

Din sökning på "*" gav 533373 sökträffar

Talhastighetens betydelse för språkförståelsen

Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida talhastigheten påverkar språkförståelsen samt om arbetsminnets kapacitet har betydelse för storleken av en eventuell talhastighetspåverkan. Detta är ett tämligen outforskat område. Kunskap inom området är till nytta för såväl logopedisk bedömning och behandling, som för pedagogiska insatser inom skolvärlden. 102 barn i åldern 5:0-6:1 år med typisk språkutv

Socialt Entreprenörskap - Ett effektivt sätt att bidra till en hållbar utveckling?

Today we are facing a big range of possibilities that may contribute to a sustainable development. The majority of the world’s populations are presumably trying to make the world a better place, but there is no agreement as to how this is to be achieved. There is no global consensus as to the values of how to do right and how to make the world a better place. As a result there exist a variety of c

Enkelhetens politik - Populist eller politiskt korrekt? En analys av den polariserade jämställdhetsdebatten.

Artikelserien Hatet och politiken som publicerades i Dagens Nyheter under våren 2012 beskrivs som vårens stora kulturdebatt. Maria Sveland inledde debatten som kom att handla om relationen mellan antifeminism och främlingsfientlighet. Det övergripande syften i studien Enkelhetens politik – populist eller politiskt korrekt? En analys av den polariserade jämställdhetsdebatten är att genom debattarti

I skydd av labyrinten : Labyrintmålningar i tre medeltida danska kyrkor

Hur kommer det sig att det finns kalkmålningar av labyrinter i medeltida skandinaviska kyrkor? För att försöka hitta ett svar har jag undersökt kalkmålningar av labyrinter i tre medeltida kyrkor, Östra Karup (Halland), Båstad (Skåne) och Gevninge (Själland). Vilka föreställningar om labyrinter som kan ligga till grund för valet av motiv i kyrkorna har undersökts genom jämförelse med labyrinter i aHow come there are church frescoes depicting labyrinths in medieval Scandinavian churches? Which concepts and associations gave rise to the choice of motif? In order to try to find an answer I have investigated church frescoes in three medieval churches: Östra Karup (in the province of Halland), Båstad (Scania), and Gevninge (Zealand). I have also compared these with the large number of stone laby

YOGA ® - om kommodifiering och McDonaldisering av modern hathayoga

The authors Jeremy Carrette and Richard King argues that spirituality has become a subject of commodification (i.e. transformed into a commodity) as a consequence of the growing impact of Neoliberalism in the Western world since the 1980´s. These new forms of spirituality substitute traditional religion in secular societies and often operate with a hidden economic agenda. McDonaldization is a soci

Hur påverkar machismo kvinnors liv i Mexico?

Machismo is a construction of masculinity and a gender ideology found in varying degrees within the Latin American societies, stating the superiority of the man by enhancing and overvaluing certain stereotypically masculine traits said to be nature-given. Being the hegemonic masculinity of Mexico specifically – and having been so for a long period of time although its definite origin has yet to be

Rätten till mat om skyldigheter, institutioner och matsvinn

One third of all food that is globally produced is wasted every year. This essay develops a duty approach to the growing global food waste. Is there a duty not to waste food? The theoretical perspective of this essay is based on the correlative between rights and duties and on Thomas W. Pogge’s theories of global institutional duties. The thesis is that there is a global duty not to contribute to

Tillbaks på ruta ett - Lag och rättvisa i post-apokalyptisk populärkultur

It is a common viewpoint that human rights, justice and law are interlinked with the institutions that we as a society create. Does that mean that, without institutions, there can be no rights? The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether or not there can be such a thing as human rights when there is no state to enforce them effectively. To achieve this purpose i have performed an analysis o

Us Finns Here in Sweden - A Content Analysis of the News on the Finnish Presidential Election in the Swedish Finnish Media

Aims and objectives: The aim of the study is to look at how national identity and culture and politics meet in minority language media. The focus is on studying how the minority language media portrays the relationship of the minority and the two countries, the one of origin and the one of residence. The aim is also to find out if the minority status of the minority group for which the media conte

Kopplingen till det sexuella våldet - En intersektionell studie utifrån Human Rights Watch rapport

