

Din sökning på "*" gav 533365 sökträffar

Implicit påverkan – Kan priming av mångfald ge effekt på social intelligens?

The study aims to investigate whether diversity can affect people's social intelligence. The study has been conducted with an experimental design, where two experimental groups were primed with a text describing a workplace with a high degree of diversity respectively non-diversity. A control-group read a neutral text. The texts were followed by the self-assessment test Tromsö Social Intellige

Using LASSO regularization as a feature selection tool.

Artificiella neuronnät är ett samlingsnamn för maskininlärningsmetoder som försöker efterlikna biologiska system i sin struktur. Ett neuronnät förbereds, med så kallad träning, för till exempel mönsterigenkänning, genom att man presenterar exempel på den typ av data man vill identifiera. Inom ett visst intervall uppdateras nätverkets inre struktur, med målet att utsignal anpassas till den signal sThe subject of deep learning has become increasingly popular, especially for machine learning applications where a large number of input variables have to be processed. However, there are instances of problem solving, where a full understanding of the variables is of high importance. When dealing with data sets containing a large number of input variables, the established methods of feature select

Unga brottsoffer : En tvärsnittsstudie om brottsutsatta ungdomar med utländsk respektive svensk bakgrund i Skåne

The aim of this study was to examine patterns among different groups of juvenile victims of offences against the person and crimes against their property by comparing victims in ninth grade with foreign background to those with Swedish background in Skåne. The study concentrates on exposure to threat, mugging, theft, physical abuse and sexual abuse. We conducted a statistical analysis based on a c

Enkla jobb som integrationsredskap : En argumentationsanalys av den allmänna debatten i svensk kvällspress

The purpose of the study was to examine and evaluate different participants´ arguments in the public debate of low-wage jobs as tools of integration for migrants in relation to ideal type welfare regimes. Twenty one articles submitted by participants from the public were analyzed over the year 2011 and 2017 in the two largest outlets of popular press in Sweden: Aftonbladet and Expressen (including

The Effect of High-Velocity Environments on the Team Dynamics in New Ventures

In today’s society people are influenced by technological developments. Technology changed the consumer’s behavior, but also the way companies evolved over time. Nowadays, technology is accessible for everyone, which leads to fast changing environments with a lot of competition. There are limited studies that focus on teams of new ventures in comparison to the lone entrepreneur. However, there are

Analyzing Meteorological Relationships to Aerosols in China

Ekonomin i Kina har blomstrat över de senaste tiotal åren, och tillsammans med det skyhöga antalet invånare, strävar landet nu efter att uppnå världens största medelklass. Men för att Kina och hela världen skall kunna upprätthålla en levnadsstandard likt den vi har i väst, så kommer vi göra det på stor bekostnad av klimatet. Huvudsakligen sker det på grund av den massiva förbränning av kol och fosMeteorological conditions are influenced everyday by air-bound aerosols and pollution in the atmosphere, and understanding these processes from micro to synoptic scale, is essential for forecasting and creating high resolution weather models. In this study, three different experimental weather models are analysed to provide some understanding on how various meteorological parameters are influenced

Mapping the present-day chemical abundance structure of the Solar neighbourhood: O & Si

Vår galax, Vintergatan, innehåller bortåt 200 miljarder stjärnor av varierande åldrar och storlekar. Under en mörk och klar natt kan man se ungefär 2000 med blotta ögat. Detta är en liten del av det stora hela, men tillräckligt för att stimulera människors nyfikenhet. Vad är de gjorda av, och varför är de där de är? Enkla frågor, som har väldigt komplexa svar. Genom att kartlägga strukturen och deContext. Large scale chemical abundance gradients in the Galactic disks, small-scale abundance structures, and the mean chemical abundance values in the Solar vicinity, are important constraints to Galactic chemo-dynamical formation and evolution models. The formation and evolution of stars, and interstellar gas and dust depends on the distribution and evolution of matter in the Galaxy. Therefore,

Mimodiegetic and Volodiegetic Levels of Diegesis, Together with Variable Frame Rates, as Tools to Define a Tentative Early Film Language

This thesis focuses on the era of early film, with the aim to address an almost forgotten film language. Three aspects have been taken into account—variable frame rates, suppressed sound and hearing, and projection speeds—to analyze several examples of film to ascertain the techniques used by early filmmakers. I have also applied my findings of the techniques of yesteryear to contemporary films th

