

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Within-host evolution of Achromobacter xylosoxidans

Patients with Cystic Fibrosis develop chronic infection in the lungs. Achromobacter xylosoxidans is an opportunistic pathogen that is frequently found in the lungs of the patients. In the present study, phylogenetic analysis on whole genome sequences from patients with A. xylosoxidans was performed and libraries were prepared with information on genetic variation both in the entire genome and in c

The Chinese race for innovation and its state-driven safety car: A new Developmental State paradigm in the automotive industry

The electric vehicles are increasing in popularity year by year. However, the market demand for such technology is still moderate and most traditional actors within the automotive industry are having a hard time adapting to this new stage. What poses threats to the survival of some actors can simultaneously become a great opportunity for the emergence of new major players. This paper looked at the

Visualisations of Sound Waves. The Visual Phenomenon of the Invisible.

This thesis investigates diverse visualisations of sound waves and searches for visual evidence of the aural in the images. The invisible often has its own visual culture even though it has never been seen with a human eye. Due to science and its validations, these visuals are perceived as 'true' images. However, they are ambiguous and can always be questioned about its authenticity. This

All That is Ice Melts into Media: Mediating the Climate Crisis and Facilitating Communication

Ice covers ten percent of the earth’s surface, seven percent of its oceans and is currently dominating the visual landscape as a key theme of climate communication in the media. Focusing on representations of climate change that implement ice as a key motif, this thesis postulates why and how climate discourse shapes, and is shaped by, the technological, social and institutional production of imag

Våld i offentlig miljö - En kartläggning av anmälda misshandelsbrott utomhus i lokalpolisområde Landskrona 2016-2019

This study is written in collaboration with the Swedish Police in Landskrona. The study aimed to identify reported assaults in public places in Landskrona during the period of 2016-2019. The study consists of statistical data analysis of secondary data and was carried out using the statistical program SPSS. The empirical data consisted of register data from the Police's internal reporting syst

Bluetooth - Managing the Dynamics of Technology Selection in High-Tech Industries

Traditional research in Strategic management shows limitations in explaining phenomenon in high-tech industries. We find that there is reason to explore how a set of tools, developed in the emerging literature of strategic management, could be integrated into an overall framework that could specifically be applied to high-tech industries. Furthermore, we ask ourselves: how do companies navigat

Rehabcoachens arbete inom ryggmärgsskaderehabilitering - en intervjustudie

Bakgrund: Vid en ryggmärgsskada sker en plötslig livsförändring där patientens kroppsfunktion kan påverkas och därmed också dennes aktivitetsmönster och aktivitetsidentitet. Rehabcoachen har en unik roll i rehabiliteringsteamet med sin egen kännedom om livet med en funktionsnedsättning och kompletterar teamet, genom att vara en förebild med större möjlighet att kunna motivera patienten. Trots att Background: In the event of a spinal cord injury, an instant life change occurs where the patient's body function can be affected and therefore also their occupational patterns and occupational identity. The rehab coach has a unique role in the rehabilitation team with their knowledge about living with a disability which complements the team by being a role model with greater opportunity to mo

Den nya (mode)trenden - Digitally Native Vertical Brand

Syfte: Studien ämnar undersöka om det finns ett samspel mellan omgivning, konkurrensstrategi och kanalstrukturer hos DNVBs inom modebranschen. Dessutom undersöks vilken av faktorerna omgivning och konkurrensstrategi som har störst inverkan på valet av kanaler. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien utgår från Kabadayi, Eyuboglu och Thomas (2007) artikel om företags utformning av kanalstrukturer i förhål


The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the daily returns around Swedish payday, the 25t​ h ​each month, show significant abnormal patterns in the Swedish stock market. The study is limited to the time period between 2010/02/26 - 2020/02/26 and the two indexes ​Stockholm small cap index (OMXSSCPI) a​ nd ​Stockholm all-share index (OMXSPI). T​ he method that underlies the work is the qua

Användbara journalsystem - Skillnader mellan ambitionen i Nationell eHälsa och läkares reella upplevelse

Med avstamp i de faktorer som i strategin för Nationell eHälsa påstås ha stor påverkan på användbarhet undersöker studien vilka användarkrav en användargrupp ställer på elektroniska journalsystem. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är att användbarhet endast kan mätas i en specifik verksamhet; användbarhet är inte generaliserbart. Användbarhet handlar om att förenkla för användare och deras arbetssitua

Klargörande samtal på familjerådgivningen. Hur hjälper vi någon som är ambivalent - kan en intervention göra en skillnad?

