

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Influencing Green: Climate Change, State Policy and Civil Society

Climate change endangers the security of humans, economies, ecosystems and societies, and has become one of the biggest problems faced by mankind over the last two decades. National governments, civil society and the private sector are working together to formulate policies and take actions to adapt and mitigate to the impacts of climate change. In Sri Lanka, an island vulnerable to climate change

Load following in a Swedish nuclear power plant

Det svenska energisystemet är under ständig utveckling. Länge har vatten- och kärnkraft varit grundstenarna i energiproduktionen, där kärnkraft utgjort den så kallade baslasten och vattenkraften reglerkraften. Då allt mer väderberoende vindkraftverk byggs förändras förutsättningarna för det svenska energisystemet, där en stor del av elproduktionen blir allt mer oförutsägbar på grund av variationerThe energy system in Sweden is currently under a great transformation, where the part of weather dependent energy sources, so called intermittent sources, like solar and wind power will get greater share in the total production of electricity while the production from stable energy sources like nuclear power is decreasing. For a long time, the nuclear power have been operating at baseload and the

Development of a separation method using UTEVA and DGA resins for the quantification of plutonium and americium in brown algae by alpha spectrometry

Sedan generationer tillbaka har kärnkraft och kärnvapen använts för deras oöverträffade förmåga att frigöra energi. Detta har satt sitt spår på bland annat havsmiljöer världen över, i vilka föroreningar av mänskligt framställda radioaktiva ämnen kan hittas. Lyckligtvis är nivåerna av radioaktiva ämnen i haven idag inte så höga att de utgör någon direkt fara för varken människor eller djurliv, men Introduction: Decades of nuclear activities have polluted marine environments with transuranium actinides. Background: Brown algae have frequently been used as marine bioindicators of radioactivity, but current literature describing the sequential separation and determination of Pu and Am from brown algae matrices is sparse, and does not make use of recent extraction chromatographic resins such

Post-war fertility change in Finland 1950-2018: Understanding the post-2010 fertility decline in the long-term context of post-war fertility change

Finland has had a steep decline in fertility since 2010, which has yet to show any signs of slowing down. This is highly problematic for a country like Finland which has had well below replacement level fertility over the past five decades. This study analysed previous studies and theories related to fertility, primarily in the Finnish and Nordic contexts. Moreover the author performed his own eco

The Price of Success: Income Inequality in the Global City-State of Singapore 1999-2017

Singapore has remarkably transformed from a small and poor Southeast Asian island into an affluent global city-state today. However, in contemporary times, the distribution of the gains from the nation’s progress and prosperity has been increasingly unequal. An understanding of the extent of income inequality is imperative to reassess the current policies and resource allocation decisions. The aim

Transaction premiums, managerial overconfidence and social responsibility

This paper investigates the relationship between transaction premiums paid within M&A and the managerial overconfidence of the acquiring companies. As an additional dimension, the effect of the acquiring firm’s commitment to social responsibility on its overconfidence within an M&A setting is examined. Besides the dyadic relation of deal premiums and managerial overconfidence, the objectiv

Politics, human values and climate change: Investigating the determinants of climate change perceptions in Europe

This paper empirically investigates the determinants of climate change perceptions across Europe, focusing on how political orientation and human values affect attribution- and trend belief, perceived impacts of climate change and climate concern. Previous studies in this field of research have ignored the risk of reverse causality, which is addressed in this paper by conducting the epidemiologica

Digitalized interaction of a patient hygiene solution within a care environment

I dagens samhälle blir befolkningen äldre och kraven på äldrevården ökar. Snabbare, mindre avslappnade och ovärdiga tvättmetoder används i större utsträckning såsom exempelvis duschning eller tvätt i sängen. Arjo strävar efter att öka badandet inom äldrevården och att inkludera en känsla av välbefinnande och avslappning, samt att badproceduren ska upplevas med värdighet hos vårdtagarna. Detta för Today, the population is getting older and the demand on long-term care facilities is increasing. Faster, less relaxing and undignified washing methods are more prone to be used, such as showering or in bed washing. Arjo strives to increase bathing and to include a feeling of wellness, making bathing a dignified and relaxing experience. This, in order to increase the quality of life for people fac

Att köpa en livsstil : en kvalitativ studie om studenters upplevda konsumtion och medieanvändning

Syftet med vår uppsats är att beskriva och redogöra för hur kvinnliga studenter i Lund upplever sina konsumtionsvanor i relation till den marknadsföring som bedrivs på Instagram år 2019, samt vad som anses vara god smak på Instagram bland urvalsgruppen. Vår uppsats lyfter fram tidigare forskning, tar upp Pierre Bourdieus teori om kapital, smak, habitus, fält och Colin Campbells tankar om hedonisti