Measuring volatile nicotine from electronic cigarettes

This thesis is focused on electronic cigarettes and the formulations (also known as e-juices) associated with these. The reason is that there have been countless studies on the health effects and nicotine delivery of normal cigarettes, but not as much on electronic cigarettes. This work aims to provide some insights into how electronic cigarettes behaves as nicotine delivery system. The overall re

Överslagsdimensionering av fackverksbroar i stål för gång- och cykeltrafik

Bridges for pedestrians and bicycles are getting more common. Often, they are seen spanning motorways and railways, to separate walking and cycling traffic from fast going heavy traffic. It is common that the chosen bridge type for this purpose is a truss bridge consisting of rolled steel profiles. When more and more bridges are being planned, the planning process also needs to be rationalised. Th

Servicefönster i järnvägsanläggningen - En studie om varför nyttjandet ser ut som det gör

The railway is an important part of the Swedish infrastructure. For several years there has been an increase in traffic as well as in the demand for a well-functioning railway system. However the increased traffic does at the same time set higher demands for availability, reliability and punctuality. In order to meet these demands and to perform maintenance work in an efficient and predictable way

Accessibility within Inflight Entertainment

Flying is a stressful and demanding task for many passengers, where airlines are always in the search for new technologies and methods to make the expe- rience more comfortable and stimulating. In this thesis, we have evaluated accessibility support within in-flight-entertainment systems available in the market today. The focus has beenonusabilityforuserswithreducedornovision. Interactivetext-to-s


This project focus on mouthfeel and textures within food area and try to connect it with emotion. The concept is inspired from space and Mars exploration in food related topics. Developing with experiments and coming up with a set of emotions outlet tools for not only eating but exploring your mouth. There are tons of product in markets that focus on only getting food from plate to mouth. However,

Controlling the Uncontrollable

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to tackle the paradox of governing free labour by exploring and drawing further understanding to the co-creation process in online brand communities. Originality: This study is the first to investigate co-creation from the theoretical perspective of the production of space and the first to introduce the concept of co-control in regards to the management of co

The Theatrical Rules in Collaborative Consumption - A case of Airbnb

Purpose: The study aims to advance the understanding of collaborative consumption through the research on the engagement rules, conventions, and norms that govern the practice. The study postulates that it is through the possession of the right competences and meaning that permit insiders to successfully apply the rules of collaborative consumption while deterring outsiders from making an initial

VEM ÄR INTRESSERAD AV ACCELERATORER? En studie av acceleratorer och dess intressenter

Examensarbetets titel: Vem är intresserad av acceleratorer? En studie av acceleratorer och dess intressenter. Seminariedatum: 2019-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEK69: Examensarbete i Redovisning, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Rikard Jannesson, Tyko Carling och Martin Trollér Handledare: Gert Paulsson Fem nyckelord: Startup, Accelerator, Innovation, Venture Capital, Intressentmodellen. Syfte: Syftet med dTitle: Who is interested in accelerators? A study of accelerators and their stakeholders. Seminar date: 2019-06-05 Course: FEK69: Degree Project Undergraduate level, Financial Accounting, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS. Authors: Rikard Jannesson, Tyko Carling och Martin Trollér Advisor: Gert Paulsson Key words Startup, Accelerator, Innovation, Venture Capital, Stakeholder Theory Purpose: The pu

What creates successful FM within the public sector? Literature review and a case study from a strategic point of view

The Facilities Management industry is the largest business services market in Europe and it is growing fast. At the same time, the industry has matured and added substantial responsibilities beyond the basic maintenance and operational functions that formed the basis of the field and is now described as an emerging multi discipline market. Despite its large share of the market, public FM has got l

Konstens slut? - En idéhistorisk studie gällande Arthur Dantos argument för konstens slut från 1984 till 1998.

The following paper examines the philosopher and art-critic Arthur Danto’s well-known thesis concerning ”the end of art” in relation to its influences and contemporary historical context. Inspired by Hegel’s philosophy of history and art, Danto’s argument was based on the idea that Western art history, construed as a grand narrative, had come to an end in the second half of the twentieth century.