Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar
Automatic local memory architecture generation for data reuse in custom data paths
Traditional high level synthesis is able to yield high computational resource utilisation and short critical paths. The shortcomings of the generated designs usually lies in the memory architecture. To achieve good performance on a FPGA, the data must reside in the fast on-chip memories, but these are commonly too small for the data being processed. Traditional high level synthesis cannot cope wit
Cabotagestudien - A study on the movement of international vehicles in Denmark
An open European market for goods and services, including transport services, stimulates trade, global competitiveness and economic growth. At the same time, concerns about domestic job security and the environment have sparked debate. This report should be considered a first modest contribution to a mainly unexplored area in the past. Cabotagestudien consists of a walkthrough of previous research
Amphiphilic Graft Copolymer Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Polymer Batteries. - Preparation and Characterisation
In the present work amphiphilic graft copolymers were prepared by free radical copolymerization of macromonomers in solution. The graft copolymers consisted of methacrylate backbones bearing ethylene oxide (EO)n side chains of varying length as ionophilic groups, and fluorocarbon (CF2)6 side chains or hydrocarbon groups as ionophobic groups. Homogenous polymer gel electrolytes were prepared by add
Re-examining Migration Motives in the Nordic countries with a focus on Sweden
När jobben hotades: Tobaksindustriarbetareförbundet, männen och kvinnorna
Tvåspråkighet hos barn i Sverige
Abstract not available
Improving learning from emergency exercises
Fiscal Policy and Private Consumption in Industrial and Developing Countries
Automatic Time Sequence Filter Sampling of Aerosols for Rapid Multi-Element Analysis by Proton-Induced X-Ray Emission
An automatic time sequence filter sampler has been developed for atmospheric aerosol particle sampling of ambient air and subsequent analysis for elemental composition using the proton beam of a Van de Graaff accelerator. Some features of the operation of the sampler are given, the retention of particles by the filter material are discussed, examples of the type of data obtained are presented, and
Algorithm for automatic quantification of flashback and flash forward events from high-speed chemiluminescence recordings
Three methods are suggested to identify and quantify flashback and flash forward events based on chemiluminescence recordings of swirling flames. The approaches differ in the procedure to determine the instantaneous flame position. The results revealed that the most robust method is to determine a threshold relative to the instantaneous maximum intensity. Analysis of the complete dataset indicated
Våldets mening. Makt, minne, myt
Socialförsäkringarnas roll i den sociala tryggheten
In-cylinder Surface Thermometry using Laser Induced Phosphorescence
Surface temperature in internal combustion engines is of high interest when studying heat losses. Two approaches for retrieving the surface temperatures are thermocouples and Laser Induced Phosphorescence, LIP. This study aims to analyze LIP as a technique for measuring surface temperature in internal combustion engines. The motivation for this study is the need for accurate surface temperatures w
Low power, highly stable and wideband LNA for GNSS applications in SiGe technology
A low power wideband low noise amplifier (LNA) was designed and implemented in SiGe HBT technology. The measured noise figure is less than or equal to 1 dB in almost the entire L-band. The gain in the L-band is above 13 dB with a gain variation of 4 dB. Hence, it’s useful for present as well as future GNSS applications. The current consumption is 5 mA from a single supply of +5V. The stability of
National Histories. Sven Lagerbring and his Channels of Communication
Utmark som landskap
In the article utmark (outland) is discussed from a landscape perspective with reference to ethnical and global problems.
Testing sleeping bags according to EN13537: details that make the difference
Fundamental Limitations of Control System Performance
The God in the Machine : Occultism, Demiurgic Theology and “Gnostic” Self-Knowledge in Japanese Video Games
The article explores influences from Old Testament and Gnostic sources upon Japanese video game culture and also discusses the relationship between the player and the played in said games - from a perspective rooted in an exegesis of such texts. It also concerns the pop-culture climate of the 1990s and early 2000s in this context.