

Din sökning på "*" gav 533306 sökträffar

Engaging with female stand-up comedians in Rock & Roast 3 : Genres, Gender and Women’s humor

This research bears the research gaps of Chinese stand-up comedy and female stand-up comedians in mind, aiming to contribute to the lesser researched field of Chinese female stand-up comedy. Audience research is the bedrock of this research which sheds light on how audiences define, interpret and evaluate the genre of stand-up comedy and female stand-up comedy. To narrow the topic down, Rock &

We are Elites and Losers : Constructing Community Identity and Seeking Social Capital in an Online Subcultural Group in China

This thesis focuses on the combination of youth subculture and online community in the contemporary Chinese context. It aims to explore the characteristics of the Chinese online youth subculture and how members construct their collective identities and gain alternative social capital in an online subcultural group. To exert the power of a good example as Flyvbjerg (2001) emphasizes, this thesis ch

Hypoxia-induced expression of HIF-1a and GPR30, in relation to survival, proliferation and apoptosis in MCF-7 and SkBr3 breast cancer cells.

Bröstcancer är av stor relevans i dagens samhälle på grund av dess höga frekvens och mortalitetsgrad. Behandling är härjämte individualiserad utifrån tumörtyp och uttryck av hormonreceptorer. Med upptäckten av en ny receptor, GPR30, som svarar på östrogen, har forskning drivits kring hur denna samverkar med hypoxi, hur det bidrar till tumörcellernas överlevnad samt dess prognostiska och prediktivIntroduction: Hypoxia that accompanies tumor growth induces the expression of hypoxiainducible factor a (HIF-1a), in turn mediating the expression of other genes, including G protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30), to promote adaption to the hypoxic microenvironment and enable cell proliferation and survival. Nonetheless, this correlation has not been causally explained. Objective: To further inves

Jordlagerföljden i Höjeådalen utifrån nya borrningar

Jordarternas utbredning över sydvästra Skåne är ett resultat av Weichselistidens komplexa växelverkande isframstötar, där stora mäktiga kvartära avlagringar finns i anknytning till Alnarpssänkan och Lundadalen. Avlagringarna och deras glaciala ursprung är ett historiskt omdiskuterat ämne. Regionens ytliga jordlager är relativt väldokumenterade men stora frågetecken kvarstår angående avlagringarna The distribution of different Quaternary deposits in southwestern Scania is a result of complex glaciation and deglaciation patterns during the Weichselian, with especially thick deposits in the Alnarp Trough and the Lund Valley. The deposits and their glacial origin have been extensively discussed in the literature. The region’s surficial deposits are relatively well documented, but uncertainties

Finding a Safe and Just Space for Water Use in Mexico City: An Evaluation of Mexico City's Water Public Policies with Doughnut Economic Sustainability Transitions Criteria

Mexico City’s water system is not sustainable. There is an unfair inequality gap in the quantity and quality of water access for its residents. Moreover, the groundwater aquifers in the city are being over-exploited and polluted. This has resulted in the sinking of the city, damage to the ecosystems, and the reduction of water access to Mexico City’s residents. As the policies are a direct instrum

Dags att reflektera över det digitala rådgivningsmötet - Utmaningar och möjligheter inom bankbranschen

Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som medföljer det digitala rådgivningsmötet i bankbranschen som en del av branschens digitala transformation. Studien vill bidra till att tydliggöra hur relationen mellan bank och kund påverkas sett ur ett bankperspektiv. Frågeställningar som utformats för att uppnå studiens syfte är: Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter kan id

Skarpnäck - ett förhållningssätt till det svenska 80-talets vardagsarkitektur

Det har sagts att alla arkitekturepoker brukar nå sitt bottenmärke någonstans runt 30 år. Under en praktik på ett arkitektkontor upplevde jag det på egen hand när jag arbetade med ett område i Stockholm. Strategin för området är att riva stora delar av dess bebyggelse från 80- och 90-talet. Jag uppfattar strategin som ett uttryck för en allmän impopularitet av arkitekturen från denna period — den It has been said that all architectural eras tend to reach their lowest point of popularity somewhere in their 30s. During an internship, I experienced it first hand when I worked with an area in development in Stockholm. The strategy for the area was to demolish most of its buildings from the 1980s and 90s, buildings that are relatively young. I perceive the strategy as an expression for a genera

Gliding an Airbus A320 - Simplicity-Complexity Trade-Off

In the unlikely critical event of an Airbus A320 aeroplane suffering an all engines failure at cruising altitude, would the pilots be able to follow procedures and land safely on a reachable runway? Nine out of twelve simulations done during this research resulted in a crash when the pilots used only the Airbus procedures. Can the pilots make a safe landing on a runway after being taught and havin

Synthesis of a Half-sandwich Rhodium Complex with a Salicylaldimine ligand

Malaria är den sjukdom som leder till näst mest dödsfall i världen. Varje år resulterar den i 1.0 till 2.5 miljoner dödsfall och 500 miljoner insjuknanden. Malaria orsakas av parasiten Plasmodium som sprids till människors blodomlopp via myggbett. Där genomgår den olika reproduktionssteg och ligger gömd för människans immunförsvar i de röda blodcellerna där den bryter ner hemoglobin för att få närIntroduction: To synthesize a half-sandwich rhodium complex that could be a possible drug targeting malaria. Background: Resistance to the most successful drug chloroquine is widespread and new possible agents are required to ensure future disease treatment. To introduce organometallic half-sandwich complexes opens up possibilities to modify the drug and to overcome resistance. Aim: Can a half-san

