

Din sökning på "*" gav 536923 sökträffar

Contrasting results from GWAS and QTL mapping on wing length in great reed warblers

A major goal in evolutionary biology is to understand the genetic basis of adaptive traits. In migratory birds, wing morphology is such a trait. Our previous work on the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) shows that wing length is highly heritable and under sexually antagonistic selection. Moreover, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping analysis detected a pronounced QTL for wing le

Estimation of the conversion coefficients from dose-area product to effective dose for barium meal examinations for adult patients

Fluoroscopic examinations of the upper gastro-intestinal tract and, especially, barium meal examinations, are commonly performed in a majority of hospitals. These examinations are associated both with substantial individual patient doses and contribution to the collective dose from medical exposure. Effective dose estimation for this type of examinations is complicated due to: 1) the necessity to

Harmonising measures of knee and hip osteoarthritis in population-based cohort studies : an international study

Objective: Population-based osteoarthritis (OA) cohorts provide vital data on risk factors and outcomes of OA, however the methods to define OA vary between cohorts. We aimed to provide recommendations for combining knee and hip OA data in extant and future population cohort studies, in order to facilitate informative individual participant level analyses. Method: International OA experts met to m

Inguinal Hernia Surgery in Men - Chronic Pain and Sexual Dysfunction

Life time occurrence of inguinal hernia is 30% of men. Most are symptomatic and will require surgical treatment. Operation will commonly cure the hernia but remaining chronic pain or new pain is seen in 10–15%. Groin pain due to an inguinal hernia can cause impairment of sexual functions. This is sparsely studied. The aim was to analyse postoperative long term chronic pain and sexual impairment in

Occupational exposure to organic solvents and risk of male breast cancer : A European multicenter case-control study

Objectives The etiology of male breast cancer (MBC) is largely unknown but a causal role of exposure to organic solvents has been suggested. Previous studies on occupational risk factors of breast cancer were often restricted to women who are frequently exposed to lower levels and at a lower frequency than men. We investigated the association between MBC and occupational exposure to petroleum and

« For the women » - In Memoriam Simone Veil (1927-2017)

This In Memoriam presents the life of Simone Veil, an influential French politician, remembered for a law that made abortion legal in 1974. Simone Veil's contribution to the rights of women is featured as an instance of parrhesia (Foucault, 2011) that was able to establish a new regime of truth about the body, sexuality, and reproductive capacities of French women.

Phase transitions in the one-dimensional coulomb gas ensembles

We consider the system of particles on a finite interval with pairwise nearest neighbours interaction and external force. This model was introduced by Malyshev [Probl. Inf. Transm. 51 (2015) 31–36] to study the flow of charged particles on a rigorous mathematical level. It is a simplified version of a 3-dimensional classical Coulomb gas model. We study Gibbs distribution at finite positive tempera

Consumer motivations for sustainable consumption : The interaction of gain, normative and hedonic motivations on electric vehicle adoption

Recent conceptual studies identify gain, normative and hedonic factors as three categories of motivations of consumer proenvironmental behavior. However, empirical understanding of how these motivations interact and affect proenvironmental behavior is limited. This study is based on a survey of car owners in Sweden (N = 573) and uses structural equation modeling to analyze the data. The empirical

Objective detection and time-frequency localization of components within transient signals

An automatic component detection method for overlapping transient pulses in multi-component signals is presented and evaluated. The recently proposed scaled reassignment technique is shown to have the best achievable resolution for closely located Gaussian shaped transient pulses, even in heavy disruptive noise. As a result, the method automatically detects and counts the number of transients, giv

Pierre Janet and the Enchanted Boundary of Psychical Research

Among the founders of French psychology, Pierre Janet (1859 –1947) is recognized forboth his scientific and institutional roles. The psychology born at the turn of the 20thcentury was initially partly receptive to, but then engaged in, a battle with the “psychical marvelous,” and Janet was no exception. He was involved in the split between psychology and parapsychology (or “metapsychics” in France

The biogeochemical consequences of litter transformation by insect herbivory in the Subarctic : a microcosm simulation experiment

Warming may increase the extent and intensity of insect defoliations within Arctic ecosystems. A thorough understanding of the implications of this for litter decomposition is essential to make predictions of soil-atmosphere carbon (C) feedbacks. Soil nitrogen (N) and C cycles naturally are interlinked, but we lack a detailed understanding of how insect herbivores impact these cycles. In a laborat

Introgressive hybridization between the Atlantic and Pacific herrings (Clupea harengus and C. pallasii) in the north of Europe.

We present evidence of mitochondrial and nuclear introgression from the Atlantic herring Clupea harengus into the Pacific herring C. pallasii in northern European seas, where the two species have come into secondary contact following the post-glacial trans-Arctic invasion of Pacific herring to the Atlantic realm. Although the breeding areas of the two species are thought to be separate, 7 % of the