Din sökning på "*" gav 529590 sökträffar
Cardiovascular Disease-Related Serum Proteins in Workers Occupationally Exposed to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Chimney sweeps have higher incidence and mortality of cardiovascular disease (CVD), likely related to their exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). In order to identify underlying mechanisms of PAH-related CVD, we here investigated whether PAH exposure was associated with levels of putative CVD-related proteins in serum among currently working chimney sweeps. We enrolled 116 chimney sw
Prenatal exposures to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals and sex-specific associations with children's BMI and overweight at 5.5 years of age in the SELMA study
Background: Prenatal exposure to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) has the potential to disrupt human metabolism. Prenatal periods are especially sensitive as many developmental processes are regulated by hormones. Prenatal exposure to EDCs has inconsistently been associated with children's body mass index (BMI) and obesity. The objective of this study was to investigate if prenatal
Exposure to pesticides and health effects on farm owners and workers from conventional and organic agricultural farms in Costa Rica : Protocol for a cross-sectional study
Background: Pesticide use is increasing in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) including Costa Rica. This increase poses health risks to farm owners, farm workers, and communities living near agricultural farms. Objective: We aimed to examine the health effects associated with occupational pesticide exposure in farm owners and workers from conventional and organic smallholder farms in Costa R
Coexisting with Nature - Bringing Ecological Principles Into the Design Disciplines.
Urban environments are often seen as the opposite of natural environments, with the belief that the built cannot accommodate the natural. However, this is a false perception. Ecological systems within urban environments are of great importance and can provide microclimates and habitats that do not exist in surrounding areas. Yet, this quality is rarely utilized because of the perception that built
Äntligen en Newmanbiografi på svenska : Recension av Brian Martin: John Henry Newman, Hans liv och verk
Engaged pedagogy, informality and collaborative governance in South Africa
Second Homes and Climate Change
This book is the first to address the important interrelationship between second homes and climate change, which has become an increasingly relevant issue for many regions around the world. Second homes are often a key source of tourist visitation as well as economic benefit for their host communities. The chapters provide an array of international case studies and climate change impacts, includin
Fast and sensitive validation of fusion transcripts in whole-genome sequencing data
BACKGROUND: In cancer, genomic rearrangements can create fusion genes that either combine protein-coding sequences from two different partner genes or place one gene under the control of the promoter of another gene. These fusion genes can act as oncogenic drivers in tumor development and several fusions involving kinases have been successfully exploited as drug targets. Expressed fusions can be i
Eldsjälens angelägenhet. Strategier och utmaningar vid sexualupplysning för unga med kognitiv funktionsvariation
This thesis examines the strategies adopted and the challenges professionals face while providing cognitively disabled youths with sexual education. The study was conducted via qualitative interviews of professionals working with cognitively disabled youth, ranging between teachers, youth club workers, and sexual health educators. The thesis’ chief findings showed that professionals adopted the st
Aterosklerotisk kärlsjukdom
Dynamic Community Detection for Brain Functional Networks During Music Listening With Block Component Analysis
The human brain can be described as a complex network of functional connections between distinct regions, referred to as the brain functional network. Recent studies show that the functional network is a dynamic process and its community structure evolves with time during continuous task performance. Consequently, it is important for the understanding of the human brain to develop dynamic communit
Remissyttrande: EU-läkemedelslagstiftning: Kommissionens förslag på förordning och direktiv om humanläkemedel
Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis reveals differences in chemotherapeutic drug distribution in surgically resected pleural mesothelioma
Aims: Pleural mesothelioma (PM) is a highly aggressive thoracic tumour with poor prognosis. Although reduced tissue drug accumulation is one of the key features of platinum (Pt) resistance, little is known about Pt distribution in human PM. Methods: We assessed Pt levels of blood samples and surgically resected specimens from 25 PM patients who had received neoadjuvant Pt-based chemotherapy (CHT).
Tunnelduk och dukmembran ur ett brandsäkerhetsperspektiv
Många anläggningar projekteras idag under jord. Det gör att det tillkommer krav på vattentätning av berget. Ett sätt att vattentäta en konstruktion är att använda dukmembran eller tunnelduk. Dock råder det oklarheter hur provningsmetoderna för brandklassificering och standarder skiljer sig internationellt. I en alltmer globaliserad värld är det viktigt att provningsmetoderna jämförs med varandra,
Synchrotron-based characterization of mechanobiological effects on the nanoscale in musculoskeletal tissues
Collagen is the main organic building block of musculoskeletal tissues. Despite collagen being their smallest load bearing unit, these tissues differ significantly in mechanical function and properties. A major factor behind these differences is their hierarchical organization, from the collagen molecule up to the organ scale. It is thus of high importance to understand the characteristics of each
A data-driven approach for understanding invalid bug reports: An industrial case study
Context:Bug reports created during software development and maintenance do not always describe deviations from a system’s valid behavior. Such invalid bug reports may consume significant resources and adversely affect the prioritization and resolution of valid bug reports. There is a need to identify preventive actions to reduce the inflow of invalid bug reports. Existing research has shown that m
Full gas mot vätgas? En undersökning av intressenter och värdekedja för vätgasproduktion och lagring i Sverige
För att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser har nationella och internationella mål satts upp som medfört att andelen energi från förnyelsebara intermittenta energikällor kommer att öka. Ett resultat av detta är en mer komplex energimarknad och ett ökat behov av energilagring för att överbrygga gapet mellan produktion och efterfråga i tid och rum. En teknisk lösning som föreslås i Europeiska och Svens
Disaster-Related Displacement into Europe: Judicial Practice in Austria and Sweden
The report compares climate migration cases in Sweden and Austria, establishing a quantitative measure plus legal and policy analysis.
Ultraljud värdefullt komplement i utredning av tyreoideasjukdom
In Europe thyroid ultrasound has been used at outpatient endocrine clinics since many years, and in southern Sweden only during the last years. Ultrasound has a role in the investigation of Graves' disease, subacute thyroiditis, gestational thyrotoxicosis, postpartum thyroiditis, amiodarone thyrotoxicosis and goiter with or without adenoma, but adenomas are usually investigated by endocrine surgeo