Glitter av gammalt guld i en postsovjetisk minneskultur : anteckningar från Lviv
Om minneskultur i Lviv, Ukraina.
Om minneskultur i Lviv, Ukraina.
The absorption of light is at the core of photovoltaic applications. For many nanostructure-based devices, an assessment of the absorption in the nanostructures is complicated by a thick, opaque substrate that prohibits transmission measurements. Here, we show how a single reflection measurement can be used for approximating the amount of light absorbed in vertical semiconductor nanowire arrays. (
Premise of the study: Storage oil (triacylglycerol) accumulates in tissues such as the embryo and endosperm of seeds and the fruit mesocarp, but seldom in underground organs. As a rare exception, cultivated variants of yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) contain high amounts of both oil and starch in the mature tubers. Methods: Biochemical analyses and light and electron microscopy were used to s
In the bioconversion of lignocellulosic materials to ethanol, pretreatment of the material prior to enzymatic hydrolysis is essential to obtain high overall yields of sugar and ethanol. In this study, steam pretreatment of fast-growing Salix impregnated with sulfuric acid has been investigated by varying the temperature (180-210 degrees C), the residence time (4, 8 or 12 min), and the acid concent
A novel algorithm for detection of saccades and postsaccadic oscillations in the presence of smooth pursuit movements is proposed. The method combines saccade detection in the acceleration domain with specialized on- and offset criteria for saccades and postsaccadic oscillations. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated by comparing the detection results to those of an existing velocity-based
Second-order scalar-relativistic Douglas-Kroll-Hess density functional calculations of the electric field gradient, including an analytic correction of the picture change error, were performed for 34 tin compounds of which molecular structures and Sn-119 Mossbauer spectroscopy parameters are experimentally known. The components of the diagonalized electric field gradient tensor, V-xx,V-yy, V-zz, w
(Schagatay E, Lodin-Sundstrom A. Abrahamsson E. Underwater working times in two groups of traditional apnea divers in Asia: the Ama and the Bajau. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine. 2011;41(1):27-30.) Introduction: Traditional apnea diving for sea harvesting for a living continues in some communities in Asia, the outcome being dependent on the total underwater working time. We studied dive and surfac
Popular Abstract in Swedish Prostatacancer är en mycket vanlig form av cancer, och det har visats att cirka hälften av alla män över 70 år har tumör i prostata. Prostatacancer är ofta en latent form av cancer, vilket innebär att den sällan ger kliniska symtom förrän i ett framskridet stadium. Sedan PSA testet började användas på 90-talet har antalet diagnostiserade fall av prostatacancer blivit alProstate cancer is currently the most common form of cancer in Sweden. Currently, the only biomarker used in the clinic is serum PSA, and there is a great need for new biomarkers that may increase the diagnostic and prognostic information so that better predictions can be made, and treatment may be tailored. Here, we have investigated two proposed biomarkers microseminoprotein-β (MSMB) and cystein
We present a study of neural network architectures able to internally simulate perceptions and actions. All these architectures employ the novel Associative Self-Organizing Map (A-SOM) as a perceptual neural network. The A-SOM develops a representation of its input space, but in addition also learns to associate its activity with an arbitrary number of additional (possibly delayed) inputs. One arc
Neutron-rich isotopes around lead, beyond N = 126, have been studied exploiting the fragmentation of an uranium primary beam at the FRS-RISING setup at GSI. For the first time beta-decay half-lives of Bi-219 and Tl-211,Tl-212,Tl-213 isotopes have been derived. The half-lives have been extracted using a numerical simulation developed for experiments in high-background conditions. Comparison with st
Precipitation amounts and patterns at high latitude sites have been predicted to change as a result of global climatic changes. We addressed vegetation responses to three years of experimentally increased summer precipitation in two previously unaddressed tundra types: Betula nana-dominated shrub tundra (northeast Siberia) and a dry Sphagnum fuscum-dominated bog (northern Sweden). Positive respons
The mean squared displacement of a tracer particle in a single file of identical particles with excluded volume interactions shows the famed Harris scaling aEurox (2)(t)aEuro parts per thousand a parts per thousand integral K (1/2) t (1/2) as function of time. Here we study what happens to this law when each particle of the single file interacts with the environment such that it is transiently imm
Detection of analytes in complex biological samples, such as milk and blood, normally requires sample pretreatment. These pretreatment regimes reduce assay throughput and increase testing costs. Technologies that make it possible to eliminate sample pretreatment are of great industrial interest. Here we report the development of a dual-signal flow injected analysis device which eliminates the need
Accessibility throughout society has been gaining interest on both international and national levels in order to meet the transportation needs of, for example, older people as pedestrians. The overall aim of this thesis is to examine the implementation process in municipal planning, and effects of measures taken, to achieve barrier-free outdoor environments the year round. Older peoples’ perceptio
Magnesium, the second and fourth most abundant cation in the intracellular compartment and whole body, respectively, is of great physiologic importance. Magnesium exists as bound and free ionized forms depending on temperature, pH, ionic strength, and competing ions. Free magnesium participates in many biochemical processes and is most commonly measured by ion-selective electrode. This analytical