

Din sökning på "*" gav 531363 sökträffar

Desialylated Platelet Clearance in the Liver is a Novel Mechanism of Systemic Immunosuppression

Platelets are small, versatile blood cells that are critical for hemostasis/thrombosis. Local platelet accumulation is a known contributor to proinflammation in various disease states. However, the anti-inflammatory/immunosuppressive potential of platelets has been poorly explored. Here, we uncovered, unexpectedly, desialylated platelets (dPLTs) down-regulated immune responses against both platele

Band termination spectroscopy in 157Er

The level scheme of 157Er has been extended from a spin region where the nucleus behaves as a prolate rotor to a region where the spin is produced by the alignment of all or most of the available valence nucleons along the symmetry axis of a weakly deformed oblate shape. The level scheme was established at high spin using up to four-fold gamma -ray coincidences detected in the Eurogam spectrometer

An analytical approach for determining snowmelt induced runoff

Different approaches are made to simulate snowmelt induced runoff using physically based equations. It is shown that overland flow as well as subsurface flow to rivulets or gullies may produce large runoff fluctuations when the rain or melt flux to the snowcovered ground is intermittent or periodic. A literature review and theoretical considera- tions show that groundwater often makes the largest

The composition of the gut microbiota shapes the colon mucus barrier

Two C57BL/6 mice colonies maintained in two rooms of the same specific pathogen-free (SPF) facility were found to have different gut microbiota and a mucus phenotype that was specific for each colony. The thickness and growth of the colon mucus were similar in the two colonies. However, one colony had mucus that was impenetrable to bacteria or beads the size of bacteria - which is comparable to wh

BRCA1 frameshift variants leading to extended incorrect protein C termini

Carriers of BRCA1 germline pathogenic variants are at substantially higher risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer than the general population. Accurate identification of at-risk individuals is crucial for risk stratification and the implementation of targeted preventive and therapeutic interventions. Despite significant progress in variant classification efforts, a sizable portion of reporte

BCR affinity differentially regulates colonization of the subepithelial dome and infiltration into germinal centers within Peyer’s patches

Gut-derived antigens trigger immunoglobulin A (IgA) immune responses that are initiated by cognate B cells in Peyer’s patches (PPs). These cells colonize the subepithelial domes (SEDs) of the PPs and subsequently infiltrate pre-existing germinal centers (GCs). Here we defined the pre-GC events and the micro-anatomical site at which affinity-based B cell selection occurred in PPs. Using whole-organ

Effect of uncertainty of material parameters on stress triaxiality and Lode angle in finite elasto-plasticity—A variance-based global sensitivity analysis

This work establishes a computational framework for the quantification of the effect of uncertainty of material model parameters on extremal stress triaxiality and Lode angle values in plastically deformed devices, whereby stress triaxiality and Lode angle are accepted as key indicators for damage initiation in metal forming processes. Attention is paid to components, the material response of whic

Politikerna struntar i klimatforskningen : 420 forskare: Regeringens politik är katastrofal – nu måste fler svenskar kräva en omställning

DEBATE. We researchers have long demanded that the government take climate research seriously and speed up the transition to a sustainable society.Instead, the government is pursuing a policy that deliberately increases emissions. Now more citizens need to raise their voices and show that we demand a knowledge-based climate transition, and it is urgent.

Tumor Control Probability and Small-Scale Monte Carlo Dosimetry : Effects of Heterogenous Intratumoral Activity Distribution in Radiopharmaceutical Therapy

In radiopharmaceutical therapy, intratumoral uptake of radioactivity usually leads to heterogeneous absorbed dose distribution. The likelihood of treatment success can be estimated with the tumor control probability (TCP), which requires accurate dosimetry, estimating the absorbed dose rate per unit activity to individual tumor cells. Methods: Xenograft cryosections of the prostate cancer cell lin

Irreversible electroporation of hepatocellular carcinoma and colorectal cancer liver metastases : A nationwide multicenter study with short- and long-term follow-up