Studien handlade om klargörande samtal på en familjerådgivning i södra Sverige. Syftet var att undersöka hur en begränsad insats, en intervention i form av en sammanhangsmarkering i samtalen gjorde en skillnad i andelen avhopp och percent reaching target, dvs. att personen hamnar på grönt område i den beräknade förväntanskurvan i Feedback Informerad Terapi (FIT). En kvasiexperimentell hypotesdriveThe study was conducted at a family counseling agency in southern Sweden. The purpose of this study, was to examine what difference a limited intervention like contextual marking, would have on dropouts and percent reaching target for couples who had sessions, with the purpose of clarifying the relationship. Percent reaching target means that a person has reached positive expected treatment respon

Du är sjuk - men inte på riktigt. En studie om webbsidors konstruktion av emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning

The objective of this study was to through means of discourse analyse examine how borderline personality disorder (BPD) and those diagnosed with it were constructed on nine websites offering information about the diagnosis. Findings suggested that the concept of BPD was difficult to grasp, both for those who receive the diagnosis and for those around them. Further emerged a picture of the adult di

Influencers – din tysta röst

Sammanfattning Titel: Influencer - din tysta röst. Hur influencers påverkar din köpprocess. Universitet och kurs: Service Management Retail vid Campus Helsingborg, Lunds Universitet. KSMK65 VT 2018. Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, 15 hp. Författare: Jakob Berglund och Dennis Sahlström Handledare: Mia Larson Problemområde: Digitaliseringen har bidragit till ett avancerat kommunikationssamhälle d

From Rolling to Reading: An Analysis of the Adaptation of Narrative Between Role-Playing Games and Novels

Narratives are present throughout media, ranging from its traditional point of study, literature, to newer media such as films, graphic novels and video games. While these narratives have always transcended barriers to some degree today we find that the concept of transmedial narratives has become more relevant via the interconnected storyworlds established throughout popular culture. This increas

Hållbar utveckling i gymnasieskolan - En intervjustudie med lärare om hur de arbetar med ämnet idag, och hur de önskar arbeta framöver

En hållbar utveckling börjar i skolan Att vi idag står inför stora utmaningar i världen har knappast gått någon förbi. Problem som klimatförändringar, krig och fattigdom är vanligt förekommande ämnen i nyhetsflödet, och dagens utveckling är långt ifrån hållbar. Men vad kan man då göra för att vända den negativa trenden? Ett sätt är att börja i skolan. I princip all gymnasieundervisning ska genoThere are many measures that need to be taken in order to ensure a development that is sustainable. One of them is to educate for a sustainable development and increase the scientific literacy among students. This can create the requisites that are needed in order for students to become active citizens, who make informed decisions that promote a sustainable development in their everyday life. Acco

Partial denitrification as nitrite provider for mainstream anammox

Anammox-processen erbjuder en hållbar och energieffektiv metod för biologisk kväve-avskiljning inom avloppsrening. Men bakterierna som utför arbetet kväver en källa till nitrit, och en möjlig lösning på detta är att kombinera metoden med partiell denitrifikation. Kan ett samarbete mellan dessa olika grupper av mikroorganismer upprättas, och vilken påverkan har typen av kolkälla som används i proceIn traditional wastewater treatment, nitrogen is removed through the biological process combination of nitrification and denitrification. Although it is a well-established method, the need for aeration and possible addition of an external carbon source results in it being an energy-negative and costly process, thus making alternative methods for nitrogen removal compelling to examine. Anaerobic am

A comparison of different orthogonal techniques for the investigation of the conformational stability of NIST mAb in liquid formulations

Antikroppar har ett brett användningsområde med stor potential men det är svårt att skapa stabila lösningar. Den strukturella stabiliteten är en viktig faktor när man väljer läkemedelskandidater, och i de tidiga utvecklingsstadierna görs prediktiva undersökningar för att ta reda på varje kandidats stabilitet och utvecklings-potential. Därmed är det av största intresse att utvärdera hur antikropparA great challenge during early development of medicinal antibodies is to determine the stability of the candidates. This is required to be able to select the candidates with the greatest developability. The stability of the candidates can be estimated using different orthogonal techniques and the aim of this investigation was thus to use orthogonal techniques for the investigation of conformationa

Methods for rockfall risk assessment and estimation of runout zones: A case study in Gothenburg, SW Sweden

Rockfalls occur around Sweden every year and the country lacks a national risk evaluation and an adequate regulatory framework for construction related to this natural hazard. The aim of this study is to address this problem by mapping areas under possible threat of rockfalls, considering two fundamental aspects: i) identification of the source areas and ii) estimation of the runout zones. The stu

Adoption of Blockchain for Sustainable Supply Chains: An Identification of Benefits, Challenges, and Risks

Supply chain management (SCM) has become more challenging than ever, considering the effect of globalization on organizations as operating through transnational business networks. Conventional supply chains have been facing struggles such as lack of advanced technologies and traceability in operation, which then leads to operational inefficiencies. Blockchain (BC) technology offers a set of featur

Partial migration in the common blackbird (Turdus merula) in the south of Sweden

Vacation or staycation? Seasonal migration is common practice among many different species, including many birds. Birds living in cold climates, such as Scandinavia, experience food shortage during the winter months. Thus, many chose to vacation abroad where the climate is warmer and food is plentiful. However, not all bids in a population make the move – some stay put. This is known as partial