustion at atmospheric pressure

Steam-diluted combustion in gas turbine systems is an effective approach to control pollutant emissions and improve the gas turbine efficiency. The primary purpose of the present research is to analyze the influence of steam dilution on the combustion stability, flame structures, and CO emissions of a swirl-stabilized gas turbine model combustor under atmospheric pressure conditions. The premixed

Bridging sustainable business model innovation and user-driven innovation : A process for sustainable value proposition design

With an increasing population, a growing middle class and increased resource use, our current ways of living and doing business are unsustainable. Next to the implementation of innovative technology, sustainable development based on innovative business models, better understating of customer needs and behavioural change are crucial. This research aims at combining principles from both sustainable

An approach to scenario analysis of the sustainability of an industrial sector applied to clothing and textiles in the UK

Companies aiming to be 'sustainability leaders' in their sector and governments wanting to support their ambitions need a means to assess the changes required to make a significant difference in the impact of their whole sector. Previous work on scenario analysis/scenario planning demonstrates extensive developments and applications, but as yet few attempts to integrate the 'triple bottom line' co

Strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of consumer goods by influencing stakeholders

Consumer goods contribute to anthropogenic climate change across their product life cycles through carbon emissions arising from raw materials extraction, processing, logistics, retail and storage, through to consumer use and disposal. How can consumer goods manufacturers make stepwise reductions in their product life cycle carbon emissions by engaging with, and influencing their main stakeholders