Jämförelse av kommunikationskanaler i byggprojekt - ur ett Lean- och relationsperspektiv

Enligt en undersökning gjord av industrifakta kan effektivare kommunikation leda till besparingar på över 30 miljarder årligen i byggbranschen. Ett sätt att effektivisera kommunikationen är att välja rätt kommunikationskanal vid rätt tillfälle. Syftet med detta examensarbetet har varit att bidra till effektivare kommunikation genom att ta fram en enkel metod för val av kommunikationskanal i byggp

Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law in a European context - A study on the protection of works produced by AI-systems

Denna masteruppsats studerar den nuvarande upphovsrätten inom EU och fastställer om det för närvarande finns skydd för AI-producerade verk. Det finns möjlighet att skydda verk som har blivit skapade av AI-system om det finns en länk mellan den mänskliga upphovsmannen och det slutliga verket. I detta fall betraktas AI-systemet som ett redskap för att skapa ett specifikt alster. Om länken mellan denThis master thesis discusses current copyright rules and if there is presently a copyright protection for these types of works. There is a possibility to protect works that have been generated by AI’s. However, this is only possible if a human is using the AI as a ”tool”, in order to reach a certain end-goal. There has to be a clear link between the human author and the machine, otherwise neither

Energy poverty and the elderly-care: Exploring energy poverty in the elderly-care through case studies with social welfare organizations in Taiwan

The topic of energy poverty has recently gained prominence amongst researchers and academia in Taiwan within the context of rising energy prices and low emission energy transitions. Social welfare organizations (SWOs) that provide 24-hour residence and care for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and disabled, highly depend on various energy services and are likely to be significantly affe


At present, in potato starch industries, not only starch is extracted from the process but even proteins and fibers are recovered as they are economically valuable. Unfortunately, the process used for protein recovery can only partially recover protein from the potato fruit juice (PJ), while the reaming PJ is concentrated using an evaporator and is later on used as fertilizers. Potato starch indus

Continued integration of simulated vehicle model for software verification in CANoe and Simulink

Vad har en simulerad modell av ett fordon och en sportbil med 500 hästkrafter som körs på en frusen sjö i norra Sverige gemensamt? Jo, båda används eller kan användas till att testa den mjukvara som styr BorgWarners fyrhjulsdriftkopplingar. Genom att använda en simulerad bil och specialutvecklade testfall kan mjukvaran testas i alla tänkbara miljöer utan att behöva skeppa runt en riktig bil, även This Master’s thesis investigates if a previously integrated Simulink based vehicle model works for testing and verifying software on an ECU (electronic control unit) used to control a four-wheel drive coupling in cars. The testing is done through a specific program called CANoe that allows the tester to both develop and run test cases. This work also investigates the possibility to use static eva

Digital Design Flow Techniques and Circuit Design for Thin-Film Transistors

Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) technology refers to process and manufacture transistors, circuits, Integrated circuits (ICs) using thin-film organic or metal-oxide semiconductors on different substrates, such as flexible plastic foils and rigid glass substrates. TFT technology is attractive and used for applications requiring flexible, ultrathin ICs to enable seamless integration into devices. TFT t

Entrepreneurial intent: an input or an output of entrepreneurship education? The influence of prior entrepreneurial intent of students entering a new venture creation entrepreneurship programme on their perceived learning outcomes

This study investigates the relationship between prior entrepreneurial intent and perceived learning outcomes of students entering a new venture creation programme. Previous research in this field has not addressed the influence of prior entrepreneurial intentions on learning outcomes but rather treated entrepreneurial intent as an outcome of entrepreneurship education. Therefore, the aim of this

Why Being Green is Harder Than it Seems: Discovering the Effect of Green Brand Knowledge On the Perception of a Green Claim

The purpose of this study is to quantitatively discover whether green brand knowledge has an effect on the perception of green claims with Swedish Millennial's and Gen Z. As to whether it is perceived as credible or greenwashing. This study builds upon previous brand knowledge and green claim literature. However, where previous research has green brand knowledge as the dependent variable and t

A Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence Study of NO + CO oxidation at Pd(100)

Katalysator – något som får en reaktion att underlättas eller påskyndas. Kanske inte ett ord som används i allas vardag men det är något som det moderna samhället och många av de produkter du använder dagligen inte hade klarat sig utan. Kemikalier, mediciner och andra nödvändiga produkter som förr kunde ha långdragna, farliga och ineffektiva tillverkningsprocesser kan nu tillverkas säkrare och snaCatalysis is an essential tool in industry, and the developments in catalysis research during the last decades have led to higher efficiency in many important processes. CO oxidation is a common reaction to use in catalysis research both due to its applications in industry but also since it is a simple reaction where the knowledge gained about its reaction mechanism can be applied to important but