

Din sökning på "*" gav 533294 sökträffar

"Positiv men ambivalent" : En undersökning om privatanställda socialarbetares inställningar och motiv till att inom privat verksamhet

Undersökning visar att privatisering inom det sociala arbetet stadigt ökar (Statistiska centralbyrån 2016a) samtidigt visar forskning att socialarbetares inställning till privatisering generellt sett kan betraktas som negativ (Liljegren et al. 2008; Dellgran & Höjer 2005a; Dellgran & Höjer 2005b). Ökningen trots den generellt sett negativa inställningen tycks indikera på ett glapp mellan sSurveys shows that privatization in social work is steadily increasing (Statistiska Centralbyrån 2016a), while other research shows that social workers' attitudes towards privatization can generally be regarded as negative (Liljegren et al., 2008; Dellgran & Höjer 2005a; Dellgran & Höjer 2005b). The increase, despite the generally negative attitudes, seems to indicate a gap between soc

Assessing the Recruiter Demand for Graduates With Non-Business Bachelor Degrees and a Master in Management (MiM)

The current study addresses the proposal that students with a non-business bachelor’s degree and a masters in management (MiM) possess a profile that is T-shaped; as a result of, gaining general managerial knowledge in a MiM program (top of the T) and in-depth knowledge as a result of an undergraduate degree from a specific degree field (vertical part of the T). The key concepts that we focus on a

Konsumtionsmönster vid köp av charkprodukter till vardags

När det småskaliga charkuteriet ska ta steget från gårdsbutiken och etablera sig i dagligvaruhandeln krävs en tydlig marknadsföringsstrategi för att kunna mäta sig med de stora producenterna. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få en bild över hur marknaden för köttpålägg ser ut idag och utröna vilka möjligheter och utmaningar en mindre producent kan ställas inför. Genom att utföra en konsumentu

Sanning och objektivitet i nationalismens tjänst: en kritisk diskursanalys av föreställningar om sanning och objektivitet i Migrationsverkets rättsliga ställningstaganden.

During the last two years there have been extensive changes in the Swedish migration policy within the current regulatory system. A necessity within the current system is to assess the credibility of the asylum seekers claims. This invites questions about truth and objectivity. The aim of this thesis is to examine the knowledge and belief system regarding objectivity and truth of the Swedish Migra

Designing a deep learning network for self-driving vehicles

Autonomous vehicles, or as we usually know them by, self-driving cars, are often presented as the transportation technology of the future. The possibility of a vehicle to drive itself without any human intervention or manual control finally becomes possible. The common machine learning algorithm that is being used in autonomous vehicles is the deep learning network. Deep learning is a machine lea

Branding the Others

In view of the fact that Western films are one of the most consumed forms of popular culture in the world market, this study argues that they are, therefore, integral to the nation branding process of non Western countries. Anchored in postcolonial theory, this research purposely turned to Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis model as a matching analytical framework. With an intention of revea

How can high-tech companies apply Student Surrogate Entrepreneurs on internal ideas

High tech companies are constantly searching for ways to innovate their business, and open innovation has become a widely known concept and an important ingredient for companies in their way to becoming more innovative. Areas and clusters around the globe where the industry and University closely collaborating are organically increasing, and have proven to be a crucial mechanism in enabling innova

Metoder för att utvinna metaller ur förorenat muddrat sediment från Oskarshamns hamnbassäng - En litteraturstudie

Metaller i miljön är både en förlorad resurs och en toxisk sådan, vad kan då göras med metallförorenat sediment? Miljöfrågor är något som har fått större uppmärksamhet framförallt gällande växthusgaser i atmosfären, men även gällande de enorma mängder plastföroreningar som cirkulera i haven. Denna rapport tar upp en annan typ av förorening i haven, nämligen gamla industriutsläpp (metallutsläpp) iThis literature study aims at identifying potential methods of extracting heavy metals from dredged sediments stemming from a harbor in Oskarshamn municipality, Sweden. Metals can be detrimental to the environment, as well as to human health, but they can also constitute a valuable commodity. Heavy metal extraction studies exist, however they have not explored the environmental impact on a large s

Cultivating Critique in Folds and Pleats - Posthuman Enactments in the Dress of Rick Owens