The purpose of this essay is to analyze how the sexual violence against women is being reported. Sexual violence against women is something that has been up for debate a long time. People and organizations all over the world have for a long time reported how women are being raped and how that is affecting them. The two reports in this essay from Human rights Watch shows how the retelling about the

Funktionsnedsattas rättigheter på Haiti efter jordbävningen 2010 - En studie kring Handicap Internationals arbete och strategier

An earthquake that occurred in Haiti 2010 caused considerable damage. Many people were killed, injured, lost their homes and other belongings during the earthquake. To this day, there is still a lot to do. The work to help the vulnerable people in Haiti continues and many NGOs and other international organizations have traveled to Haiti to do their best in helping people. This essay will discuss a

Arms Trade Treaty - En uppsats om de problem som kan hindra utvecklingen av ett starkt och robust Arms Trade Treaty

Numerous Government have raised concerns about the absence of a global instrument that would regulate the ever growing trade in conventional arms and reduce the human suffering that the illicit transfers contributes to. Negotiations have been taken place and states and other participant such as NGO:s have been asked to contribute to the debate. Many different problems and criticisms have been rais

Sugar mamas och snuskiga gubbar - en genuskritisk diskursanalys om den offentliga framställningen av den kvinnliga sexturismen

This essay seeks to critically examine the differences in perception of women and men who pay for sexual experiences abroad. It is a discourse analyses that investigates the similarities and differences between the female and male sex industry. The main focus of this essay is to examine the language that is being used to describe the female sex tourists that travel abroad to engage in sexual relat

Sexuellt våld som vapen - En argumentationsanalys på kritiken kring Margot Wallströms rapport om sexuellt våld i väpnade konflikter

Sexual violence has always been used as a weapon in war. Only recently have the UN started to work against the violence and tried to end the impunity. This year, Margot Wallström presented the report that she has been working on during her post as the special representative of the UN Secretary General for sexual violence in armed conflicts. The report contains information about the conflict- relat

Omöjliga Möjligheter

The idea of human rights is that they are assumed to derive from some innate feature that all humans possess. Furthermore the definition of human rights lacks any urgent requests or claim of state responsibility. This allows a terminology regarding equal opportunities. I intend to demonstrate that the current usage of equality and rights is completely useless in order to enforce human rights. I

Jag hade inget val - En jämförelse mellan Robert Nozicks rättighetsbaserade och Serena Olsarettis alternativfokuserade definition av begreppet frivillighet

The concept of voluntariness is based on several assumptions that cannot be taken for granted, as they are deeply contested among philosophers. This thesis will focus on the relationship between the possible options and the voluntariness of the action chosen by the agent. This will be carried out by understanding the concept of voluntariness in two competing ways: Robert Nozick's rights-based

Access and benefit sharing: a valid instrument for compensation?

Patents on traditional knowledge and the issue of biopiracy has been a debated issue since the Uruguay Round in the early 1990s. In order to handle this problem, the United Nations established the Convention on Biological Diversity and a subsidiary working group on Access and Benefit Sharing. This is supposed to help traditional knowledge holders claim their rights to benefit sharing when commerci

Frivilligarbete för papperslösas rättigheter - omöjligt och nödvändigt

The Swedish law and policys concerning non-citizens are creating an impossible situation for undocumented migrants to gain access to basic human rights. The national law which is both contradictive and unclear concerning this group also creates difficulties for the individuals and organisations who are trying to supply access to basic rights. The study is built on interviews of six people who in

Grundläggande principer och praktiska ideal för liturgin hos Alexander Schmemann

Alexander Schmemann (1921-1983) is considered by many as one of the twentieth century's most significant theologians. His main contribution to theological research, or at least the one most talked about, is his argument about liturgy in relation to theology and the church. Schmemann said that the task of liturgical theology is to clarify the theological meaning of the church's worship. Thi

Vetoing Syria - A problematization of the Syrian crisis through the right of veto

The humanitarian crisis in Syria is worse than ever. The late efforts by the UN Security Council have not improved the situation on the ground. The Syrian regime continues to violently supress its people and the opposition responds in a similar manner. Effects of the brutality can be seen in Turkey where thousands of Syrian citizens seek refuge and the Security Council has determined that the cris