

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Redox dynamics and surface structures of an active palladium catalyst during methane oxidation

Catalysts based on palladium are among the most effective in the complete oxidation of methane. Despite extensive studies and notable advances, the nature of their catalytically active species and conceivable structural dynamics remains only partially understood. Here, we combine operando transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) a

Patients’ experiences of clinical trial participation involving a product remotely assessing study drug adherence

Background: The participation of patients in clinical trials is crucial for the development of healthcare. There are several challenges in the recruitment of trial participants with acute medical conditions. The registry-based randomized DAPA-MI clinical trial recruited patients during hospitalization for myocardial infarction and provided study drugs in bottles with smart caps that used wireless

Flood vulnerability mapping in an urban area with high levels of impermeable coverage in southern Brazil

Flooding is one of the main social impacts in urban areas, especially in larger, densely impermeable cities. Therefore, developing studies capable of identifying areas that are vulnerable to this type of event is crucial to provide early warning and a quick and effective response to reduce damages. Thus, this study sought to identify areas vulnerable to flood in the Igapó Lake Basin, a densely urb

Hyperspectral lidar for monitoring high-resolution activity patterns of African stingless bee species

Background: Stingless bees are vital pollinators and honey producers in the tropics. Research on stingless bees is generally underrepresented compared to the western honeybees, and while stingless bee studies from some regions are reported, there is a particular lack of reports on the species endemic to Sub-Saharan Africa. Since conventional entomological methods such as mark-recapture and radar h

Risky sexual behavior and associated factors among university students in Ethiopia : a cross-sectional national survey

Background: Risky sexual behavior (RSB) is one of the major youth sexual and reproductive health problems globally, including in Ethiopia. RSB among youth increases the risk of HIV infection, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancy, and unsafe abortion. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine RSB and its associated factors among university students in Ethiopia. M

Consumer Adoption of Sustainability Initiatives within Fashion: Impacts on Behavior

Examensarbetets titel Konsument Anpassning av Hållbarhetsinitiativ Inom Mode: Påverkan På Engagemang och Beteende – En kvalitativ studie som analyserar konsumenters köpintention med klädföretags innovativa och hållbara tillvägagångssätt Seminariedatum 30 maj 2024 Kurs FEKH99, Examensarbete i entreprenörskap och innovation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare Adam Bengtsson, Kristina StoTitle Consumer Adoption of Sustainability Initiatives within Fashion: Impacts on Engagement and Behavior – A qualitative study analyzing consumers’ purchase intention with fashion brands’ innovative and sustainable approaches Date of the seminar May 30th, 2024 Course FEKH99, Bachelor Degree Project in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Business administration, Undergraduate level, 15 Un

Monopsony power, employer size, and gender: An analysis of servants’ nominal wages in Southern Sweden: 1500-1800

Historians have often noted the existence of frictions in early labour markets. Swedish servants, for example, experienced large mobility restrictions and coercion, preventing them from switching employers. Despite this, wage studies have often relied on assumptions of perfect competition, ignoring these findings. This study uses more than 3,000 observations of servant wages for Southern Sweden, c

Sambandsanalys mellan tjocklek på asfalt och bärighet på en gata

Inom en nära framtid kommer ett omfattande projekt, Storstadspaketet (SSP), att genomföras i Malmö. SSP är framtaget av politiker och medför bland annat stora satsningar inom kollektivtrafiken som då även kommer att belasta vägytorna i staden. Av den anledningen misstänks flera gator behöva förstärkas, dels på grund av högre turtäthet inom busstrafiken, dels nya tyngre fordon som trafikerar busstr

The Market and Animal Welfare in Sweden: A Historical Perspective

This study examines how changes in market structures, especially market concentration and consolidations, within the Swedish livestock sector have affected animal welfare. Through a historical narrative analysis, structural change and its drivers are identified. Subsequently, an outline of animal welfare legislation is covered, comparing the EU and the Swedish context, and governing forces in anim

What does it mean to be "Plausible"?