Peace with the environment: Community perspectives from the Andean-Amazon foothills of Colombia

Half a decade after the signing of the peace agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP, the country continues to suffer from persisting violence and the need to address environmental destruction is more evident than ever. This research builds on a post-development critique of current peace efforts and responds to the call for including local perspectives in knowledge creation an

Robotic Process Automation in Swedish Healthcare

To relate expertise and spread information about Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the Swedish public sector three regions were examined: Region Skåne, Region Stockholm and Västra Götalandsregionen. A framework for information gathering and structuring was established from an initial literature study. Data and documents from the regions were gathered through twenty interviews with eighteen stake

Traffic Model for Cellular Network Analysis

The development of new wireless cellular network technologies is always in progress. As 3G has been considered the foundation of mobile broadband, the latest generation of cellular mobile communications, that is, 5G New Radio, is expected to realize the networked society, where everyone and everything are seamlessly connected everywhere and every time. To ensure the connectivity and provide the re

Förändringar av resandet i rusningstrafiken - En studie av förändringen i andelen resande över tiden i rusningstrafik i Skånes regionala tågtrafik

Kollektivtrafik är ett bra sätt för människor att resa mer socialt och miljövänligt. Det är därför viktigt att ha ett välfungerande system för kollektivtrafik. En stor del av det är att de pendlare som reser med tåg har en bra upplevelse. Om tågen är överdrivna med människor förlorar den sin konkurrenskraft med andra transportmedel som bilar. I denna rapport har undersökt hur andelen pendlare har Public transport is a great way for people to travel more socially and environmentally friendly. It is therefore important to have a well-functioning system for public transport. A large part of that is making sure the commuters whom travel by train has a good experience. If the trains are overstuffed with people, it loses its competitiveness with other means of transport such as cars. This report

Sub-Saharan Africa and the 4th Industrial Revolution Technological Leapfrogging as a Strategy to enhance Economic Growth?

The 4th Industrial Revolution provides a window of opportunity for the developing world and in particular, Sub-Saharan Africa to catch-up in terms of social and economic development by enhancing growth through technological advances. At the same time, it bears the risk for Sub-Saharan Africa to fall even further behind if technological advances cannot be absorbed into the region’s economies. Altho

IFRS 15:s påverkan på intäktsredovisning - En fallstudie i hur IFRS 15 påverkar svenska bygg- och fastighetsbranschens intäktsredovisning

Sammanfattning Titel: IFRS 15:s påverkan på intäktsredovisningen; En fallstudie i hur IFRS 15 påverkat svenska bygg- och fastighetsbranschens intäktsredovisning. Seminariedatum: 4 juni 2019 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Anna Eriksson, David Nyman och Omar Doughoz Handledare: Kristina Artsberg Nyckelord: Intäktsredovisning, princiAbstract Title: The Impact on Revenue Recognition Following IFRS 15; A case study on the impact of IFRS 15's revenue recognition applied to the Swedish construction and real estate industry. Seminar date: June 4th, 2019 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 University Credits Points (ECTS) Authors: Anna Eriksson, David Nyman och Omar Doughoz Advi

Developing an integrated understanding of performance management in virtual teams

Research problem: The current research into the performance management of virtual teams is scarce and fragmented. Furthermore, studies that have focused on the performance of virtual teams give limited managerial advice. Research aim: Thus, the focus of this study was to discover what could be learned about virtual teams when viewed through the lenses of existing performance management theories. T

The Failing Firm Defence: Are the Failing Firm Defence Criteria Formal Conditions or a Tool to Help Assess Overall Effects of a Merger?

The failing firm defence is an exception to the underlying philosophy of merger control. When the failing firm defence is applied successfully mergers that have anti-competitive effects are approved, due to the fact that the competitive structure would deteriorate in a similar fashion in the absence of the merger. This thesis examines the Commission´s approach in appraising such mergers under the

The impact of U.S. interest rates on economic growth in emerging markets

The focus of this paper is on the relationship between U.S. interest rates and real GDP per capita growth in emerging markets. The analysis of the paper seeks to determine if the relationship is negative and non-linear in nature as postulated by the paper’s two hypotheses. Three panel data regressions using the same dependent variable, real GDP per capita growth rate, but different explanatory var

Människors mjölkval - En lokal studie kring bakomliggande orsaker till valet av komjölk eller växtdryck

Mjölk. Vad ser du framför dig när du läser ordet mjölk? Är det ett glas mjölk till skollunchen som barn, öppna gröna fält med betande kor eller kanske en jordgubbstårta på ett födelsedagskalas? Vilken bild du än får i huvudet så är mjölk för många en naturlig del av uppväxten med minnen som går så långt bak i tiden man kan minnas. Det är först på senare tid som mjölkkonsumtionen har börjat ifrågasSweden has for the last half-century had a very high consumption of dairy products compared to other European countries. This high demand in cow’s milk puts a lot of pressure on the dairy industry which requires a high amount of feed, water and energy to produce dairy products. These factors combined with the rumination that occurs when cows eat is the origin of the release of greenhouse gases (GH