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Nominal arguments and nominal predicates
It is generally assumed that whereas referential nominal phrases are at least of DP size, predicative nominal phrases are structurally smaller. However, this paper argues that at least in Scandinavian, predicative nominal phrases as well as referential nominal phrases can be bigger than, equal to, or smaller than DP. Hence, the only consistent difference between nominal arguments and nominal predi
Removal of Pharmaceuticals in Biofilm and Activated Sludge Systems
Abstract The present work investigates i) the occurrence and removal of pharmaceuticals at Swedish WWTPs, and ii) potential causes for differences in the removal efficiency of pharmaceuticals at wastewater treatment plants. Particular attention is directed at the biological treatment and the pharmaceutical removal capacity per unit biomass of activated sludges and carrier biofilms of different or
Swedish verbal morphology from the child’s point of view
The interpreter - a cultural broker?
Arbetsförmåga - en fråga om efterfrågade färdigheter
Judgements in Equilibrium? An Ethical Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment
The growth of environmental consciousness during the recent decades has led to new ethical challenges. Environmental crises have brought to the fore the seldom acknowledged questions of what duties current generations owe towards future generations and what duties human beings owe towards natural entities. A new subdiscipline - environmental ethics - has emerged that especially focuses on these mo
Flow properties of oral contrast medium formulations depend on the temperature.
BACKGROUND: During the therapeutic videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing, gradation of bolus volume, texture, and viscosity can be implemented to determine the optimal bolus characteristics in that particular patient. When a thickened liquid is given to a dysphagic patient it is served at room temperature. However, in these patients with a delayed oral and/or pharyngeal stage of swallow, the
Coded Modulation Systems
This textbook studies the 3 main types of coded modulation: trellis-coded modulation (TCM), continuous-phase modulation (CPM) codes, and linear modulation codes like those that arise from filtering and intersymbol interference. In 2 final chapters, code-division multiple-access receivers are discussed. The book begins with a review of coding, modulation and information theory.
Together we achieve less? Regional governance for development of the independent arts sector and the toil of sector cooperation
This paper offers an analysis of a case of cooperation, and in particular cooperation problems, between independent performing arts organisations in the region of Skåne, Sweden. The cooperation in question flows from visions of the organisations, and linked regional commission to develop the infrastructure and networks of the independent performing arts in Skåne. The case gives evidence of the cha
The xanthophyll cycle, its enzymes, pigments and regulation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Xantofyll cykeln, dens enzym, pigment och regleringThe xanthophyll cycle involves the light-dependent and reversible conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin has been implicated in the protection of the photosynthetic machinery from over-excitation. The enzyme violaxanthin de-epoxidase catalyses the conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin. The enzyme is located in the thylakoid lumen and its activity is strictly pH controlled. Apart f
Towards a Homogeneous EC Direct Tax Law: Assessment of the Member States’ Responses to ECJ Case Law
Review of Stefan Bohman, "Att sätta ansikten på samhällen. Om kanon och personmuseer"
Sakrättsliga transfereringar
First record of Halisaurus (Squamata: Mosasauridae) from the Pacific Coast of North America
Endovascular Removal of the Viatorr Stent-Grafts. Report of Two Cases.
The dysfunction of misplaced or dislodged endovascular endoprostheses, may be a serious complication, and endovascular removal may be attempted in some cases.
Citeringens praktiker
Characteristics and implications of attrition in health-related quality of life studies in palliative care.
In a longitudinal study of 297 palliative care patients, 280 patients were followed from inclusion to death. Characteristics and health-related quality of life (HRQL) of the participants and those who later dropped out were compared at inclusion, and 3 and 2 months before their death. At inclusion, the dropouts were older (P = 0.001), had reduced Karnofsky performance score (P < 0.001), received m
The Phantasticon: The PHANToM for disabled children
The PHANToM is an invention from MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which enables tactile communication between a human and a computer. The PHANToM is developed as a general haptic interface. At CERTEC, Center of Rehabilitation Engineering, in Lu