This article explores what «plausible» means in statements about legal evidence and shows that it is highly ambiguous. Twelve different meanings of «plausibility» are identified and distin-guished from each other by definitions. Contrary to what has been claimed by some evidence scholars (Allen and Pardo, 2019), the article shows that all uses of «plausibility» can be captured in terms of probabil

Drop breakup at reduced energy cost using a turbulent pulse –implications for improving efficiency in emulsification devices

Emulsification devices break drops by rapidly pushing them through a region of intense turbulence–a ‘turbulent pulse’. These devices are widely used in chemical engineering. However, the thermodynamic efficiency is low, and design modifications allowing more breakup at lower energy input is much in need. This study uses a combination of statistical models and direct numerical simulation coupled to

Physicochemical metamorphosis of re-aerosolized urban PM2.5

The toxicity of particulate matter (PM) is dependent on particle physical and chemical properties and is commonly studied using in vivo and in vitro approaches. PM to be used for in vivo and in vitro studies is often collected on filters and then extracted from the filter surface using a solvent. During extraction and further PM sample handling, particle properties change, but this is often neglec

Konsten att distansera sig från ansvar - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av morddömdas framställningar av dödligt våld i nära relationer

Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur dömda gärningspersoner för mord inom nära relationer framställer det misstänkta våldet och dess omständigheter i polisförhör. Studien utgår från ett breddat perspektiv på nära relationer där både familjerelationer och parrelationer inkluderas. Syftet kommer att uppnås genom en riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys av polisförhör. Studien ska även undersöka eventuell

Extrapolating Pseudo-Time Series for SST Interneuron Differentiation by Comparing Single-Cell and qPCR Data

A lack of somatostatin expressing interneurons (SST INs) is known to be a factor in several neurodegenerative and neurospsychiatric diseases, such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia. Being able to efficiently obtain SST INs in vitro could enable a greater understanding and better treatment of these diseases. The development of SST INs is not yet fully understood, but it is

Hur prioriterar svenska kommuner sin fysiska planering?

Svenska kommuner befinner sig just nu i en ansträngd ekonomisk situation med både brist på ekonomiska resurser och personal. Samtidigt råder det en efterfrågan på bostäder och i 180 av 290 svenska kommuner råder det ett underskott på bostadsmarknaden. Till följd av den begränsade resurstillgången måste kommunerna därmed prioritera vilket innebär att de måste fördela sina resurser till det som anseSwedish municipalities are currently in a constrained economic situation with a shortage of both financial resources and personnel. The municipalities hold a zoning monopoly, and due to the limited financial resources they have to prioritize within their physical planning to ensure they allocate their resources on what is most important. The aim of this thesis is to create an understanding of how

Det kommunala planmonopolets syfte - en analys av dess utveckling och effektivitet

Sedan införandet av det kommunala planmonopolet 1947 till följd av den bostadssociala utredningen har planlagstiftningen reformerats flertalet gånger. I förevarande examensarbete studeras den historiska utvecklingen av både det kommunala planmonopolet och dess tillhörande planlagstiftning. Examensarbetet syftar till att studera hur det kommunala planmonopolet kommit att utvecklas och om reformerSince the introduction of the municipal planning monopoly in 1947 following the Housing Social Investigation, the planning legislation has been reformed several times. In this thesis, the historical development of both the municipal planning monopoly and its associated planning legislation is studied. The aim of the thesis is to examine how the municipal planning monopoly has evolved and whether

Kommuner kan bli bättre på att ställa krav som går att följa upp vid markanvisningar

Det är av stor betydelse att förstå hur kommuner hanterar markanvisningsprocessen, vilka krav de ställer vid tilldelning av markanvisningar och hur dessa krav följs upp och genomförs i praktiken. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka hur Sveriges kommuner når sina mål och ambitioner inom samhällsbyggnad genom verktyget markanvisning. Examensarbetet syftar även till att ge en djupare inblick iThe purpose of the paper is to investigate how Sweden's municipalities achieve their goals and ambitions in community building through the tool of land allocation. The thesis also aims to provide a deeper insight into how Sweden's municipalities work with the land allocation process. The thesis investigates the following questions: • What is the municipality's ambition with land alloca

Orthonormal expansions for translation-invariant kernels

We present a general Fourier analytic technique for constructing orthonormal basis expansions of translation-invariant kernels from orthonormal bases of ℒ2(R). This allows us to derive explicit expansions on the real line for (i) Matérn kernels of all half-integer orders in terms of associated Laguerre functions, (ii) the Cauchy kernel in terms of rational functions, and (iii) the Gaussian kernel