Taking as its epistemological starting point the proposed geological era of the Anthropocene, this thesis enquires the affective potential of avant-garde fashion in criticising, improving or transforming the supposed givenness of The Human as a historical concept. In order to do so, it inflects and departs from the tightly held onto-epistemological cannon of fashion studies and anthropology of dre

Northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) decrease oxidative stress at stop-over during spring migration

During migration birds are exposed to several challenges, one of these are the potential threat of getting oxidative stressed. Oxidative stress can be defined as when free radicals are produced in a vastly amount so antioxidants cannot detoxify them. This is the case at higher metabolic rate such as migratory flight, and probably during hyperphagia at stop-over. The aim of this paper was to invest

Development of a Type IIs cloning strategy for the RUBYTM format & PCR optimization and development of a Type IIs cloning strategy for pool cloning

Ditt immunförsvar kan utnyttjas för att bekämpa cancer När det kommer till sjukdomar, orsakade av bakterier eller virus, är kroppens immunförsvar kapabelt till att själv utrota inkräktarna. Cancer däremot, är en mycket mer komplex sjukdom med förmågan att förhindra immunförsvaret från att utföra dess funktioner. Lyckligtvis har en ny kategori av läkemedel revolutionerat cancerbehandling de senastFor Alligator Bioscience AB, a company developing immunotherapeutic antibodies, it is crucial to efficiently evaluate a large number of potential drug candidates at an early stage. The in-house developed RUBYTM concept, combining monoclonal antibodies into bispecific antibodies without lead optimization, requires implementation of high-throughput technologies. Restriction enzyme digestion, used fo

CEO Incentives and firm risk: in the context of cross-listing

This research aims to investigate the relation of CEO compensation, especially how the sensitivity of CEO wealth to stock return volatility (vega), but also how the sensitivity of CEO wealth to stock price (delta) affects the risk of the firm. Moreover, these relations are investigated in the context of cross-listing to examine whether there are differences between US-only listed firms and those t

Too sick to migrate? Immune function and partial migration in Roach

Partial migration is a widespread phenomenon over various animal taxa where one part of the population migrates whereas the other part stays resident. Reasons triggering individuals to migrate while others stay are of high importance to understand ecological and evolutionary processes. Physiological parameters such as immune function have previously been shown to affect wintering decision in birds

Effects on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the sapling stage from ungulate browsing

Ecosystem services from forestry are highly valuable and may be limited by ungulate browsing. Thus, I investigated the impact and seasonality of browsing on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) using seasonal exclosures. Slightly more than 10 % of the pine trees were browsed at the top shoot, compared to spruce where top shoot browsing was almost non-existent. Pines that h

Prerequisites for a New Condensation System in a Power Producing Product

The Earth’s climate has always been changing, since the origin of our planet. The rate of change is now rapidly increasing in a substantial scale, leading to new challenges. The average temperature on Earth has risen 0.9 degrees since the 19th century and the oceans have absorbed a substantial amount of heat and carbon dioxide, believed leading to ocean acidification killing the marine life. Ice s

Understanding the data privacy divide between the European Union and the United States

This Thesis seeks to give its reader the tools to understand the data privacy divide between the EU and the US. It explains the crucial notions, historical and jurisprudential factors and regulatory frameworks underlying and constituting it. First, it answers why regulating data privacy is paramount to our democratic societies on both sides of the Atlantic. The growing importance of the data dri

Effekten av urbanisering på frösättning av Campanula persicifolia

Stor blåklocka bättre pollinerad i staden än på landsbygden Världen över är människor indirekt beroende av pollinerande djur då de förser oss med mat, mediciner och råmaterial genom att hjälpa växters fortplantning. Inom denna djurgrupp dominerar insekter där bin och humlor är särskilt viktiga på nordliga breddgrader. Det finns dock en stor oro kring våra pollinerande insekter idag. Som ett resul

Comparisons of phenotypic plasticity between Mytilus edulis on the east and west coast of Sweden

Finns det skillnader mellan blåmusslor från öst- och västkusten? Fenotyp är hur en organism ser ut, till skillnad från dess genotyp vilket är vilka gener organismen har. Fenotypisk plasticitet betyder att ett djur eller en växt kan få olika utseende med samma gener. Deras utseende är påverkat av deras miljö. Att kunna anpassa sig och klara av den miljön man hamnar i. Blåmusslan är precis som en