Introduction: A nationwide multicenter study was performed to examine short- and long-term effects of irreversible electroporation (IRE) for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRCLM). IRE is an alternative method when thermal ablation is contraindicated because of risk for serious thermal complications. Methods: All consecutive patients in Sweden treated with IR

Energy level offsets determine the interplay between charge and energy transfer in all-small-molecule organic solar cells

All-small-molecule organic solar cells (ASM OSCs) hold great promise in OSCs owing to their defined structures, simple purification, and good reproducibility, but are challenging for further improved efficiency. The energy level strategy has been broadly applied to obtain a better performance; however, a comprehensive understanding of the effects of energy level offset on photoexcitation dynamics

Geospatial mapping of surgical systems for earthquake emergency planning in Guerrero, Mexico : an ecological study

Background: Accessibility to surgical services can impact earthquake preparedness and response. We aimed to estimate the population with timely access to surgical care in Guerrero, a Mexican state with high tectonic activity, and identify populations at risk in the event of an earthquake. Methods: We conducted an ecological study using open government data. We extracted data from Guerrero municipa

Digital Papillary Adenocarcinoma in Nonacral Skin : Clinicopathologic and Genetic Characterization of 5 Cases

Digital papillary adenocarcinoma (DPA) is a rare sweat gland neoplasm that has exceptionally been reported outside acral locations. Recently, human papillomavirus 42 was identified as the main oncogenic driver of DPA. Herein, we report 5 tumors arising in extra-Acral locations predominantly in the female anogenital skin. Four patients were female and 1 patient was male. The mean age at the diagnos

Stable triaxiality at the highest spins in 138Nd and 139Nd

The nuclei 138Nd and 139Nd have been studied at very high spins via the 48Ca+94Zr reaction. Several new rotational bands were observed, four in 138Nd and two in 139Nd. The J(2) moments of inertia calculated from the observed γ-ray energies are very small and almost constant, indicating that these bands are triaxial. Cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations reproduce the general behavior of the band

Intruder bands in Te114 : Smooth band termination

The nucleus Te114 has been studied in heavy-ion -ray spectroscopy experiments performed with the early implementation of the GAMMASPHERE multidetector array. Three rotational intruder bands have been observed up to high spins. The yrast band, involving the 4p2h (h11/2)2(g7/2)2(g9/2)-2 proton configuration, reaches I=48Latin small letter h with stroke at an excitation energy of 30.3 MeV, the highes

Evaluation of knowledge, experiences, and fear toward prescribing and dispensing corticosteroids among Egyptian healthcare professionals : A cross-sectional study

Background: Corticosteroids (CS) are essential drugs in the treatment of several medical conditions. Assuming different roles, physicians and pharmacists play a primary role in prescribing and dispensing these medications to optimize patients' clinical management. The data on assessing knowledge and experience of healthcare professionals toward CS is scarce. Therefore, this study aimed to assess a

Particle lung deposited surface area (LDSAal) size distributions in different urban environments and geographical regions : Towards understanding of the PM2.5 dose–response

Recent studies indicate that monitoring only fine particulate matter (PM2.5) may not be enough to understand and tackle the health risk caused by particulate pollution. Health effects per unit PM2.5 seem to increase in countries with low PM2.5, but also near local pollution sources (e.g., traffic) within cities. The aim of this study is to understand the differences in the characteristics of lung-

The Benefits and Harms of Pharmacological Treatment for Postradiation Pelvic Pain : A Systematic Review by the European Association of Urology Chronic Pelvic Pain Panel with Recommendations for Clinical Practice

Context: Radiotherapy of the pelvis is a widely used method for the treatment of malignancies, and local complications including pain following pelvic radiation therapy are acknowledged complications. Objective: The primary objective is to assess the clinical effectiveness and safety of pharmacological therapies on postradiation pelvic pain. Evidence acquisition: A systematic review of the use of